
궁하면 통한다
Apr 30, 2017
Here is my modded Assembly-CSharp.dll for v0.5.1b.

You will find in the Settingsmenu (Phone > Bottom right corner) 3 New Options which will toggle the cheats.
  1. Cheat: Toogle Money Lock - will set your money to 100000 and locks it there
  2. Cheat: Toggle Needs Lock - will set sleep, food, hygiene and stress to 100 and locks them there. As a result your Mood will always be maxed
  3. Cheat: Toggle Energy Lock - will lock your energy at 100. Not sure it thisis really needed ...
The cheats are deactivated when you start a new game, but will remain active between savegames.

The dll goes into "man of the house_Data\Managed\" directory
Thanks alot Added to OP

Deleted member 42

how do you unlock ashley hj? cuz apparently there is one, watching porn during the night but she just leaves. : edit i modified values


I really would expect much more content in a 5th gen.
The little sis looks like the daughter on DMD. Some scenes make no scenes for the cheated values, and no real content but some Disney Channel level porn. Kids, don't make porn then be afraid to show some sex.


Aug 5, 2016
Thanks a lot mate, I'm already working hard on the next release, which is scheduled to release somewhere next week.
From now on I'll be able to focus more on new content and balancing, since the engine is done.
Hey man is there any plans for having a girl with a more slender body? I feel like the mother, older and younger sister look rather similar. Any small boob girl around?
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2017
@Faerin : I'm glad to see you here, communication is important. Also, I want you to know that while many here are not willing to spend money, this kind of forum will bring you basically free advertisement around the net, and many people will decide to support you if, after having tried it, they think that you're doing a good job and don't slack.

Since we come from some bad days from the POV of patreon releases, with other big games that delivered very little and/or very poorly, I want to summarize here what I think about game development. I hope it'll help you to avoid mistakes that seems to help you, but they do it only in the short run, while damaging you on the long run:

1- if you plan to change the appearance of the characters, do it now. The more you will go ahead with the story, the more you will have to give to the player the chance to have a deep connection with te characters. This doesn't mean to allow him to do more dirty actions, it means to build a consistent lore around the character, to make it feel real. You can decide that you want to make a game about just sex if you want, but it doesn't matter, characters have to be believable and feel real, so choose now their appearance and stick with it. Don't change it when you'll be already well ahead with the develpement, otherwise you'll break this immersion at the following update and also you'll have to redo many scenes.

2- don't let the playerbase influence your game's story. We pay, we play. That's it. Big brother is the brightest example of how to let other people ruin your game. Run polls on the cloth styles if you want. Give to higher patreons early releases, 4k CGs .rar packs, anything but the chance to change your story. The writing must be set in stone unless they tell you that something doesn't make sense, and, even then, it's up to you to decide how to change it.

3- build your game to be modded if possible. Look at the TES saga, the new XCOM saga, the STALKER saga and many other games: I, myself, translated mega mods that came out even more than a decade after the game. That, I'm sure, is the proof of what people do when they think a game that's already really good but could be even awesome. If you want to integrate those people into your team is up to you. Think about the possibilities!

4- If you can make well animated h-scenes they're a BIG plus that will make your game skyrocket. An example: saltyicecream. The guy takes a month or more to make a single gif, but it's often so god-tier that you can just ask for more.

5- don't slack. If you feel that you can't deliver anything worthy of the people's money, suspend the payments for that month, explain the situation to you patreons and, if you're not sure about when you'll be able to get back on it, DON'T give any date. We lost count of the broken promises and never delivered builds. Also, the money you get is yours to spend how you want and people will bitch about it only if it's a lot and they don't get enough in return: don't mind them, they often are the same people that don't patronize anybody at all and/or don't have any idea of how much work and money it takes to make a game. Just do your part.

I'm getting sleepy, so this is all. I hope it helps you. You can read about critics specific to your game in the rest of the thread, so there's no need to talk about them here. I wish you good luck with your project.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
Hey man is there any plans for having a girl with a more slender body? I feel like the mother, older and younger sister look rather similar. Any small boob girl around?
Definitely, too be honest I just didn't really expect things to take off so fast, so I'm kinda overwhelmed right now.
The plan is too make a game that incorporates lots of different (types of) girls, each with their own storylines and events, but in all honesty everyone starts out like that ;)

So for now I'll be developing the storylines of the 3 current characters, while gradually introducing new girls.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
@Faerin : I'm glad to see you here...
You know, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write that!
Those are some really helpful tips and I get what you're saying!
Even though I really like making games, it takes a lot of work (more than many people imagine) and it feels really nice to get some appreciation and feedback like this, even if it's not all positive!

I'll try not to make too many promises and those that I do make, I'm gonna do my best to deliver!
I'm really undecided about the character appearance: personally I feel it shouldn't be that big of a problem (kinda like seeing the same actor in a different movie), but if you guys tell me you feel that's really important, I'm definitely not going to ignore that!

Like you said, communication is important, so one promise that I will make is that I will always try to keep communicating! ;)

Good night!


Jul 15, 2017
Holy fuck you guys are brutal! Haha, I love it!
There's so much discussion here and I just uploaded the game a day ago!

I actually registered here to adress a few things:
The artwork is not ripped from other games, but as someone pointed out,there are standard models that a lot of people starting out (like me) use. I'm actually considering changing it, but I could use that time to create additional content instead as well...but it's on my list!

I absolutely love that you guys are already hacking it (when 24 hours ago I was hoping I'd just get a few players) and will definitely take all your comments about the mood system into account!
If you manage your actions efficiently, you will never have to get a bad mood, but I don't want it to feel like you're grinding your ass of. That being said I'm still trying to find the right balance.

I created the engine from scratch and it features much more functionality then you are currently seeing content wise (hence the complexity). I have already developed a cheat console which will be included in the next version, for those of you who'd rather just skip the grinding.

Thanks for all the interest and feedback guys, really appreciate it as this game took a lot of work.

Yes, you are right, people can be somewhat brutal on the internet. Frankly spoken: even though the game still has very little content, some bugs and severe balancing problems, it's still one of the best alphas I've ever played. The CGI is top notch, the resource, skill and relations components add a pleasant degree of complexity, and you even added a realistic traveling system (holy shit!!!). The interface is nice, the characters behave somewhat realistic and if all of this weren't enough you even added an extensive tutorial. In short: You obviously put a lot of effort into this, and it shows! :)

So please don't mind all the criticism from people who do not know what amount of work goes into something like this. For my part: I have yet to be made aware of a better early version of a free game like this.

Great work!

P.S.: Man, that's a really NICE flat your protagonist lives in! ;)


May 8, 2017
Holy fuck you guys are brutal! Haha, I love it!
There's so much discussion here and I just uploaded the game a day ago!

I actually registered here to adress a few things:
The artwork is not ripped from other games, but as someone pointed out,there are standard models that a lot of people starting out (like me) use. I'm actually considering changing it, but I could use that time to create additional content instead as well...but it's on my list!

I absolutely love that you guys are already hacking it (when 24 hours ago I was hoping I'd just get a few players) and will definitely take all your comments about the mood system into account!
If you manage your actions efficiently, you will never have to get a bad mood, but I don't want it to feel like you're grinding your ass of. That being said I'm still trying to find the right balance.

I created the engine from scratch and it features much more functionality then you are currently seeing content wise (hence the complexity). I have already developed a cheat console which will be included in the next version, for those of you who'd rather just skip the grinding.

Thanks for all the interest and feedback guys, really appreciate it as this game took a lot of work.
Ah the creator welcome to our humble hive of scum and villainy. Jokes aside keep up the good work people will alwys be happy to give feed back, whether or not it is constructive.

white dude

Apr 29, 2017
Great game although the only thing I dislike is that I always gotta click on those arrows to go EVERYWHERE, I like The Twist route where you can go to X place directly or you can click on doors/stairs etc to go to the next room.
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
Great game although the only thing I dislike is that I always gotta click on those arrows to go EVERYWHERE, I like The Twist route where you can go to X place directly or you can click on doors/stairs etc to go to the next room.
Just a general comment, you still have the exact same amount of clicking in this game vs. The Twist, one click per room, unless of course in the Twist you want to go somewhere that's not immediately adjacent, then it's two clicks (open travel menu then the location), or three clicks (when going to town menu, then location, then specific room).

So is the complaint about having to "click" in general or having to click something (the arrow vs. a door) you'd prefer not to do? I do agree that clicking a door is easier (and perhaps more intuitive) but there still has to be an arrow or other button to represent something behind the character.
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1- if you plan to change the appearance of the characters, do it now.

2- don't let the playerbase influence your game's story.

3- build your game to be modded if possible.

4- If you can make well animated h-scenes they're a BIG plus that will make your game skyrocket. An example: saltyicecream. The guy takes a month or more to make a single gif, but it's often so god-tier that you can just ask for more.

5- don't slack.
I think these points are very good. Especially the first 2. Lock down your character design and story NOW. You only hurt yourself if you try to change horses in the middle of the stream sort of speak. And definitely have a developed story beforehand. The foundation of all art is the story. If you have weak story or an unfinished story everything else will suffer.

Last I will say is filter out the noise. Listen to constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is NOT opinion. It's advice that tries to help you improve. Someone may not like something you did and they are entitled to their opinion but constructive criticism is intended to help you get better at what you are already doing not try to get you to change.
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Just loves....
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2017
Looks nice!
I just noticed the city map is of :)
Last edited:
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
You know, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write that!
Those are some really helpful tips and I get what you're saying!
Even though I really like making games, it takes a lot of work (more than many people imagine) and it feels really nice to get some appreciation and feedback like this, even if it's not all positive!

I'll try not to make too many promises and those that I do make, I'm gonna do my best to deliver!
I'm really undecided about the character appearance: personally I feel it shouldn't be that big of a problem (kinda like seeing the same actor in a different movie), but if you guys tell me you feel that's really important, I'm definitely not going to ignore that!

Like you said, communication is important, so one promise that I will make is that I will always try to keep communicating! ;)

Good night!
Hey @Faerin glad to have you. We need to get you a "Developer" tag once you're verified...

Some thoughts & observations:
1. Regarding character appearance...
Yes, since they are stock models they will look the same as other games, that doesn't mean you "ripped them off" but that all of you just plugged in the generic and off you went. That's not bad per se, at least your models don't have that funky/ugly upper lip thing going on that some other games have here.

The only things I'd tweak (if it were me) was that all of the characters have the same "rosebud" mouth, and the extremely wide "child bearing" hips.
For the mouth: It's small and the upper lip is larger than the bottom lip. That doesn't happen as often in real life, and can lead to a RBFsyndrome, plus it makes the models look a little strange when they smile with just the corners up their mouth raised and no flattening/lengthing of the upper lip as really happens when people smile and the underlying muscles pull tight.

For the hips: Its a bit unusual looking to me (then again I always liked the more streamlined physique like a swimmer or general fitness/crossfit) that these characters have ultra wide hips, with little butt to go with it. I am not sure if the 3D modelling software can accurately portray how all that fits together since most butt's aren't perfectly round at all times, unless the woman has done a ton of squats/lunges, etc. I do hope you introduce some "athletic" types, and no they don't have to be bodybuilders or <10% bodyfat.

2. Gameplay and Impresions...
As already mentioned in the thread, the interface is great, and loved the tutorial. I thought it was easy to use, with only a few ideas..
-- Save feature will be needed sooner rather than later, especially when the player will need to grind (unless you want everyone to cheat) for a bit to get things like the $400 bed, etc.
-- Affection level: You show via text when it goes up, but there doesn't seem to be (or I missed it) any cumulative total for what the various women feel about you.
-- Odd minutes due to travel: The travel times can make things awkward when the player can only wait in either 15 min or 1 hr increments. If you're sitting at 10:58 for example and want to wait till 11:00 you have to go past it at 11:13. This may not matter if you have event iwndows that are always 30 min or larger, but thought it might be something to keep in mind later on.
-- Stat juggling is not hard, just have to remember that the player doesn't have to sleep. Now if you ever force it where you do have to sleep then a rebalance would be needed. Maybe if you made comments like "a new bed would sure help me sleep better" for example, that might spur players to go hunt for things to upgrade. Also, as someone else said, how can your stress level not go down when sleeping? Must be some very bad dreams, lol!

3. Bugs...
Have only seen one so far, when peeking in on the mom and it (assuming here since it's a white screen/missing pic) zooms in on her chest before she notices the MC.
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