Ren'Py RWBY Trainer : Let's be honest, this is a [Devlog] now


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Hi gang.
Long time lurker, VERY occasional poster, and now first time developer (for Hentai anyway).
I've been into H, and H-games such as they were back then, since the days of dial-up; and recently I've started to dabble in Renpy.
I figure between a prior background in PLI/COBOL development and testing as a FS Industry AD1, and Screenwriting/Film Making degree I never use, I might be able to finally cause the horny rather than just enjoy it.
Full time job, and home commitments etc. , being what they are I doubt I'd do much more that 8-10 hours a week work on something like this, so this isn't the big launch of some amazing project or anything.

Initial prototype build (given that I'm not an artist) would contain SFW generative art and NSFW text, with a view to possibly asking for funding for NSFW art if people like what I'm producing.

The thought is a Project Outline like this;
Create a NSFW trainer program set in a parody RWBY setting.
Inspired by 4 Elements Trainer, Rogue-like, and The Headmaster.

The player will play as a private tutor hired to train an aged-up Ruby in order to improve her performance at Beacon University.
The game will avoid grind and mini-games, and focus instead on repeatable NSFW events in the style of Rogue-Like.
This means NSFW content will be available immediately, but the way in which you access it will change the way Ruby interacts with the PC.

Character development will be based on building a relationship with Ruby, where her opinion of the PC will develop based
on the actions you perform and how you interact with her.

Your training methods will either earn Ruby's Respect or Fear.
With her either complying with your methods out of a respect for their results and you, she may eventually even grow to enjoy them.
This pathway will take time and patience to complete, with a focus on developing a relationship and event aftercare.

Alternatively abuse your position of authority for instant gratification and force compliance from Ruby by treating her harshly and focussing
only on your pleasure. This pathway allows you to do things at your leisure, with a focus on harsher interactions and an unhappy Ruby.

Alternatively you can maintain a middle-ground, keeping Ruby in a state of begrudging and compliance.

Regardless of the methods you choose to train her, each training session improves her performance and additional scenes will unlock thresholded
on her performance scores in Academics and Combat.
The tone of those scenes will change based on your relationship, but all scenes will be unlockable by any method you choose.

There is no intended Win or Lose condition, and the relationship stats will not lock, meaning you can experiment freely and see what happens.
Experiencing every variation in a single play-through, with enough training that is.

I've been playing with Renpy for a couple of days now and I've made an initial VERY sketchy outline build with the first decision and the dialogue outcomes from it.

I guess I'm just kinda firing this out there into the ether to see how people respond and hopefully to get some thoughts on if people would like a project like this.
And any thoughts from seasoned developers in this field would obviously be very welcomed and taken on board.
- Fatbot


Aug 27, 2018
Нет комментариев то напишу я. Набросок игры пока ничего не говорит о ней. Поэтому просто несколько мыслей и вопросов.
1) Я так и не понял как будет выглядеть визуальная часть. То есть как запланировано. Если нет возможности рисовать самостоятельно то можно использовать Koikatsu, там вполне возможно довольно похожих персонажей использовать если нужна чтобы была пародия на аниме. Ну или HoneySelect 2, это если надо более реалистичный вид.
2) Насчёт сценария я так понял есть опыт в этом. Так что тут никаких вопросов.
3) Стиль игры. Не понятно как будет выглядеть игра сама. Помимо взаимодействия будет ещё что то? Если ничего другого не будет то тоже неплохо, есть и такие игры.
4) Игра будет в виде визуальной новеллы с выбором или будет в виде обычного тренера где надо повышать какие то навыки для разблокировки контента. Просто почитал что будет доступен контент с самого начала. Просто при этом будет не очень довольна та которую тренируешь. Это интересно. Но надо будет очень сильно постараться что бы при дальнейшем сюжете она запомнила то что выбрал до этого. Сделать это легко, трудно сделать и не запутаться много различных путей развитие сюжета. Так как ренпай в новинку то надо будет стараться. Если это будет в виде визуальной новеллы, то просто запоминаешь выбор и потом в зависимости от выбора сюжет будет идти в разные стороны в нужном месте. Если как тренер и постоянно надо будет выбирать её для каких то взаимодействий, не знаю как другие то я бы сделал чтобы при нажатии всегда переходил в одно место и там уже автоматически проверялось то что на выбирал до этого и уже от туда отправляло дальше к нужному сюжету.
5) Кто ещё будет помимо тренера и того кого тренируют?
6) Как бы сделал я это.
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7) так же оставлю ссылку на пример того как делать игру в стиле "Gloryhole", не совсем тренировка но принцип почти тот же. Может поможет немного при создании.
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If there are no comments, I will write. The draft of the game doesn't say anything about it yet. So just a few thoughts and questions.
1) I still don't understand how the visual part will look like. That is, as planned. If it is not possible to draw on your own, then you can use Koikatsu, it is quite possible to use quite similar characters if you need to have a parody of anime. Well, or HoneySelect 2, if you need a more realistic look.
2) As for the script, as I understand it, there is experience in this. So there are no questions.
3) Style of play. It is not clear what the game itself will look like. Is there anything else besides interaction? If nothing else is not bad, there are such games.
4) The game will be in the form of a visual novel with a choice or will be in the form of a regular trainer where you need to improve some skills to unlock content. I just read that content will be available from the very beginning. It’s just that the one you train will not be very happy with it. This is interesting. But it will be necessary to try very hard so that in the further plot she remembers what she chose before. It's easy to do, hard to do and not to get confused by the many different paths the story takes. Since renpai is new, it will be necessary to try. If it will be in the form of a visual novel, then you just remember the choice and then, depending on the choice, the plot will go in different directions in the right place. If, as a trainer, you will constantly have to choose it for some kind of interactions, I don’t know about others, then I would make it always go to one place when you press it, and there it would automatically check what I didn’t choose before and from there it would send further to the desired plot.
5) Who else will be besides the coach and who is being trained?

6) How would I do it.

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7) I will also leave a link to an example of how to make a game in the style of "Gloryhole", not quite a training but the principle is almost the same. Might help a little when creating
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Thank for the help and examples. I'll bear them in mind moving forwards. :D
The translation to English was also appreciated.

1) You're right, I don't have an art-style in mind yet. Beyond hand-drawn anyway.
My ideal direction for this would be to commission NSFW art bespoke for the game, but I feel like getting the bits I can do done first (text and game) is the plan.

3+4) Think trainer with a VN veneer
Allow me to expand on a core gameplay loop idea I've been percolating as I get a handle on Renpy.

So the core gameplay loop would look like this;
Day/Week Cycle with divided time periods.
Each time period has a tutoring/nsfw activity with Ruby
Players can choose the tone of that activity and it will contribute towards a persistent stat that will set the future tone of interactions with Ruby.
Tutoring Ruby will improve her abilities (recorded as persistent stats) as a huntress and as these improve so too do options for NSFW actions increase.

Ruby's abilities increasing will also occasionally trigger VN style skits between the Player and other cast members.
So no ongoing plot to speak of, initially anyway, just an infinitely looping set of NSFW interactions that change in tone based on player's actions and a few skit-like cutscenes.
Starting with an implemented structure to the loop means that new characters, mechanics, and even story content could be introduced later modularly if desired.

5) Initially;
Player - A mysterious perv
Ozpin - Player's boss
Glynda - Boss's right hand woman
Ruby - Trainee

Polished that first build and added some more expository content.
This also gives an example of what i mean about interaction tone changing with decisions now, as whether you sign up for the plan or are forced into it changes the tone of the interactions you have with Glynda as she introduces you to the campus.
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Aug 27, 2018
В сети есть готовые персонажи и тот который вам нужен тоже есть.
Надо только установить Koikatsu и сделать визуальную часть в студии.
Вот пара картинок. Это я по-быстрому сделал в студии просто скачав уже готовых персонажей. Если постараться то можно более точно сделать персонажей. Примеры картинок и карточки персонажей.

Насчёт игры. Я привёл простой пример того как бы я сделал. Который прочитал звучит хорошо, но делать сложнее. Надеюсь что мои комментарии немного помогли.

There are ready-made characters on the network and the one you need is also there.

You just need to install Koikatsu and do the visual part in the studio.
Here are a couple of pictures. I quickly did this in the studio by simply downloading ready-made characters. If you try, you can more accurately make the characters. Sample pictures and character cards.

About the game. I gave a simple example of how I would do it. Which I read sounds good, but it's harder to do. Hope my comments help a little.

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Sgt. M

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
Really interesting, can't wait for the 1st full release. Will there be pregnancy and other members like the sister Yang?


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Hope my comments help a little.
Very much so :D

Really interesting, can't wait for the 1st full release. Will there be pregnancy and other members like the sister Yang?
The initial plan is no on both fronts, but we'll see how the project evolves.
In an ideal world this project would expand to include the whole of team RWBY and beyond.
The way things are headed with the dialogue so far Glynda's gonna end up on the receiving end too.
BUT this is a hobbyist project for me, and I'd have to take it a whole lot more seriously to get there.
Still, it'd be cool to think I could (I just ain't promising or fooling myself just yet).

Pretty knackered today, so all I did was go back through the extant dialogue and add narration, and add something more akin to a real intro.
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
It's official.
I'm hooked on doing this.

Here's the latest build, now with some definitely NSFW written content.

TRIGGER WARNING one of the paths here leads to what is indisputably a sexual assault.
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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Ok, so getting to the next stage was a LOT of work.
But here it is.
What's changed?
There's a CNC Disclaimer and Trigger Warning s built in now.
Polished some wording, formatting, and spelling.
Oh, and I;
Added a whole new skit in Ozpin's office where we FINALLY meet Ruby
Setup and introduced the training stats
And built 3 demonstration interaction scenes (1 headpats, 1 genteel spanking, and one violent spanking) for Ruby
Not bad progress, at this rate I'm almost at something you could call a Demo!

You'll notice a build was skipped, that's because I'm a derp-face who forgot to share it.
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Sgt. M

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
Pretty good update, outside of needing consistent character art for Ruby it was good can't wait for more.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Pretty good update, outside of needing consistent character art for Ruby it was good can't wait for more.
Thank you :D
Yeah using the generative stuff is pretty meh, can't wait to have a serviceable demo so I can see if the project's worth talking to some artists about.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Nearly a week without updates, curse you work and life and such.
A lot of what's in this update is back-end stuff to make Ruby's training work when we get there.
BUT I didn't want to drop an update without a little more creative content, so now Ruby can be recruited by both Supportive and Stern means, both of which play out a bit differently depending on how you and Glynda got along during the tour.

Harsh recruitment is next before the real Gameplay Loop gets underway.
But that last part is gonna take a lot more hours of King Crimson and hot tea.

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Sgt. M

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
you posted the wrong update, it says 0.01.5 but when downloaded its 0.01.2, an older one.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
PROBABLY the last update until next weekend (work, social life, marriage, and so on to enjoy).
I'll keep plugging away in the free time I have to start bringing the core gameplay loop online though.
In the meanwhile enjoy the Harsh recruitment scene, with branches for your relationship with Glynda.
And we finally get some closure for our mysterious fellator under Ozpin's desk :D

What do we think, is this enough of a build to count as a Demo yet?


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Nothing exciting to report other than I managed to snatch a couple of hours to work on the game this evening :D

No new updates, not really, but I've now setup a day/period cycle.

First off, credit to Anne O'nymous whose work here on the forums I shamelessly cribbed and edited to make this work.

I'm dividing the week into the usual 7 days (RWBY is not very forthcoming as a show with how their chronology works but this SEEMS right).

I've set it up so the days are split between Morning (Ruby's in class, so we're free), Afternoon (Combat Training) and Evenings (Private Tutoring) during the weekdays. The same periods exist for weekends but I'm not 100% how I'll use them yet.

I've created and tested placeholder menus just to test the cycle (which works), so the next thing is to build simplified placeholder training actions for weekday afternoons and evening and test them.

Getting into the real meat of structuring the game now, fun stuff.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Another non-update update for today.
Went back to do some dialogue reformatting to tidy up and insert the use of asterisks to denote noises as part of dialogue, and i noticed that if you chose to be stern in recruiting Ruby you didn't get to play with Glynda.
That seems unfair.

So now we have 2 more scenes with Glynda ;D

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Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
2 days of writing, and not enough new content to be worth an update.
Chronology system is working and structured to fit the game, again can't credit Anne O'nymous enough for this.
A LOAD more RWBY sprites created, so she can do stuff in the Arena.
The first blush of the Gym Training sequence is underway too, with new sprites and a few scenes with Ruby already written.
I've also been toying with PixAI trying to make some sexier art for future implementation (but that's a WAY away) and I'm still
100% committed to shifting to real art and artists if this becomes a serious project.
Here's a prototype of Ruby's butt, because.......... butt.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Well another good dose of work has given us our initial training session with Ruby.

There are 3 levels of training harshness, with subtle differences.
And then you can let Ruby choose her reward, or you can punish her.
She'll react differently depending on your earlier treatment of her, so there's 6 possible responses.
Now I need to sort out the more looped training stuff, and the math that powers her reaction to your relationship
for the impact it has on her training, which thankfully will all transfer to her academic training too.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Hello lovlies!
Another busier week ahead, so who knows how much actual content I'll be able to push out.
But today's hard work has created a functional test mode, and an outline of the design blocks for the gym training.
It's gonna be a HELL of a lot of new dialogue and stuff just for the 5 training activities and commensurate punishment types, so I may only include the first 2 in an initial demo and then move on to the academic training and get a couple of events developed for that too before we officially go live on version 0.1.0.
in the meanwhile here are some more AI tests for the art;
pixai-1650212396632510920.png pixai-1649965622239667422 (1).png
As cute as these are I'd definitely going to have issues getting the various poses and specificity of designs etc. I want from an AI service (especially a free one). So once the demo is ready to upload I think real artists are definitely the way forward.


Game Developer
Feb 1, 2018
Still not ready for another update.
As I develop the dialogue options I'm finding myself tracking and calling back on a ruby's trust and horniness stats a lot, which means the testing menus needed more expanding.
Built a whole load of context sensitive menus and dialogues to set up Ruby's training, and punishment options.
I've built the "supportive" training, from which the "stern" and "harsh" need to now be developed.
Then it's onto the soft, normal, and harsh punishments built the same way, and their context sensitive outcomes.
And then the whole raft of context sensitive logic and dialogues for Ruby's choosing a reward.
THEN we'll have version 0.01.8!
So hopefully by next week.
He're Ruby looking less than pleased about what's in store for her poor butt........ as a thankyou for continued patience. pixai-1650594474316345224.png