Yes it looks good, i like the idea of the GILF, nice renders, models seem good but i would say that it's sometimes a bit over the top with the MC's elephant dick and the hips of the black girl.
When i gets too exagerated it removes credibility and instead of having fun with the scene you start noticing those big things that look unreal!
I hope the dev will not rush the story too much, the demo scene in the plane was really rushed, a few cheesy talk and a quick fuck in the bathroom. But i liked the fact that there was some kinks included and not just standard sex, that's good.
So i guess it was done this way for a demo purpose and that we will not fuck granny the next day and all the family in a week !

When you rush it, you kill your game because once you got what you want quickly with a girl then she become uninteresting.
I' do not like too slooooowww burn either, the kind of game which let's you with blue balls for a year, but a reasonable build up of the relation.
The games where you fuck the girls immediately soon become annoying because the dev is forced to add new girls again and again and after a while you don't remember who is who and you don't care.