A trivial Io question that I haven't really understood: (
Nonetheless, I'm Here)
When Sensei approached Io with questions related to her past, she dodged, reasonably so. But after some exchanges, Io went back to her cop-out answer and said things like "my cop-out answer is not in the way you might be expecting". What does that mean? Sensei pondered on her original answer and got confused even more when Io threw this extra metaphor, forcing him to dig through his brain to only end with his own generic cop-out answer and give up early.
At this point much of Io's unfortunate circumstances have been revealed, and it's almost certain that it'd be related to either her medication history or her sexually abusive mother. But, I still can't really tell what exactly she was referring to. What is the hidden layer underneath “I really did just wake up and walk to the bathhouse”? Wake up from a horrible nightmare? A medication-induced dizziness? Or is it the Walk part that requires some imaginations?
If I picture this in a more heart-wrenching way, I might guess that wizard Io maybe
really did just wake up and walk here, one day deciding to run away and seek shelter. Or worse, she just aimlessly wandered around the streets in her broken state and, luckily enough, wandered into her aunt’s lair. It might happen when the border closed, or right before that. Either way, I feel like this is too literal to be referred to as a metaphor, so I’m wondering if this is in fact already hinted elsewhere.