Others Partial WIP Black Conqueror: Lord of Tartanova [RJ01080136][Negative gang] ENG Translation ver. 0.20


Mar 7, 2019
Hey, i'm not sur it help, but i'm here to say thanks you. I hope it doesn't pass as flood, if it is, we can delete my comment.
I wanted to try this game but it's too difficult to read in Japanese. Having said that, i'm learning this language so even the work you've done here is interesting, it give me some vocab and some idea of how accurate some translation of some status word can be.

Even if i understand that this game won't be finished, i still want to say that it deserve praise. Japanese is a difficult language to learn in my opinion, and sometime some people here don't understand how much. More importantly, traducing a game, editing image and so on is a real job, so i think it deserve more recognition.

Yeah maybe my comment is just stupid/naïve but i'm amaze that some people are just kind enough to do this type of job for free, even if it's incomplete. Thanks you again kind fellow humans : ) .


Jul 21, 2018
Hi guys,
it's been a while, so I think I should tell you what is going on now.

At first, I have found out that translating the script takes me more time than expected, so I decided to translate only the opening and tutorial in the next update and my favorite parts only after that, so I'm not going to give up before this is done.

However, I have spilled some juice on my laptop last week, which probably destroyed my SSD disk with the data. Every other part of the computer is working now, only the disk is dead, but I'm still trying to wash it in various dissolvents, so we shall see.

Fortunatelly, the moment I spilled the juice I took out my flash drive and make the backup, so no progress is actually lost, but I forgot to make a backup of the "image data" – basically a directory that contained the cleared out images without any text and so on, plus txt files with important info about what is written where, so I could easily do the changes.

I don't really want to continue without this data, so until I give up on the SSD disk, I'm not working on this. And by the way, the next update is almost done, so I'm making it even without the SSD, it only makes further changes much more difficult.

Please, learn from my example and don't make the same mistake as me.
