VN - Ren'Py - Office Perks [v0.1.5] [Amomynous Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great light-hearted adult game. The game has a nice mixture blend of sex scenes and story. The models in the game are unique and super hot. There are lots of different sexy unique body types, don't get how people say some of them are chubby. All the characters have their own quirky personality and skills that mesh well with the story & team. Sex scenes are good, nothing amazing or fantastic but very much still fappable. I picked two girls in my single route, Eva is by far my favourite. She's honestly one of the hottest models I've seen and one of my favourite girls I've recently had the pleasure of being with. Good ambience and music in normal settings + in sex scenes as well, just wish there were moans + noises in sex scenes. One of the gripes about this game is there's no real consequence of fooling around with every girl in the game. There comes a point in the game where you get to the pick the main focus of the girl you liked however it doesn't feel consequential. Just feels like at times the MC is just a sex toy. But despite that it's an fun light-hearted adult game that is comforting to read and fap to.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The models are nice but I think the renders don't look good due to compression, some people might like having too much content and low size but I prioritize visuals, this was the first minus(-) for me.

    There is no story or I may not have understood it because I skipped it after a while because it didn't really interest me, I really tried to read it at first but it's really bad, this is the second minus(-). If I don't want to continue playing a game, this is the third minus(-) for me, I could only stand it for so long.

    In conclusion (2/5)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is chill. Everyone is laid back and fun to interact with, and the scenes are hot. The story is pretty simple but pretty realistic.

    The girls are varied and hot, and they don't all look like they were plucked from a catalog.

    It's going to be almost impossible to choose 1 girls. Secret harem route kthx! :)

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked it, hope to see Act 2 soon, the girls are beautiful, every guy will have his favorite, mine are Eva and Maria, i think some of the girls are 100% leaned on celebrities, but I think you can guess for yourself. ;) The story is a little bit boring but im happy with the scenes with the girls. I think everyone should have a good time with it. Only Girl I dont like is Nikki, she is not very interesting. And I wish the would be more of a harem opportunity. But that is complaining at a high level.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    If I had to pick one reason this game is so poor - it's preachy.

    There are a few upsides to this game:

    - Some pretty models
    - Generally decent quality writing, even if the story is crap

    But there are more downsides:

    - Loads of fat and chubby body types
    - Preachy choices where the text on the choices is already prejudiced
    - Utterly preachy dialogues about sex and relationship choices
    - Weird looking guy
    - MC is a sad sack that just goes scene to scene CONSTANTLY complimenting everyone and being insecure about it, between preaching scenes.
    - You cant avoid all the unattractive nasties
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed how this latest chapter connected the dots.

    I am rating this as a strong 4.

    Each love interest is enduring and enjoyable and ties in with the story well.
    Each has their own defined personality which is enjoyable.

    One way to play this and enjoy it is dedicate one path (series of saves) to each LI. It works out well as in part this game is a virtual girlfriend effort.

    I hope the author has continued success making AVNs.

    Office Perks: Recommended.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good entertaining sexy fun without drama which is really nice for a change. The LIs are nice and varied in personality, body type and looks, and the H scenes are very hot. The Jenny and Grace one especially.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't get the negative reviews. This is a really nice game with a rather funny dialog, great renders, hot LIs and a cool story about young adults and the struggles that happen to them in the very demanding work life. There a lot of sex scenes and the game has a good pace to it. I wish there were more fun games like this one.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    TLDR: A lot happens, but at the same time, nothings really happening. A lot of content, but not a lot of excitement.

    I can appreciate a dev that knows how to keep content going. But some where a long the line there has to be a balance between quality and quantity. There is just so much going on, so many girls you're declaring your love to and nailing one after the other. Like a machine gun just PA-POW! Let me cum in this girl! PEW-PEW! Okay! Who's next!? You! POW-SMASH! Okay! Let's keep them coming!

    So yeah.. there is a lot going on, and mc has feelings and somehow none of the women care you are sleeping around. It's so non consequential that it's a bit off putting. Like professing your love only to realize your love has no meaning LOL, does that make sense?

    Anyway the problem isn't necessarily the none stop fuck fest. It's the fact that the fuck fest is not .. exciting? I mean you got pretty good 3d models. Eva is a total smoke show. But man oh man, it's just kind of dull. I attribute this problem to there not being enough tension or reason behind the sexual encounters.

    For example, there are other games which I CANT NAME FOR STUPID RULE REASONS. But there are other games without animations. And yes, that is a draw back. But the scenario's they create are such that there is excitement even without the animations.

    So in conclusion, you have only 2 options. Either you have good sexual content (in which case you don't need an exciting story). Or you have an exciting story which helps players look past the fact there are no animations.

    I think 3/5 is fair. It's not bad. I've played dogshit games, given scathing reviews that got removed because the devs couldn't handle the 3rd degree burns it gave them. So I know what shit looks like. And this game is not shit. But it's not amazing either, so there ya have it, 3/5.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    * Review Version v0.1.1*

    This game just isn’t my cup of tea which is a surprise but because 2 of the LI are great i'm going to keep playing it despite not liking it all that much. This feels more like a 2.5 star game but doesn’t feel like a 3 star game either so 2 star it is. Anyways, here are my thoughts.

    Not much of a story, more of a slice of life fuckfest that feels a bit fast paced. I don’t recommend being on multiple paths unless all you care about is lewds because to me, it was way too many lewds when on multiple paths. Now you can disable squirting but if you have it enabled it feels to frequent usually 3-4 times per lewd scene. Not a negative but just something to keep in mind. The best part of this game is the relationship building as you feel like you get to know the girls. Also all the girls are likable even if most of them aren't for me for one reason or another. But that is where the positives end for me. If it wasn’t for Nikki and Haley I probably would have dropped this game. I could not get into most of the LI for one reason or another. Normally I'm not one to complain about no animations but because of the lack of build up to most of the lewd scenes I felt like the lack of animations makes this one suffer but that might be because most of the lewd scenes I wasn't into the LI So might be a be problem not sure. .
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Good, Falls short of Great

    This is another typical "gotta get them all" game. Thats not a bad thing if you like that kind of game (which i do)

    Onto the positives/negatives..

    * Girls look different, different body shaes and features which is a nice change where a lot of games the models are usually just stick thin with big boobs

    * Story is different from your average harem game... this game is actually based around all proper adults instead of your typical harem game usually based around a college or "teen" MC around a bunch of other teens and their extended families


    * Too fast paced - everyone immediately jumps on the MC - there is no build up. Dont get me wrong i also dont like it where dev's milk the build up and dont put any lewd content in... but there needs to be a balance imo... in my opinion the dev could have slowed this down a touch and added some build up to at least some of the LIs instead of them all jumping on his dick pretty much immediately after meeting him,

    * Animations are mid - for a game with such nice renders, the animations let it down somewhat and are jerky loops


    I enjoyed playing this game, and will continue to play its updates, however it isnt without its flaws. Its a decent game and if you have a spare couple hours its worth playing... but with a bit better pacing and smoother animations this could have been top tier however just falls short of that mark.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Another nothing burger game. Renders are good. Animations mid. Worst of all no story. Just a pure fuckfest so if you're a brainrot player you'll enjoy this game but if you like games that are story driven and have more meaning then dont waste your time and look for better games.
    Also added note: girls have no personality they all just want to fuck the mc from the get go. No build up whatsoever.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    First associative word when think about the game is - cozy.

    Good renders. Likeable girls with juicy thicc bodies. Chill and fun mc. Story is good and decently enough written, without braindead drama, annoying characters, dumb behavior and unnecesary simping. Had a few nice evenings playing.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I've no real complaints here.

    The writing is decent enough, maybe not best in class but certainly a cut above a lot of the dreck that I wind up playing. I think its to the games benefit that there isn't much if anything in the way of descriptive writing, it's all dialogue.

    I think a lot of devs forget about the VISUAL part of the term 'visual novel' and they wind up using a lot of words to describe things that would be better shown. Especially since on average y'all put out better renders than you do quality writing. No offense intended.

    Speaking of, the renders are great. Animations are absent, which I'm fine with. I'd rather no animations than bad animations and quality stills beat any animation any day in my book.

    Music exists and is generally serviceable, though you won't be missing anything if you decide to mute it.

    Honestly my only complaint and it ain't really a complaint, but boy do I wish this were a harem game. Kudos to the dev for not going that route, but also damn them for making characters I like so much that I wish we could. Really I think all the girls are great and eventually having to pick just one is already stressing me out.

    ANYHOO. Good stuff. It's well worth a look.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Where do I begin? The dialogues are so robotic that it looks like the author literally asked an AI, "Write some flirtatious lines for me."
    Every "woman" falls for the MC and needs to musterbate every time they talk to him. The dev probably don't have any women in his life, family or otherwise, cus that's not how women behave or talk.
    Then you have the general "story" filled with clichés, the coworker, the coffee shop barista, the neighbour and may be other I gave up on it. The MC has to go "Oh, she has a nice ass" or something 0.00009 milliseconds after meeting a woman that's now real people think after meeting someone new, but maybe that's just me.
    But the renders are solid, even though every woman looks flawless silicon dolls, but that's every VN nowadays, all characters must have double D's and a huge ass. My recommendation, just install a gallery unlocker and do your fap, no reason to waste your time. It would be better if the Dev get a writer cus they deffo have the rendering skills, just no story telling skills.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been following this game from the beginning and I just wanted to share my thoughts on the project. It has excellent renders to go along with a beautiful relationship building aspect. Also, I must say, Eva is a goddess. I would definitely recommend giving this one a shot if you are into beautiful LIs and getting to know them. The story isn't the most unique or outstanding, but the focus on relationship building more than makes up for it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game a lot but the one thing missing is an auto-play feature unless I am missing somehow on pc version. Having to hit enter for every dialogue change is rough lol. Other than that the game is fine.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game a LOT.

    First and foremost, I like games about adults. Like, actual adults. I'm not in high school anymore, and I have no real nostalgia for that time in my life. But an adult dealing with work, uncertainty with job security, dealing with rent, making friends as an adult, finding one's passion... these are things I understand and honestly, while this game can be a BIT shallow at times, it does touch on these topics in a way I can actually relate to.

    The girls are great. They're all inexplicably slaves to the MC's dick, sure, it wouldn't be much of a porn game otherwise. But accepting that break from reality, they have their own lives and their own agency in a way that is a breath of fresh air. It's a small thing to see a gym manager complain about insurance paperwork (right before a sex scene, natch), but it adds some much needed reality to an unrealistic scenario.

    The girls look great, too. The art really shines in simple ways. Backgrounds have NPCs living their own lives, details are paid attention to, it's not the MOST unique art I've ever seen, but it sells the narrative and certainly nothing's wrong with it.

    This is a game for people who like, say, High Rise Climb but maybe think that game is too wordy or ponderous. Office Perks is light, it's breezy. And if the dev wanted to go that way, has the makings of a pretty great harem game, I hope that route gets considered or added. It's an adult game for adults for once, and despite its hiccups, I'm looking forward to how it develops.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Rant for


    If you're here for the story, then turn around, day after day of MC life and dating/meeting girls, even if you rejected them. If you are here for the girls and not a fan of fat or bimbo/fatass then you have nothing to look for here. Plus, it forces the player to read MC's thoughts on how all women are beautiful even if you don't like them and have rejected them/earned 0 relationship points.

    Positive points:

    Graphically the game is on a good level.
    And. that's it.


    Weird looking MC

    Thoughts written in italics, sometimes it's hard to tell when he's thinking something and when he's saying something.

    MC's thoughts describe all women as beautiful, even though I, as the player who runs it, haven't met any that I like. Even when he rejects them or plays them on the minus point, he still compliments them, asks third parties if he has a chance with them, and thinks about their beauty.

    The diversity of women, practically zero, to choose from we have bimbos and/or fatasses or just fat women.

    Even when we have the option to ignore a woman pushing a fatass in front of us, we end up talking to her and getting excited while she pushes that disgusting fatass in front of us.

    Lacking any story, it's a wonder the developer didn't make it a sandbox with forced showers, sleeping, eating, etc. That's the vibe this game gives me, a sandbox without the sandbox.

    Sometimes the game makes decisions for us, although there are variables to reject suggestions, example(SPOILER ALERT)

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    PS. I didn't finish the game, the story is weak, the MC is annoying, I didn't like any of the girls.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a comfort game... :)

    My overview:

    Slice of life for a programmer who moves to a new area with new job and meets pretty women. It's very lighthearted (except for a slight sinister plot that might be brewing which MC or LIs are unaware of).
    Very much a comfort food for me.

    1. Plot/writing/Pacing is really well-done for this genre. (Not too deep or too shallow, it's just right).
    2. Music is nicely chosen.
    3. Girls are cute and I love the lovey-dovey kisses and hugs.
    4. Renders are very pretty. Like every new scene has new clothing and stuff...background characters etc. Adds a good charm to the game.
    5. Girls are distinct with their own personalities.
    6. Plenty of sex (static animations but still hot)
    7. MC isn't creep or over the top Alpha. Just your regular guy with decent personality.
    8. Choices are plenty if you want to avoid certain LIs.
    Cons: I got nothing. It was really a fun ride (2hrs for v0.04f)

    Verdict: Yep, play it! It's not too emotional or too shallow. It's casual and touching at times. Characters are slowly beginning to open up and with an underlying crime plot brewing. It's a fun ride :)