Nope, but there is some parts you do play as a female.can we play female lesbian dictator or not
What? Are you actually senile, old man? The f are you talking aboutthe gay tag it's for those idiots who say they fucked a lot of girls.Where ever you meet a stupit who claims to fuck a lot of girls he is surely the biggest gay.
Never said I did, I'm not the one crying about NOT seeing other penises, I see from your pfp that you have a type though, at least you are honest with your sexuality and not the usual closeted cuc- I mean sharing aficionadoTell us why you like the dick of the protagonist of this game so much?
It's unfortunately something that sometimes happens on android. The only way to fix it is to delete the older chapter which will unfortunately remove your save games (as there is no option in android to keep data).I am playing in android, but after finishing chapter 2, I cannot install chapter 3. It says newer app version already installed. Should I delete the app and install only chapter 3? Would I lose the save games? What can i do?
Thanks for the help in advance
well there is something to do near every day especially if has opened nyx's content but otherwise it's every other day before "dream" starts.i havent played this game in a while. did the dev ever fix the game later on so that its not just open walkthrough > skip to specific time/day > rinse and repeat with absolutely nothing to do in between? i loved this game but fuck man this had to be one of the worst uses of sandbox ive seen. i dont even like visual novels but think id prefer this was a VN
I completely agree with you. Nyx and the organisation were horrible to begin with, but this dream sequence is just unbearable. I'm waiting for this dream sequence to be over as well so that I can finish it in all one go. Hopefully it won't be too many more updates before it's done.I hope not,
Nyx was bad enough (the only female char i seriously want to be removed from the game) but this dream world was the reason for me to stop playing which is sad since i really liked the game until now.
So i'm not touching the game until this is finished and then skip through it.
what backup? if you mean saves then plenty have been posted to thread.Anyone have a backup? anybody know, how to save the save game on my android device? Is there a manual for it?
Because I wanted to update to the new chapter and get an error Code, that the Version doesn't fit. I have checked my installed and It's an old one 0.48.1.
Any ideas?