thx for mod Murray and i would like to know what abbreviation rel means if i can choose int(erest) and rel or only int i am not native english speaker and its late so i have no idea not gona lie what abbreviation rel could be

also if there are more abbreviation please tell what they mean thanks
Hello my friend,
REL means Relationship.
Office Perk keeps score of the protagonist's love interests with 3 stats. REL = Relationship, INT = Interest and LOVE = self explanatory.
I don't see much difference between the INT and REL points. The game triggers events based on both scores, sometimes asking for INT and sometimes asking for REL. Only God and the developer know why.
The game, in addition, has a very particular way of measuring whether the points accumulated in the stats are enough for an event to occur.
Not in all, but in many cases, the number of points accumulated must be equal to the number of times those points were asked for.
The result of this scheme is that you cannot make a mistake even once in the decisions for such an LI because then the events will not be completed.
For example, the first decision in the game is to look at Jenny's ass or not. A novice player might answer this question in the negative. The scores would be Jenny.Int = 0 but Jenny.Int.Asked = 1. Even if you answer correctly during the rest of the game, there will always be a difference of 1 point between the two stats.
Then, to trigger an event, for example a sex scene with the protagonist, the game will ask if Jenny.Int >= Jenny.Int.Asked
(Note: Sorry, I'm a software developer and I see the world in programming statements.
Jenny.Int >= Jenny.Int.Asked
Should be read as:
If the points accumulated for Jenny are greater than or, at least, equal to the number of times the game asked you about said points.)
This condition is never met and the player does not know it because the wrongly answered question occurred in the prologue and the event occurs in episode 10.
I'm sorry to say this but the only way to avoid this issue is to follow my Mod to the letter.
I recommend playing the game raw once, without the Mod, and then playing it again following the Mod in detail to see how different one run can be from the other.
I wish you good luck with your game and, please, send me your feedback when you have the chance.
Best regards,