Others - Paradise Overlap [v0.6.1.1 V.I.P] [Paradise Overlap]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game to ever exist. It contains everything that makes it simplistic, yet still engaging! The scene are also very well done and art is god tier. I really like the selection of characters, there's a lot of girls and scenes that can get basically everyone stimulated. Paradise Overlap has basically every well known fetish added to the game currently, except the morally bad ones. The bar aspect like I explained earlier is a very good mechanic, there's a guide on how to make every drink, and memory isn't required or some niche option to progress further in the game. Building off of the scenes, the girls are very well made. I'd say none of the girls are similar at all, they have their own story and character to them, overall they feel like real people other than just girls made for gooners. The gameplay outside of the work hours is also nice as well, you have options to spend the money you made during the day, do special events with girls you progressed with, and even unlock some scenes you can't normally. Lastly, I also really love the invite feature which guarantees the girl you pick shows up the next night.

    Only problem I'd have is how it takes a long time to progress each individual character, you need to memorize every character's details and be quizzed. Doing so will give you a small amount of a love bar which gets a little repetitive after a while.

    Aside from that, I really love Paradise Overlap. Its always been my favorite game ever since its release and I'm hyped at the potential the project has moving forwards!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    VA-11 Hall-A with none of the charm. The art style is great, of course, but that's the only nice thing I can say about this. There are no true animations, just 2.5D, up-and-down, penis sliding in and out of a vagina garbage. There's no challenge or fun to making girls drinks, and then they ask you completely pointless and random questions. "Hey, do you remember my favorite hobby?" Uh... no? We haven't actually talked. At all. They never hold an actual conversation, of course. Just questions, completely at random. I've gotten the same question three times in a row, I've gotten questions I had no info on like the example above, and I've had girls ask me what the first drink I made for them was... literally seconds after I've made it.

    This game isn't even worth downloading.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Animations are very basic, no bulges, no x-ray, no consequences, no choices of where to cum, sex scenes aren't interactive at all, annoying clicking to progress the scene, very, very basic game, all scenes unlocked straight away so no point even playing the actual game (and if sex scenes aren't rewarding, what's the point).
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has good potential, but right now its gameplay is boring.

    Plot: unassessable

    The backstory is that you're just an ordinary bartender who makes drinks for guests (mostly girls), there's no story here.

    Art/Animation: 4/5 (Just good)
    Gameplay: 3/5
    Music: 4/5
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Please allow me to disable guys...
    I don't want to make drinks for them... especialy for that silverhand...

    Girls are cool but dialogues are repeating too often...

    There is no much that can be said about this game...
    Simply pick recipe that girl ( or boy... ) want, drop right items and give it to her... she gives you money and You can talk with her, if u talk much enough You get sex scenes...

    Barely can be called a game... but kinda game?...
    I'm giving 3 stars only for girls, gameplay deserve only 2...
    Making drinks is not bad, but more for minigame of actual game...

    Either add some more stuff to do,
    Or add enough many dialogues that they will not repeat over and over again... and srsl... "whats my favorite color"... kindergarten...

    Questions like "my favorite color" "my age" etc. guy who made these dialogues i think never talked to girl xD

    "What's my favorite color?"
    "Pink... i guess?"
    "What's my favorite drink?"
    "Bleach... i guess?"
    "What's my job?"
    "Being stupid... i guess?"

    If game is based on dialogues with girls... please make them at least little interesting :p
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Hell yeah cyberpunk game. So far the game is very simple. Make drinks - grind points - unlock scenes. Hope the gameplay will be expanded in the future.
    Since the project is still early in development i will give it a pass.

    Art 3.5/5 (love succubus sisters)
    Story - so far its just backstories of girls 3/5
    Gameplay - 3/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Music 4/5
    Originality 5/5
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It's got good art. That's about all I can say about it. But, if you want good art, why not just go look at hentai images or a doujin? It's clearly a parody of Va-11 Hall-A, but lacks any of the interesting dialogue, instead having a 'dating sim' style similar to early 2000s hentai.

    It feels a grind to get to the H. I want to actually enjoy the game itself.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, this game very well made for being so early in its production. Paradise Overdrive is a pleasant, relaxing experience. As for the rest:

    The Good:
    • The art is excellent, as well as the overall aesthetic both in and out of the sex scenes.
    • The game possesses a very strong tone and personality, something many similar projects sorely lack this early in their development. The dev has a clear direction they want to take this project.
    • Each of the girls is very different from the others, so there will be plenty of options to enjoy or skip at your leisure if a certain girl doesn't spark your interest.
    • The clearly defined areas and options for the game look promising, although they are nothing concrete as of yet.
    • The menu music and the short looped track that plays when bartending is very good.
    • The in-game gallery makes sense and isn't a pain to use . For the most part.
    The 'Bad':
    • The 'dating sim' portion of the game is very repetitive, likely owing to being in such an early stage of development.
    • RNG can and will bite you in the ass as there is a chance to miss out on certain characters showing up for a long time, or get a full in-game day's worth of male characters showing up to the bar.
    • The gallery forces you to replay the mini game integrated into each scene, which determines the pace of what is happening. It is easy enough to not become tedious, although adding a way to scale the speed with the press of a button or click of the mouse would be a nice addition.
    The Ugly
    • Once you are done seeing all the game has to offer for now, you will be left wanting more.
    Overall, Paradise Overlap is very good and worth the time of playing through it once... or a couple dozen times. The only 'bad' things are all minor quirks that will likely be addressed in future updates. While it is still very early in development, the current high amount of polish on this game is very indicative of a project that will only get better as time passes. This is definitely a project worth following to see where it will go.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5055050

    Reviewed Version [ 0.1.0 V.I.P ]
    Paradise Overlap is quite a good-looking game.
    The character designs look pretty nice, and for some reason I especially love the drink designs.

    The cyberpunk aesthetics really fit with the theme of the game and world, and with the name of the drinks, for example "Matrix", "Thunderstorm" or "Silver hand" (hmm... I wonder what the reference for this name is?)

    One thing that kinda disappoints me is the animation, tho it could look way worse.

    Nevertheless, due to the game being an early build, there is not much to do yet. Which makes me give this game 4 stars.