Progress update. 33 monster scenes and 23 protagonist scenes left. In terms of lines left, it's about 4500~, so finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Unfortunately wasted quite a few weeks in the past month because I got a fever one week, had to recover for a week, and then got hit by another fever, and repeat. Awful month. Had me stressed too since I had to miss some days from work and that's not something I want to be doing at my new job. I still have a bit of a cough right now, even.
For now, projected timeline is looking like:
- Mid-February to end of February: Finish all text translations (scenes, story, etc)
- March-April: Game testing, proofreading/editing
- New update might push this back by a month depending on how much content is in it
Was hoping to finish all the scenes by today but sorry to disappoint. Til next time. Still thinking about my next project, but maybe another coolsister game or something. But that's for after this is done.