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  1. fangman

    fangman Porn Surfer

    May 2, 2007
    Hey all,

    Ok, i've been curios for a long time now I've got around to giving it a go. I have a latex glove and some Vic Vaporub from around the flat and decided to give it a go.

    However, i do not think i am doing it right. I put one finger in to just below the joint and don't really feel anything, just my finger up my ass, nothing plesurable or painful. I have tried 3 and feeling around, and i can feel some spots better than others, but nothing that get's be excited over.

    So any advice on what I should try? A good guide would be great!
  2. A010011000111

    A010011000111 Porn Star

    Nov 25, 2006
    vegetables are cheap and particularly phallic, if youre working on a budget. and you should use some other kind of lube, something less.... menthol.
  3. chris

    chris Porn Star

    Jul 24, 2005
    I found it cheaper in the long run to visit my nearest sex-shop, though do still buy an occasional cucumber.

    Get some of that nice-smelling lube that really gets hot.

    And just be slow about teasing around inside there. Treat your prostate the same way you would a woman's clit - "run it in" before you "ram it in".
  4. rajoo888

    rajoo888 Porn Star

    Jan 23, 2007
    Try with vegetables, most of us feel itching in anus some time or the other. This is due to hardening of tissues in inner wall which constantly absorbs food digested.Anal masturbation expands them and provides pleasure & satisfaction after a dildo goes in for about 6" persons who have experienced this,both male & female, do not give up anal masturbation or anal fuck.