[Review for v0.2]
Well, first of all, this is a very early version, almos like a demo or a presentation of what will come in a future. Don't expect much material in this early phase.
Why I give 5 stars? Well, right now the cuality of the content is excellent, both art and gameplay.
Art is really smooth, very high detailed and kind of realistic.
Gameplay is hard to rate since there's not much but all is intuitive, basically is a point and click, and it seems it will display some decisions in the furure to choose.
I can not (And I won't) rate story-telling since there's not enough to do it, but (my personal opinion) coming from Sirens it will be envolving and smooth, like the other games developed from him.
CONCLUSION: It is a 15 minute gameplay which displays great art, easygoing gameplay and shows what is going to be in the future, so play it and judge yourself.
(Sorry for the english, i'm not a native speaker)