First off, who said it was necessarily an evil Arc? Yes it’s not the wholesome path, but for the sake of discussing semantics about what’s evil or good, the fearful path or as I call it, “Fear of the Titanical Rear” path lol She is a higher deity from Heaven itself, in which she already has installed preconceived notions about the undead… Now before the MCs “Arrival” in the world, the world itself seemed like it was way more chaotic… especially before the time of the queens reign.. Anyways, When Maryens mother was around, it seemed like the heaven Kingdom was the literal embodiment of the heavenly realm itself with stricter laws on order and rule… specifically in this case of the undead… and when Eliette Arrived in the heaven Kingdom (in which I remind you, she didn’t reincarnate but incarnated) it seems that the transition from the higher plane of existence to than the material world went smooth in regards to her initial ideological ways ( her physical operations not focused here) and believed in Maryens mother of thinking when it came to the undead in the world of GG….
obviously we see that religious extremism was very prevalent in the past, so in fact Eliette didn’t just have this “all of a sudden” radicalization, she’s always had that a part of her because of where she originated, and what she has seen when looking down on the material world (one of the main reasons she incarnated) and she’s been trying to be better of her past self where she seems to have this extreme view on things but being more accepting of the undead and others (ofc after the passing of Maryens mothers death opened this redemption arc for Eliette)…
but obviously other people, specifically from the neutral territories see Giantesses in general as a threat, not all but a lot of em don’t want anything to do with Giantesses, even if it’s giantesses like Eliette who are trying to help them out… and just like the village situation, even if Eliette understands there thinking, it hurts her deep inside to an extent.. she say she understands why they dislike her, but she’s not immune to that type of behavior and it hurts her… even if she doesn’t show it…
with the MC, it’s probably the first ever moments in Eliette’s time on the material world where she’s had the opportunity to build a relationship with a tiny… even more a pure Human with no home/friend/family to Connect to… so the choices we make on her route important on what path the MC goes on along with the direction of what version of Eliette we get because she values the MC more than most… we can help her either regress or progress… but all I know is… that ass I a weapon THAT SHOULD BE FEARED LMAO