OK, so I downloaded the game a few days ago when I saw those amazing preview pics, and I tried it today for the first time.
I have a few comments to make.
Firstly, the art is FANTASTIC. The models look almost like real people, with real facial expressions, detailed skin textures, emotions, etc. These are some of the most realistic models I have found in this genre. Congratulations! You should be really happy!
Those sex animations left me speechless too. For such an early release, they looked impressive.
Also, the story is interesting for people like me who like post-apocalyptic settings. I hope that despite the tropes of the genre, you will find a way to create a story that makes sense.
In general, I was very very pleased by what I've seen in this first release.
Now some things that in my opinion would need to be improved:
- Firstly, the text is full of grammar and spelling mistakes, but you already know it.
A couple of times the name of the person speaking is wrong or is missing, so what the person is saying is shown as narration.
When Martínez and Camila were chatting, it wasn't clear who was who because you kept switching the camera angle and focusing on the person who was NOT speaking at that time. Then Martínez came to meet the MC and it was clear then, but the previous conversation was confusing.
I'm sure you will correct most of these issues in the next episode, so I will replay it then and if I still notice some mistake I will let you know
- Something very important: I know more about the story because I read the overview in the first post of this thread, but if I hadn't read it I would be really confused. The game gives us a few bits of information about where we are and what has happened, but they're not enough to understand the context. For example, are we in Argentina or not? Because I thought we were, and then the MC asks Zoey "That accent... Are you from
another country too?" and she replies "You are right, I'm from the south of Argentina, and when the breakout happened I was evacuated to Buenos Aires". That answer makes you think that we are NOT in Argentina.
Similarly, we arrived at what I thought was a hotel (it wasn't) and don't know shit about the context either. Didn't the guy on the phone say the job would be done "outside the city walls"? Why are we in that particular place? And who exactly are those people there? I hope this will be answered during the travelling scene that will be added later.
- The animations are really crisp and beautiful, but they look weird at lower speeds. Only the top speed looks natural in my opinion.
- You auto-advance the images waaaaaaay too much! Everywhere! Sometimes you don't even give us the opportunity to see a render when we are moving to next, and then the next, and then.... If it's an action scene it makes sense to give us a feeling of speed, but other times it doesn't make sense and it's really annoying. For example, when Zoey and the MC were rummaging in the hotel room, I could barely notice the phones, the Nintendo Switch and other stuff accumulating on the floor because the images were moving so fast. I had to press H to force every image to stop so that I could analize what was going on. And that's just an example.
- Finally, one thing related to Zoey's body.
All the women that we've seen so far are absolutely beautiful, but the curvy women are especially GORGEOUS, ATTRACTIVE, SEXY, MOUTH-WATERING, ALLURING, ENTICING, DELICIOUS... Want me to go on?

I loved their body types. They are thicc as fuck but in a good and realistic way. They don't look exaggerated or fat. I don't know who was the idiot who said they looked fat. Don't change that!
HOWEVER, I have a complaint about Zoey's model: her legs and thighs are too thin for the rest of her body. There is a lack of proportion there, with such a big ass and such thin legs, like a Kardashian's ass, you know?
In that regard, Anais's model looks better proportioned because she's thick everywhere. Give Zoey slightly thicker thighs and she'll be perfect!
So that's everything I wanted to say. I'm sorry for the wall of text

I believe you are from Argentina, right?
Mucha suerte, compadre. Seguiré de cerca la creación del juego, y si no te pasas con la parte sandbox estoy seguro de que estará entre mis favoritos.
Good job and keep it up!