
Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
As always, thanks for the feedbacks. Work continues on v0.11.0.2 as 5 new quests are added, finishing up the core quests for forest and city areas. Core quests for desert and plains should be done soon-ish, and then work moves on to fleshing out the core late-game quests.

Someguy01 Fixed the catch-up quests: it should give EXP to all four slavers. The game chooses the team composition that has the highest success+crit chance --- but you can change it manually using the "swap unit" button if needed.

Slave exp was scrapped during balancing --- after doing the calculations, I think the mechanic just doesn't work. It only adds frustration having to micro manage slave's exp before selling them. What ended up happening is that the slave order prices now get adjusted when your level is low, before stabilizing when your level reaches 40.

The training thing is actually the purpose of the Potion of Blankness, which is going to be introduced in the late game. Its a potion that reset a slave's training to 0.
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Nov 1, 2019

I found an error after doing the quest Orcish Bait in the desert. A part of the quest description appear after the announcement of the quest result. Here is a screenshot
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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
darkofoc do you plan some kind of loyalty system planned for slaves or/and slavers?
I do hope that he does not.
obedience training makes it redundant for slaves
also loyalty plays normally when significant outside forces tempt or force ppl.:geek:
the main reason against it that this game relies on trait system that can do this work with the event/mission system.:alien:
A horrible example is the "No Haven":cautious: similar game like this reduced into how to fuck up the MC:devilish: and get him/her enslaved and trained into fuck toy.:rolleyes:
Yes it become a masochist haven from a slaver camp game.:ROFLMAO:


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
With a whopping 13 new quests, v0.11.1.0 marks the end of Phase 6 of the development ( ). The only remaining phase before game is complete is Polish, which is going to take some time. The most important work here is to create a robust text system that can describe a unit as well as describe how units interact with each other.

Raino The idea of the standard loyalty system (0 = bad, 100 = good) was scrapped at the start of the development. The idea doesn't work: it's either a system where you always want 100 on everyone, or something that you have to micromanage for. Instead, the game has a relationship system between slavers/slaves, where units can form rivalry/friendship with each other. For example, an honorable slaver tends to form rivalries with evil slavers, while a kind slaver tend to care for slaves instead of abusing them.

frtyui Thanks, it's fixed.


Nov 1, 2019

I found a little error after getting a critical failure in the mission harvesting season:
Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: console.alert is not a function
hope it will help you
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New Member
Nov 16, 2019
First of all, I love how you can create your character now with more freedom, was really a surprise for me when I got
to this version. Also loving those colored text that you did to show the importance of the skill focuses!

I haven't played much of this version, but here is some feedback nonetheless

Based off v0.11.0.2


1) When creating a new character, on the page where you choose your occupation before being the leader of a slaving company, and the most defining trait. The way that its set up is a bit confusing, and could use some tidying up

My suggestion is that you should be able to sort by the skills like "Sort by Combat increase" So it would go through all the combat increases and not show anything else? And vice versa for all the other skills? Also could add the option for sort by occupation name from A-Z for those roleplayers?

The same thing should be applied to the defining traits screen, although I really like how you categorized everything with either similar traits or oppositions, for that case there should also be a "No Select" option for those that dont mind the clutter

There should be a "Sort from A-Z" and a "Sort by SkillName increase" for the minmaxers, and obviously a "No Select" option who think the current layout is fine

2) Currently in the game, you have to scroll up/down to the quest that you want to disband your team from, before being able to reassign them to another quest. This poses a problem when you have multiple teams Scouting in different areas, and at the off-chance that they all get criticals, scrolling through the mass text gets a little tedious.

There should be able a button to assign any team to a given quest even if they're in one currently, but it will have some sort of symbol next to it to state that they're already in a quest. Like a red (!!!)

The given button will say the following or something similar after you click it "Warning! This team is already in a quest, are you sure you want to change assigned quest?" This will ease the amount of scrolling and clicking the player has to do.

3) On the Content Creation tool, there should be a "Add Multiple Traits" button. It was a bit tedious having to give a single trait one by one to the character that I was creating. (Unless there was a button I was missing that was already there)
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.x work begins with a new roadmap and engine changes in v0.12.0.2, which should hopefully be the only engine change in v0.12.x. Engine changes means save game is not compatible, unfortunately.

Slavers can get traumatized now, for example when one of their friends were lost. Trauma is a temporary trait that will go away in several weeks, but each trauma will severely impact a slaver's skill. In addition to getting traumas from events (such as losing a dear friend), trauma also serve as an alternative to injuries --- injuries are generally easier to heal while trauma will take longer but does not prevent the slaver from going on quests.

Work on detailed unit description is ongoing. Right now, the background description has been completed.

frtyui Thanks again, it's fixed.

LordXenon_ Thanks for the feedbacks. I've just pushed the v0.12.x so I haven't got time to look through your feedbacks, but will check it later. Thanks again.


New Member
Dec 4, 2019
darkofoc by the way, about the portraits packs and js-trubles. I thought about this and came up with two ways to implement. I do not insist at all and I am aware that this is not the highest priority. If I'm writing something in a way that is too call to action, then you should know - my english sucks. To avoid misunderstanding.

Well. The first way is dumb. You can create a special section in the settings where you can enter at least the number of portrets for each race. But then it ruins your cool idea of special portrets for perks (i love this, eah ~)
Another way - not so dumb. You can use a special json file, which will contain information about how many pictures. This will allow for much more detailed customization and squeeze perks into it too. I think this is the best option.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.1.0 finished detailed unit description. Next work will be creating interactions between you and units, the most important is to allow you to use your slaves. There should only be minimal gameplay impacts from these interactions.

For (2), i've added a filter button now in the quest menu that can filter assigned quests and free quests. While it's possible to add the "switch team" button, it's very messy and I feel it'll take too much time to implement.

On (1) and (3), they are good ideas. I've written those ideas to be done in a later version, probably after the main work in v0.12.x is done.
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.2.1 finished putting in slaver/slave interactions, as well as putting in interaction in content editor. (See https://attachments.f95zone.to/2020/10/897572_ss3.png for examples). Slave/slaver interaction consists of two parts: first is a procedurally generated short banters that usually happen automatically, while the second is a bunch of hand written (adapted from the Free Cities game) erotica adapted to the fantasy settings.

With this, most of the work towards 1.0.0 has been completed :coffee::coffee:. The only works remaining are:

- Flavor text for units on duties

- Company statistics (how many quests ended up in failure, etc.)

- Adjustments to content creator to make it more user friendly

- QoL changes

Which will be done roughly in that order.


Aug 31, 2017
Apologies if this has been brought up before, but is it possible to reduce the chance of getting duplicate quests? A few times I've done a contact quest and got 4 new quests and 3 of them will be the same. Not terrible if it's a trading mission or something but annoying if it is something less immediately useful.

Aside from that, absolutely fantastic game. I really think you nailed the ratio of complexity in the slave and slaver trait system without making it too convoluted. Also making money easy enough to get but there being enough competing things to spend it on that you don't get bored.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
With v0.12.3.1 the game essentially reaches Beta phase. All content are done. Remaining work is QoL changes and bugfixes.

While content is done, it only means the "core" content is done. More content is always better, and the game is always open if you want to add in your content.

Since all content and engine are done, moving forward there should be very few updates that break save compatibility.

v0.12.3.1 adds flavor text for duties as well as company statistics. With this, all planned content are done and written in the game. The only remaining work before the game is completed is QoL changes and bugfixes. In particular, the content creator tool needs some QoL changes to make it more user friendly.

Thank you very much for all you helping testing the games to reach this phase!

sappho sorry, but there is no way to do that right now. My hope is that once I fix the content creator and make it more user friendly, and also when the game reaches v1.0.0, more people will start putting in more quests to the game to make it less likely for that to happen.
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Aug 1, 2017
QoL feature request, a question and a comment/analysis:

When in the equipment screen and you choose to look at all unassigned equipment, a slot based filter would be handy as hell to have. Need to see all the head slot items, click it. Need to see mouth items, click it, etc. As it is, the list contains no discernable pattern to the item list, so you end up scrolling the entire thing sometimes. Why bother looking at the entire list, because sometimes I gain an item and didn't notice in the weekly summary. I may have been paying too much attention to a different entry before clicking continue. I had several pet show golden pet pieces before I even noticed by chance.

Speaking of items, are their plans to allow for shops to sell the "better" equipment (like Plate armor, Archwizard pieces, etc) or do you intend for those to only be available via quest loot?

Also worth noting: There's a quest to meet the dragon king and trade him a slave worth 50k, the quest text has an error describing the reward (that let's you make wings) and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a slave anywhere NEAR 50k in value. Around 30k is as expensive as I've managed to make a slave, that's with every skill at level 2 and one at level 3 and with several value increasing traits. 50k for slave value may be an unrealistic target to aim for, because as I said, unless there's some secret to letting you train more than one skill to level 3 to get more value for them, I don't think you CAN get one to 50k. Adding equipment in previous version added to slave value, but it doesn't in the v0.12.2.0 I'm running now, could that be the difference? Because a slave worth 30k and 20k worth of gear would be doable to complete the quest.
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