
Sep 16, 2017
I've played this game long time ago and the scenes were superb, but the gameplay part was quite tedious, at least for me, tons of running and not too high quality talks to unlock the next scene. It also was not clear how to unlock all of them.

My question is whether there was a gallery mode added in the previous years or not? If not, do we know whether it's planned?


New Member
Apr 5, 2017
How trigger Prison Break quest? Razin act like we already met before.
Upd. I forgot return to factory.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Aug 13, 2018
Is Kira's LUST Personality the only one wanting to take over Kira's body and rewire her brain to become her True Personality or Is RED KIRA or (CRAZY KIRA) also wanting to become Kira's main personality?. That would be neat, Similar to How Luna in "Luna's Fall from Grace" can have her main personality change from Slut,Assassin Killer or CRAZY. Would be awesome to see more Red Kira, she looks fun. "evil smirk"


Jun 10, 2020
Is Kira's LUST Personality the only one wanting to take over Kira's body and rewire her brain to become her True Personality or Is RED KIRA or (CRAZY KIRA) also wanting to become Kira's main personality?. That would be neat, Similar to How Luna in "Luna's Fall from Grace" can have her main personality change from Slut,Assassin Killer or CRAZY. Would be awesome to see more Red Kira, she looks fun. "evil smirk"
This is explained during an implemented quest. Gotta get past the prison and let Polina poke around in Kira's head, you'll get a fuck ton of exposition. If you're lazy:

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Engaged Member
Aug 13, 2018
This is explained during an implemented quest. Gotta get past the prison and let Polina poke around in Kira's head, you'll get a fuck ton of exposition. If you're lazy:

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Can The LENN-Y AI Be hacked or does the AI Adapt to Kira's dominant personality, or Does LENN-Y stay the same, in which case depending if Kira goes down the Bimbo route and the AI does not change with Kira or adapts, The Poor thing..Guy...Poor Lenny. Being trapped with a Bimbo Instead of a super Spy or Red Kira/ I would think he would want to delete himself.


Jun 10, 2020
Can The LENN-Y AI Be hacked or does the AI Adapt to Kira's dominant personality, or Does LENN-Y stay the same, in which case depending if Kira goes down the Bimbo route and the AI does not change with Kira or adapts, The Poor thing..Guy...Poor Lenny. Being trapped with a Bimbo Instead of a super Spy or Red Kira/ I would think he would want to delete himself.
There hasn't been anything about hacking him. LENN-Y just wants to complete the mission tbh, he doesn't seem much like he cares about Kira. If he had a Kira tierlist he would probably have them Red Kira>Pink Kira>Default Kira. He just hates Kira post-memory loss. In his eyes, at least Red and Pink Kira have their uses towards completing his mission.
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Engaged Member
Aug 13, 2018
There hasn't been anything about hacking him. LENN-Y just wants to complete the mission tbh, he doesn't seem much like he cares about Kira. If he had a Kira tierlist he would probably have them Red Kira>Pink Kira>Default Kira. He just hates Kira post-memory loss. In his eyes, at least Red and Pink Kira have their uses towards completing his mission.
I really like Kira's multiple personalities, and if true about Red Kira also wanting to take over for good, it is so much Like "Luna's Fall from Grace" where Luna can be a "Red Kira Assassin" "CRAZY" "Submissive Luna" "Normal girl Luna" even..."EVIL VAMPY Luna". Every time I wanted to try another personality with Luna I just could not go down the Submissive route, I thought the CRAZY and "EVIL VAMPY" Luna was super cool. I see "RED KIRA" kind of like that. yet Transforming Kira is fun too just want to see RED KIRA take over for good and see what happens "evil smirk"
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Mar 26, 2023
Hi, Im kinda stuck - I woke up in the night, being limited to home district didnt do much (only action available to me is to go again to Bazaar and get arrested for second time - this time straight to jail. As I dont wanna do it, I went back to sleep, but game cycles after that - it just show Kira in bed, music plays, but not woking up. Anyone encountered this bug? Should I start from scratch?


Apr 13, 2020
Hi, Im kinda stuck - I woke up in the night, being limited to home district didnt do much (only action available to me is to go again to Bazaar and get arrested for second time - this time straight to jail. As I dont wanna do it, I went back to sleep, but game cycles after that - it just show Kira in bed, music plays, but not woking up. Anyone encountered this bug? Should I start from scratch?
Good practice for this game, and every other game, is to save in multiple slots. If you do nothing of consequence, fine, save in the same slot, but otherwise save in the next slot, so you don't have to start all over if the game bugs out or something else goes wrong.
I don't know anything about the failure to wake up (probably a game-breaking bug), but just so you know, that jail event, while annoying, has no consequences. You can optionally gain a tattoo there, but you're not forced into anything, and it's super quick.
If you just want to leave, you'll need to talk to the guy in the back right on your first visit.
After that, you'll be able to sleep, which ends your stay in jail. If you end up there again, just sleep immediately, and you'll be back out.

I don't think it will work, but I believe the game says 'H' is the debug key. I want to stress, I don't think it will do anything, but you can try it.


Aug 16, 2018
i have apprently finished the « a modest proposal» quest, yet i don't see any new fast travel nor any option to control fetishes, did i miss something ?


Mar 26, 2023
I find strange that later in game you cannot rise Lust (except that brain mumbo jumbo in new you facility). especially in Vivarium there ton of naughty stuff and it does nothing to that stat.
Oct 8, 2022
Howdy! Here’s what’s up:
We did all other things, like a phone cut-in for a sleep event, butt cut-in for random harassment and then we moved to work on the “bounce” animation that I’ve shown in my previous report.
In order to make the bouncy Kira work, I had to edit all of her “naked” layers, everything that isn’t an outfit (cum, piercings, breasts, hips, etc.). There are no visible changes, I just had to cut and trim some bits and pieces to make the animation work for all breast sizes. I also made alternative versions of some lower body outfits for planned larger breast sizes and pregnancy, no visual changes, just to make them work once we eventually start implementing more physical changes.
Right now, the bounce animation works great with naked Kira for all breast sizes, both implemented and planned, but there are some technical difficulties with layers like piercings, milk, cum and writings. I did do all of them and everything works fine in photoshop, but we’re yet unsure whether or not the rpg maker can show the frames seamlessly, which is something we’re testing right now.
I also merged the pregnancy pictures with breast pictures, because this doesn’t affect the overall amount of images, but frees 4 layers for us to use if needed in the future.
On the code side of things - While Moana was testing the Bouncy pose, she realized that there is a better way for our game to handle Kira’s dialogue art, how it appears on screen, how it moves, how the expressions get changed, so she already re-coded all pictures of dialogue Kira once again, making her dialogue art glitch less (it’s possible that it won’t glitch at all now)
She also coded in all changes that I made and all the new stuff.
As for the text, I wrote a bunch of events and most of them are centered around this new bouncy Kira, so we’re yet to see what exactly will make the cut. That said, there will be a new night event with Lev&Tolstoy (mostly comedic) and a harassment event with new gopniks that will hang out near Kira’s dorm from now on.

Overall, we’re reaching the end of development for this particular update, the main thing that’s left to do is to test and see what’s technically possible with the new bouncy Kira.
Now a bit in detail about everything:
Most of our time so far was spent on the Bouncy Kira pose and it was indeed another rabbit-hole.
I had to edit all her naked art, which wasn’t pleasant and then I’ve spent an eternity working on all her different breast sizes and things that go on top of them (like piercings, cum, etc.). But, if the rpg maker can handle it, we will have a pretty neat new tool at our disposal. A tool that won’t have to be edited in the future, because we already made it with all “endgame” art in mind.
Note: The teaser above is a Gif, it may not work if you’re reading this from a patreon app
Note: Note: Now I’m going to bore you with technical details for a little bit. We just want to try and convey what difficulties we faced and how we resolved them. You can safely skip this part and continue reading after the next teaser, where I’ll talk about how we’re going to utilize this new art.
The animation isn’t perfect, but animating things in general is still new to me, it is definitely not a skill that I have, at least not yet. That said, I am rather happy with how it turned out to be.
Some frames of Kira’s bouncy breasts have to go on top of her head, while others have to be below it, and her dialogue art is coded with her head layers being always on top of her breasts.
We had to find some spare layers that go on top of Kira’s head in order to fix this issue and make things work, which we did at the cost of doubling the amount of pictures for some of her breast sizes. The alternative was to re-code all layer logic and re-code all of her dialogue art again, so I think a couple of extra pictures is a small price to pay.
With that being done and fixed, we move on to the other layers on Kira’s chest (milk, piercings, writings, cum). We also managed to find layers for them, but since every breast size has 7 frames, it is an insane amount of pictures, which means that RPG Makes might struggle to call everything seamlessly on screen.
Now we add lower body outfits into the mix, because why not? And we end up with yet another problem.
Every breast size above size 5 (the current max available size in the game), is big enough to abstract Kira’s pants and panties. But the lower body outfit layer is on top of the breasts layer.
The solution to this problem is the same - to have alternative pictures for lower body outfits for “big” breast sizes. This means that in cases like “ghost pants”, where the waistband is high, we have an absurd amount of pictures, since Kira has 3 hip sizes, 11 breast sizes and 11 pregnant versions of them. 36 pictures to be exact, just for the ghost pants.
And if we want to make the lower outfits work with all frames, then we’d have to add 35 more alternative pants in order for every frame to work. And again, that’s just for ghost pants, every lower body outfit will have to receive the same treatment.
Fortunately, we found a way to avoid doing that.
Instead of adding an alternative outfit for every frame, we now call in transparent pants on a different layer, those pants become corporal and reveal their true nature as soon as frame2 appears on screen, and then they skedaddle away after frame 7, their job is done, they did good and deserve some rest. Good pants.
And even with all the fixes and workarounds, there’s still just too much art.
It is a “case by case” thing, some breasts aren’t big enough to require this much support, so they have fewer pictures. But the worst cases (sizes 7-9 and Fake2) are extremely needy.
For example - 83 pictures just for breast size 7. But, again, it is an “endgame” animation, it has everything that we have implemented so far and plan to implement in the future.
So, we’re currently doing two things - trying to reduce the number of pictures more and testing whether or not we even can do something like this.
That said, the naked bouncy Kira works fine, and we’ll add her in the next version. We just really want her to have all other customizations that you worked so hard to unlock.
Note: The picture above is also a gif, and it shows some “extreme” versions of Kira that are planned for the future.
It wasn’t the hardest thing we did, but it was extremely confusing and I honestly don’t know whether I gained or lost IQ points while trying to make it work. All I know is that I like how she bounces.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about how we’re going to utilize all this.
First of all, it’s not just the bounce animation. It’s three separate things that work together - “Ditz” hands, milk animation and bounce animation.
Let’s start with the “ditz” hands - they are just alternative hands for Kira that work with all outfits. I just took Nadya’s hands and edited them for Kira to give her a more vulnerable look.
I want to just straight-up permanently give those hands to Kira as soon as her intelligence reaches 0, to make her appear dumber and look more distinct from her normal self.
But, maybe you don’t want that, maybe you want Kira to have her current hands when she’s dumb, or maybe you want the smart one to always walk with ditzy hands. If that’s the case, then we can add another H-event focused on making Kira appear dumb (regardless of her intelligence), and after seeing this event and not using the jammer, you’d get to keep those hands permanently. Also, in this case, we’ll need to actually make said event, so it would take time and we’re not sure when it will be implemented.
So, I want to know what you think, should we just give those hands to “dumb” Kiras or would you prefer to see a dedicated event that would give those hands to any Kira?
Now, let’s move to the second thing, milk
- I did two versions, dripping milk and squirting milk and I want to use them first when we’ll return to the Farm part of the vivarium (relatively soon) and then all over the game.
In one of the future updates, we want to make a “milk” expansion of sorts. Since we already have the art, the fetishes and some references to it, we want to design an in-game milk system.
With Kira leaking and squirting milk only when she’s “full”, increased and decreased milk production, perks and implants that affect said milk production. Things like that. This is definitely not something we’ll do soon, but it’s always nice to plan ahead.
Meanwhile, we could use the milk animation in random scripted places and events, like during the waitress job for example. So it will be used.
And finally, here’s my ideas for Bouncy Kira herself - The first one is to use her in scripted places, like in the upcoming update where gopniks would politely ask her to jump. And in the future she can be used in places where she is guaranteed to be topless - Vivarium and revealing waitress. That’s kind of a given.
Now, here’s another thing I want to do with this pose, I want her to just randomly start bouncing mid conversations, all over the game, and I need your feedback on this idea.
What should be a trigger for her desire to bounce? Here’s a few hypothetical cases:
Option 1:
If Kira is dumb, she can get bored and then “Lust” would tell her to just bounce, or she could just bounce out of her own volition.
Option 2: If Kira is Lustful, lust could appear and tell her to bounce.
Option 3: She gains the habit of bouncing during some event, event would be centered around making her appear dumb to people.
Once again, I am not sure which path we should go with this, I want to hear your feedback and maybe even conduct a poll on this subject.
That’s all I wanted to talk about today, the next update will be out relatively soon and I’m really curious to hear what you think about the bouncy pose and ditzy hands. What should unlock them for Kira?
The bouncy pose turned out to be yet another rabbit-hole, just as we thought, but after we saw your positive comments under our last report, we just couldn't help ourselves and jumped right in. Hopefully we didn’t misread your feedback and you will like this new addition to both Kira and our game in general.
Thank you all for your feedback and support, the end is rear!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
I also made alternative versions of some lower body outfits for planned larger breast sizes and pregnancy
At some point the dev has to see that adding endless amounts of breast sizes and whatever other character customization is only gonna result in even more layering and thus even slower progression. I don't get it. Rolling it off on Patreon polls every time can't be right either, atleast not if they want to finish this game in their lifetime.

I swear every time I come here (which is not often), I see a devblog about more breast sizes, more layering....etc.

just to make them work once we eventually start implementing more physical changes.
Like, he's literally saying it himself. More physical changes...more layering....more customization...more work for every single future scene. Is there ever gonna be a limit to this? I'm not paying for this project, but holy cow. As a developer one has to come to the conclusion that this is not sustainable in terms of development and production rate. Most patrons have no clue what all this extra stuff entails.

Pretty sure last year- or was it 2 years ago already, I came here and was able to give some positive feedback as it seemed that Mulan wanted to change things. But what has really changed? It feels as if 95% of the time is spend on layering and more layering. And even more layering with more customization. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this is a massive issue.

Anyway...See you next year. lol


Sep 2, 2018

Kinky stuff, love the effort you're putting in here. I know it must be a real pain to do that many different variations but it really adds to the replay-ability in the long term. I really appreciate both of your continued efforts on making this game. I know it's hard to do, but please ignore the negative comments. If those people keep coming back to the thread then it just means you've made something memorable that they always want to check back up on, regardless of what they may complain about. People love this stuff. Keep up the great work!
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