Watch Dogs is the one game that gamers have become tired waiting for but still it does not seem like we have given up hope. Now that the release date is not so far away, the developer of the game, Ubisoft, is giving out various information and details about Watch Dogs and the gamers are eagerly waiting for the game to launch.

First Watch Dogs PC Trailer Released by Ubisoft - Boasts Advanced Nvidia Technologies and Features
Ubisoft Montreal's next biggest upcoming game is reasonably Watch Dogs. Launching next month on May 27, Watch Dogs was scheduled for release as a launch title for next-gen consoles way back in 2013. Ubisoft delayed the game saying it needed more polishing. Now as the release date of game is getting closer, Ubisoft is making gamers more desirous by releasing new information on the game.
Ubisoft has revealed several gameplay videos and screenshots of Watch Dogs since its reveal but most of the footage came from PlayStation 4 version of the game. Ubisoft shared almost nothing from the PC version of the game. Now recently, Ubisoft has released a trailer on YouTube showing Watch Dogs PC version. The trailer shows Chicago city and in-game environments.
Watch Dogs PC trailer revealed by Ubisoft shows how Ubisoft and Nvidia are working together to create visually most impressive game. In the video, Watch Dog's lead PC engineer explains how Nvidia's latest visual enhancement and optimization technologies are being used in creating dynamic in-game Chicago. Watch Dogs PC trailer is given below.
Watch Dogs is set to release on May 27, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360. Work on the Wii U version of the game has been stopped temporarily. What do you think about Watch Dogs PC version? Share your thoughts in the comments.