My thoughts on updates for Multi-Path games is fairly basic. 2-5 SMALL additions to the story so the MAIN characters get SOMETHING. ALSO, 1-2 LARGE scenes to push things along.
For an example consider this: Alice gets a small addition to her daily massage (1 extra bit like 'lower back' added to the other areas). Lisa gets sunscreen applied by Max. Ann/Mom agrees to teach Max to cook and we see him boiling water each morning (small conversation and a few images). that would be 3 'NEW' scenes that hopefully would be small or even TINY, but show that some of the missions/stories ARE moving. THEN we could see the 1-2 big additions like the (EVIL Scum) Eric story or Alice's Blog events getting some larger scenes added. If each update were to be set-up like this I THINK people might be happier because while a 'Favorite' character might not get much new content in an update, they would at least get something. The next update MIGHT have the lager section shift to a different mission like Homework for Lisa, or the afternoon with Alice (swimming/massage), and the Blog would be skipped (or receive a SMALL addition). I'm not sure if I did a good job explaining this, but hope I did.
At this point I predict that the 'Focus' will be the WAR/friendship with (EVIL Scum) Eric. This will need to be established and possibly the 'Quick' removal added. So probably 3-4 updates with content on both sides. I don't know how much more will be needed to complete the 'WAR', but if we use this as my example of the 'Large' additions, then we might (if possible) get small 1 step additions like I explained earlier to move other things forward.
Did this Rambling mess make ANY sense?? Will Max Get a Daytime Swimming Scene?? Will Ann/Mom ever bake Chocolate Chip Cookies for the family?? These and other exciting questions will be answered in future episodes of 'I confuse myself'.
Just a thought.