What an absolutely amazing game! Tight movement, fun world to explore, and rewarding exploration to match! This game's primary issue is that it's a porn game. After 50 minutes of playing, I got only 1 sex scene (not counting masturbation). With a game so immediately polarizing, it's almost criminal to make such an alluring game without more content to match.
This is, without a doubt, the best furry porn game I've ever played in terms of raw gameplay. Fluid, fun locomotion with very appealing models to look at. Characters to talk to, each with unique things to say, and a fully fledged UI that is honestly better than a lot of fully funded games! There are even unique lines for being naked...but that's it.
No characters wanting to bang you while you're naked, no spontaneous sex, no sex at all, really. For as fun as this game is, it's clearly 18+ first, as you IMMEDIATELY get naked. Yet, for all that, there's almost no content. It's just a long, albeit fun, cocktease. This game really needs to lean more into what it clearly is. An adult game. Having it fall to the wayside only can harm it, as this could easily stand alone as a normal furry game without porn, making it more broadly appealing. Don't get me wrong, I don't want that, I WANT to see the sex in this. The models are hot, characters are hot, and the game is FUN, so I want more of everything! But this NEEDS porn. It is a porn game. So where is it? Why is it so hard to get? Good porn games need a proper balance of gameplay and lewd enjoyment, but sadly, this doesn't nail that at all.
With how well it nails absolutely every aspect of gameplay, I really hope this gets the proper improvements it needs, as it easily could stand as one of THE best porn games of all time, let alone furry porn games!
Regardless, it does a fantastic job making a highly enjoyable game with astoundingly stellar movement and a delightful world to explore. Fantastic QoL, amazing polish right away, and it just...it feels to have been made by passionate people. I love that. I just hope this leans into having porn more heavily, or for its own sake...removes it outright. This game deserves to succeed, but it's shooting itself in the foot twice over by having both too little porn, and any at all.