but it doesn't really explain complete lack of contact if they agreed to have the music thing going
But in this case they aren't close to begin with, so why would he constantly text her every week that he is looking towards the collab? He texted her even once about it after she agreed to it. I don't see a strong need for Mike to communicate with her regularly if she isn't on his path, doesn't seem to be in-character to be as communicative and talkative either.
I don't know what is the term called when things are introduced in plot, but later either not explored (forgotten/abandoned) or changing trajectory (bait and switch?), but I have noticed it increasing within ORS unfortunately. I'm reaching a point where I hope this gets wrapped up no matter how shitty ending and Eva Kiss starts new project with rejuvenated passion/creativity. Am I just an asshole? I dunno. "Big Dogs" in the industry have left me quite disappointed lately...
I also suspect Eva is a bit burned out of it, since five years is a good chunk of your life and creative artists usually want to explore other and new areas. Unless the cynicsm wins and its just milking this game for retarded patreons who effectively want to consoom this game forever and dictate its course through payment. Some plotlines stall, some have run its course, some need to find they end. Its currently the middle section of the story, which is usually the hardest to get around. You may not want to rush to the end and reward and have to keep the MCs busy somehow.
I'm not too excited about the open relationship and swinging paths, when the game will become a fuckfest and everyone fucks everyone without any emotion behind it. While moving out can open up many routes due to the many partners, I hope its just an epilogue thing, so the game doesn't drag out even further by branching it in several flats and new roommates Ian and Lena can share. So yeah, wrap it up and have it end rather in chapter 16 than chapter 20. Should the game end in 1,5 years or another 5 years? I hope Eva goes for the former.