This has always been a divisive subject and I think most of us regulars knpow each others pov's, however, interesting if new people read this stuff so:
Yes...we do really. There are flashbacks which show how Kane reacts, how he talks, how he 'is'....and sorry Silver, I love you mabn, but he ain;t submissive by nature. That's player choice. I'll saiy it again, yes Tess, like myself, is a Dom...but this story is not a femdom story at heart and at it's core, it's been turned into one. It's a false fallacy. A very well done yes...but not the default. Please don't be angry.
Again, yes we do...the Seth incident is proof of that. No supposition, no opinion, no rose-tinted....plain facts presented in the story which cannot be argued with or refuted.
Agree completely with that.
Careful...wandering dangerously into the realms of stating facts when they are options. It still remains to be clarified....exactly what Olvia was told/knows and by whom. Once again, wehn discussing, be clear with presented in the story...and what are our assumptions and opinions. I still believe (untuil proven otherwise in the story) Olivia knows far...far more than we are aware of as the player. I still also believe she knew about all the sisters (suggest re-reading the conversation at the helicopter with Caliista) and still believe she met Alexander.
Also, as a final thought, this is a great thread, let's keep it civil guys