This piece unfortunately functions better as an interactive narrative than card game. The writing and characters are excellent, but the card game quickly feels repetitive and unnecessary, and the story is never more than the sum of its parts. Players are encouraged to play on story mode where they are much less likely to feel like they've wasted time in repetetive gameplay that didn't elevate the experience.
The strongest point for this piece is by far the writing. Each characters' unique voice shines in every interaction, making it easy to get sucked into their stories. Each choice the player makes seems natural, which isn't easy when player is frequently given choices. I found myself as curious and excited to where the next piece of dialogue was going as much as I was the next sex scene.
One major exception to this were the endings (of which I discovered 4) that seemed a bit rushed and haphazard. Each were shorter than most scenes, and all were at least a bit disappointing. It felt a lot less like the culmination of a project and a lot more like the author was tired and wanted the project to end.
The scenes themselves are unfortunately nothing special. Each scene is supported by one image and a few lines of dialogue. The art is good enough, but for a game that features such strong dialogue, the narrative doesn't really bring the scenes to a new level. They're supposed to be the rewards for reaching new relationship milestones, but when the first couple scenes for each character are simply nudity, they feel more like a letdown.
The card game aspect ends up getting in the way. It does some things well, giving players a lot of choices, but quickly gets repetitive and stale. This is especially disappointing because so much of the story is meant to tie-in with the game. It feels like the gameplay could have been more integral to the experience, but simply isn't.
It should also be mentioned there are many minor but noticable errors. Broken scenes (in the "there has been a fatal error press ignore to continue" vein), events that happen out-of-order, or simply clicking too fast and messing up the visuals. None are game-breaking, and many are due to the large number of random scenes the game draws from. When juggling so many different player states, it can be hard to ensure each line of dialouge works perfectly. It's ultimately better to have a package deal of a few bugs and a large amount of content than eliminating both.
All in all I'd say playing through on story mode is a good experience that will work for a lot of people. If the concept intrigues you, give this one a try and you won't be diappointed. While you won't find a flawless integration of story and gameplay, you'll be delighted by the story and dialogue.