VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Daddy Daughter Love [v0.054] [BabysWithRabys]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    extremely derivative. it is eerily similar to games like radiant, single again and picture perfect. but worse than all three. the devs name is at least amusing. though if it is anything like the content, i'm sure they borrowed it from somewhere else.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a matter of taste ultimately. Story is straight forward and kinda cringey.

    The renders are nice but the character models look all similar especially their bodies. Their faces are like half Anime, half Yoda and half Michael Jackson. I wonder with whom the 40 yrs old MC had to bang in order to produce those specimens.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very hot, particulatly the last scene in build 0.019 with the MC sister.
    The game is certainly not perfect, but it will make it rain a couple of loads already.
    Anyways the two elder daughter were my favorite but I am now favoring the MC's sister :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome game. Graphics is marvelous, those extrabig eyes, toon style faces mixed with realistic bodies and beautiful girls - all is great. Hope you keep on good work and have this game developed till the end.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Fix the all-caps font. Seriously, it's obnoxious as hell.

    • The girls are pretty
    • The girls have great tits
    • Arguably the best of taboos
    • There’s (kinda) background music
    • I really enjoy the sarcasm. Like, a lot. Please keep this coming.

    • Limited choices in interactions, and they come with no real caution or consequence
    • As is standard in VNs – which I’ll never understand, given that the “N” stands for “novel” – English grammar issues aplenty.
      • Dev attaches apostrophes to words they are guessing need them because they’re plural, which makes them possessive nouns instead. Then, when an apostrophe is actually needed, it’s missing (“lets” vs “let’s”)
      • In which English-speaking country is “favorite” considered “favourite”, but “honors” isn’t “honours”?
      • Other grammar issues. Needs a proofreader.
    • Bad animation. Example:
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    • I’m going to put this in the Cons section of every game where devs skip this little detail: when transitioning scenes and you insert a black frame, you need to make the game auto-transition to the next frame. It’s annoying to have to manually proceed past these as a reader.
    • Kendra doesn’t respect the custom name you give your MC in her introductory dialog.
    Definitely interested in seeing how this develops, and hopefully some of the painful elements are addressed in future updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very enjoyable, light-hearted and mischievous 3D cartoon parody of its subject, neat, well-rounded and clearly quite lovingly crafted with little with which to personally find fault. I think the creator is, and has accordingly been, smart in the style and presentation of his/her easy-going tale.

    The story line is "cute" without being hackneyed or contrived and the characters all fit together perfectly to form a believable cast of off-the-wall funsters. The rendering is also, for my taste, perfectly fine.

    The characters are naughty, full of themselves and amicably combative, yet also (something I really enjoyed) openly self-effacing, which, for me, undoubtedly added poignancy to the odd moments of adversity.

    I particularly liked the design of the two girls who, although energetic, curvy (which, in a girl, really appeals to me) and well stacked are far from recognizable or imaginable as real human females, especially blessed with those bizarre, caricature, animé-looking eyes. Very clever.

    I think the whole approach to this creation is impressive. It's a really nice little piece of enjoyable entertainment and, for me, on all fronts, easily earns my five star rating.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.017
    The renders themself are ok but I think that all models are a bit too curvy, I think the Dev even made their tits and asses bigger since the first release.

    The coding in the v0.017 update has a bit buggy.

    The big problem with the game is the writing it’s terrible.

    For now, I give the game 2 stars but the trend goes more towards 1 star.

    Update for b0.02
    The story/writing/scenes whatever you want to call it get worse with each update now the MC isn't only a wimp that can't defend himself and more importantly his daughters he also shoots blanks
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game. I love the animations, they are cute, I love the girls, all super cute, with their own personalities.
    I always love then there are like peaking in games or watching ppl sleeping or in the shower etc .. and this game has that.
    So far super short, so can't wait for more updates in the future.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a review for v0.010 of the game. Continuation of the v0.008 version I played earlier.

    The game has potential as a concept, and while it has a couple of bright points, it did fall short in the end for me. The renders are nice to look at, even if the eyes are a bit too cartoonish for my personal taste.

    Two things in particular I didn't like in this game. During a certain scene, the MC is given the choice between two dialogue options, both of which lead to the same exact result. The game steers you towards being the punching bag, without giving you proper agency or choice to avoid these confrontations. The dialogue is awkward at times as well, with plenty of inconsistencies as well.

    Hope the quality of the story improves as development progresses.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    A loooooooooong way to go until it deserves a decent rating. Gilrs are hot in my opinion, and thats it. I dont like an MC who is a punchbug and a clown,a little too much, specially in this very early stage cause those moments are eating like 15% of the actual content, which right now is low to nothing.

    But, girls are hot as hell, cant deny that, so this will be a game to look for, i hope before my dick stops working for good.

    Edit 022:
    For some reason i think the blonde body chnaged from contaiined to absurd, and now there is only 1 and 1/2 decet looking girls and the rest follow the same exagerated proportions.
    The girl that has the ebst proportions now has green and purple hair for some reason (Realy, why?)
    This for me kind of ruined it.
    More girls were introduced, and they both follow this shitty proportions thing. If DAZ could take it and make it look good, i would be 100% agreeing with the idea, but its hard for 3D models without specific and hard work which this game doesn't have.
    And in the middle of all these new feelings of rejection a sex scene was given to me out of nowhere and the scene was kind of bad. And this definetely killed the game for good.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    ima try to take a crack at addressing my feelings playing this

    as of [v0.008]
    the dialogue is pretty cringe
    why does Brittany tell Clarissa in your presence that you didnt react in a previous photoshoot where models dressed in skimpier outfits?
    ->doesnt Britt's out of place remarks rule out the response "[erections] happen on the shoot sometimes" that you later give Clarissa
    better yet why do you so readily admit to Clarissa you and Britt spoke about the rocket in your pocket anyways?
    when you did indeed speak about work for most the conversation
    why does Clarissa ask if you're banging Britt
    -ye i know "why" she said she asked, but that kinda questioning needs far more build up for it to be remotely rational to ask.
    the flow of conversation is abysmal to say the least
    and the end result is developments feel forced and contrived

    i cant say im fond of the renders
    the application of the models used though...
    the only animation this version felt like a pretty bad blowjob scene
    -though ive seen worse
    the gestures and facial expressions are strange
    whats going on when Clarissa walks in on you in the shower?
    his reaction
    his face
    and the way he stands
    combine to create a cartoonish freakshow known as the 40 yr old [not] virgin Landlord
    mentioned the photoshoot earlier
    saying they are weird is an understatement
    and it happens WAY too often
    -when you cancel the photoshoot
    -when you talk to Bethany about your dick
    -when Clarissa asks about your relationship with Bethany
    -heck when Madison jus has a blank look on her face inbetween you getting your ass kicked and you making a choice to get your ass kicked anyways
    //seriously... why does the fight scene even have choices if the end result is the same

    im no game dev
    but based on my experience playin this
    i'd recommend you take things one step at a time
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I was looking forward to some updates But i really thought game would be better then now Last reviewed this on version 0.004 Now 0.022 Feel like nothing changed Story confusing me This feels like no Dad & daughter incest game
    But more like a single man gets a visit from beautiful woman Renders are good and thats only thing i really like

    No bugs
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Played the 0.004 version

    What should i say? GREAT game so far. The girls look extremely cute, the overall setup (of course Dad with daughters for me XD) is well done and the renderings are nice.
    Sure, they aren't the usual common DasZ-Style, but somehow i liked it.
    For me this game so far is a promising potential 5-star game.

    Sue me, but ONLY because of it's early state and as i don't rate "potential" content, i hesitate to give em a 5-star rating right now.

    NO negatives for me right now to mention!

    But be sure: This game is definitively on my watchlist, and if it will continue as it started, i will not hesitate to change my rating very soon.