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  1. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    After being on the forum for some time now, i have noticed that there are far more women who love porn than i ever imagined. So, I love porn. ...Duh. But my Girlfriend gets all jealous and says it makes her feel inadequate when i watch it. But she gets off on a freakin battery powered dick! And all i am supposed to need is my imagination and mental images of her?Doesnt seem fair.
    We were in the finishing stages of naughty phone time and i made a suggestion that i saw in a past movie and BOOM! its over! Now shes offended! No finish! What gives! I am pissed at the double standard!
  2. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    Mods. Can you move this to the sexuality forum! Oops. sorry.
  3. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    Any suggestions on what to do to convince her im not a sexual deviant, or if i am, that its good clean livin.
  4. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    we (the women on the forum) are the minority, not the majority. unfortunately.
  5. Nympho

    Nympho sex kitten

    Jun 14, 2006
    hmm it could be difficult to changer her mind about porn. I have a feeling that most women don't like their guys watching it because they feel like they can't live up to the women in the porn. Let her know that they aren't as sexy as her.

    Perhaps you can suggest that you both watch some porn that she likes, and let her pick it out. Even if it is just the short clips or whatever.

    If that doesn't work, maybe you two need to have a good talk about porn. Let her know why you watch it, and let her tell you why she is so against it.
  6. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    Thats good advice nympho. does anyone else run into this double standard?
  7. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    she ain't lying about that

    so if you wanna marry a freak between the sheets, find love on the forum

    hmmmmm new forum slogan/ad campaign idea?
  8. Nympho

    Nympho sex kitten

    Jun 14, 2006
    I personally hate the double standard. It is ok for guys to mention/talk about porn but as soon as one of us women does it's like such an odd thing..

    It's an interesting thing to bring up in a conversation with guys. Just mention the fact that you watch porn and they are amazed
  9. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    i dont recall ever sayin the women here are the majority but i digress......... I just think its wrong to shame someone while in the throes of passion. I dont use a mechanical pussy, so whats wrong with porn.
  10. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    Im talking about this double standard. Shes has a vibrator and i have my hand. if i need "help" im a bad dude

    Thanks for the comments
  11. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    In my case, I came here because of my interest in erotica in the form of writing. My taste in pornography kind of evolved from that point. But I agree with Nympho...what's probably going on here is that she feels a little bit inadequate, threatened, unable to compete. Why GUYS don't feel that way, in the face of thousands of porn guys with monster cocks, incredible stamina, and access to hordes of gorgeous young girls with insatiable sexual appetites, is a mystery to me.

    My suggestion is to introduce her to some of the fantasy/erotica literature out there, much of it written by women. She needs to get in touch with her fantasy life.
  12. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    ...theres an interesting idea! Thanks Kimi:wink:
  13. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    There's nothing wrong with porn, as long as you don't get so preoccupied with it that you're no longer interested in her. It's her insecurity that you're both dealing with here.
  14. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007

    no, i didnt mean it in a bad way. i discovered that when i was watching the sex show with that old lady, and the answers she was giving, and the tips, and the responses from the women made me go "wait, what? no, all the girls on the forum would disagree." i know a lot of females who look at me and go "omg, you look at porn? that's gross." or they get angry at their men for watching porn and think they look at it because they're not happy with their woman. i know that's not true- unless you're turning your girl down to watch it. in my opinion, that's the ONLY reason a female should ever get offended by it. if you're getting cock from your man everyday (or close to it), you shouldn't care if he watches porn. let him live too! it'll give him ideas for things to try with you. chris always sees something and says "i want to try that with you." it's flattering! and i love it.
  15. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    The shame is that if she saw the porn i like, she would see that they look just like her. Ill keep at it. Im not hooked on porn, but being far apart it really helps
  16. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I always say, I don't care where he gets his appetite, as long as he eats at home. A cliche, I know, but it's true.
  17. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    And thats really what i said to her. Wanna try it? I wanted to make her "squirt" and i saw an instructional dvd. I suggested we watch it. BIG MISTAKE. Shes all i ever want, i just cant convince her! Really appreciate the response everyone!
  18. chainsaviar

    chainsaviar the kittens meow

    Feb 25, 2007
    Thats beautiful!:p
  19. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007

    exactly. men are men (and let them be). if they're with you, be confident enough to know that they must have a thing for ya. and relax.
  20. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007

    which brings me back to my first point. :(

    hmmm, maybe try the stuff without letting her know where you got it from? leave the porn as "your thing", and bring it into the bedroom (not the porn itself) without her knowing. she'll just assume you're a sex god. :cool: