What am I doing wrong in fights in chap 5? All of the enemies I'm encountering in the deep roads for the initial quests are just out healing my damage. I'm seidr, using all the serums, and still I'm just doing nothing. My damage gets reduced to pittiance and they're healing hundreds per turn. Last chapter had a couple bosses who initially out healed me, but as the battle wore on I was able to catch up. So idk what changed. Do I just need to level up my skills? I don't want to burn too much time doing that over the quests. Any help is appreciated.
do you have enough rations? And it's better to up your skills to the max, especially for seidr, since they can do those quickly (though you do need to fight the jotun at the border to get a reliable genome, which if you're in chapter 5, you'll have to fight the moose first).
Also, in regards to enemy, other than the mandatory elite jotun you have to fight for Ralf, you don't actually have to fight the strong one. just save before you fight, and reload if you got anyone above 900 health (Oh, and if you're seidr, you do have to fight the moose thing which is quite strong.)
If the enemy is strong, for Seidr, you just have to pray you'll proc your crit & combos before your ration runs out and that your enemy did not use their "rage" to massively regenerate (but that does mean they will cripple you). You'll literally have to outlast them, and if you don't get a crit or combos in, I say 10 turns, just restart. You're wasting your rations. I mean you can force your way until you're basically one shot them in 2 hit, but again, you're wasting your rations. If you're valkrye, then you'll have to restart if you don't get Borge crit or proc any combos under 5 turns, waste of resources for resource intensive class.
Oh a tip for Exile for Tyr and Ralf's quests in ch.5, fight only those who have 550 or 750hp (or those that have the same picture as them but don't quote me on this one cause I am not sure). The guide says you need at least 5 power to encounter them, you actually don't. I had 15 powers and still had to save scum 10 times to get the exile. So don't waste your time on unnecessary fight for once a day combat.