Again with the 'simply walk-away and throw everything out the window in the process'
argument ??

Let me repeat myself here, good luck using this kinda bullshit in court and still hoping to win the case. At worst, even the judge will laugh his ass off hearing this nonsensical excuse and favor the wife, and if you unlucky enough to stand before a female judge, well, just keep hoping she ain't a feminist. Just a lil something to think about.
Understand this kids, MC and Allison's divorce is something that has happened and, sadly, still happens IRL a lot, and the same reason that led to Allison divorcing the MC here is invoked in most cases as a convenient excuse for a quick separation or a quick cash grab, depending on who the couple is and how much $$$ the two of them have.
I do agree that the MC should've divorced her first before hooking up with other women, since he ain't exactly the richest guy in his own damn neighborhood to make losing half of his shit that much of a problem for him, not being able to spend as much time as he wanted to with his daughter however, is a legit concern to why divorcing Allison wasn't a good idea.
Many real couples seem to forget this and just proceed with the divorce without second-guessing their decision and how it would impact their children's future, but in our story, the MC obviously only stayed for Lily. This is why that spiteful bitch did everything she could to keeping him away from her as much as possible and also threatened to take Lily away so he won't see her again. If you guys wanna call this rational behavior from an adult or something a true mother would do, I say we end this conversation here, cuz it's pointless to continue it.
Might wanna replay the game and focus on her path instead of ignoring it and throwing stones at the character for the lolz. I assure you she did way more than that, while Allison was forced to tolerate the MC for their daughter's sake. Don't pretend she'd give a flying fuck about Jake's mean lil battery on steroids side hustle if Lily wasn't in the delicate situation she's in.
It's not worse than the bitch doing her best to prevent him to see his daughter, openly insulting him in front of her and threatening to take her away so he won't see her again. Unless you tell me that her precious "friends" and colleagues' opinion about her is more important than her daughter's future, mental health and wellbeing, I'd say it's a W for me here.
Also, no actual 'friend' on this planet would cut ties with someone, be they man or woman, who got cheated on. No, only an idiot or a very insensitive, narrow-minded fuck would do that. A real friend who deserves to be called that would offer their full emotional support and try to do everything they can to help this person, not gossip behind their back or stop talking to them. At least, that's how I see it and exactly what I'd do for someone I call a friend who went through this delicate problem.
Sure hope you're not a V hater, cuz you'd be contradicting and trolling yourself if you were. Just sayin'. You'll find in the story, on her path why I said this and why I think she gets way too much negativity than she really deserves.
So, you ppl hate cheaters and cheating in general, even when the ppl you try to defend have a part of the blame in the cheating, defend a spiteful bitch like Allison, who, apparently, is always the victim, but go all nuclear on V for being cheated on and/or potentially used as recreational one-night stand or casual fling at least a few times before ?? Lol, make it make sense, cuz math ain't mathing here at all.
I understand not liking her body proportions and/or her sometimes immature jealous outbursts, clingy, desperate and unreasonably insecure personality cuz of tastes and preferences, but when claiming to hate cheaters soo much, you automatically imply you sympathize with the person who got cheated on and think they deserve all the love and support they can get, and funny enough you then proceed to bash, troll and humiliate a character that's exactly this, an actual victim of cheating and/or at least one abusive relationship. It don't make sense, bois. There's an obvious double standard in this logic of yours.