RPGM - Completed - Sanctuary of Promises and Contracts ~Even if I'm Cucked~ [v1.2] [8x40]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've only just noticed that I haven't rated one of the best games on this site!!!

    First, it's a very well polished game with great details, the dev wanted to make basically an anime!
    The introduction of the game is perfect, the mains have personalities and the development of their romance is perfect, until the second part of the game that loses a little immersion, since we are controlling the FMC, but in the third part the game takes control again and we have a great true end with a great message.

    The art is beautiful and the lewdness has several different fetishes, the game has great music, the gameplay has some problems and the ero stats menu is very poorly done.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an excellent narrative because it understands the importance of first building the love between the two protagonists, so that later, the NTR (Netorare) becomes more ruthless and hurts more, making it feel more taboo and hit closer to the heart. Many games don't bother to create a true emotional relationship, which is why they fail or don't manage to have as much of an impact on the player. Kudos to the developer.

    That said, this game has some decisions I didn’t like. I don’t mind clearly defined parts, but the first part is quite boring, and you can’t level up, change weapons, or learn new techniques. In other words, you have to spend two hours waiting for the game to get good later. Then in the second part, everything is suddenly unleashed due to a MacGuffin, and even the village chief asks you to make money (for no apparent reason) in a red zone, but the transition feels abrupt—going from nothing to doing everything all at once.

    As for the art, it’s good when we’re talking about the protagonist, UMI, although the color red is overly dominant. However, the male NPCs leave much to be desired.

    In short, it's a great game that could have been better if it had been more structured, given the player more freedom in terms of mechanics, and improved the art without relying so heavily on the color red."
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Pontifex Maximus

    Just want to point out one thing. HOLY FUCK THATS A LONG ASS ENDING.
    First half of the game is like 3-4 hours if you read then you get to the mid section where you see hentai shit, thats another 2 hours. After all of it and seeing all the side endings game shows you a credits scene and a "fin" title. it's not fin. it's a lie. no fin. you play going through same places you've been going through for another 2 hours with just story developments like time-travel and shit. THEN you get the true ending. which is an ending where you traveled back in time, fixed some shit but the chick still got fucked so you go away in a city become a teacher or some shit and 5 years later you to meet up again and decide to love each other. that's it.
    ending killed it for me. seriously this would be better with no true ending.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall - High production value NTR with great h scenes and a great plot.
    Has a lot of thought put into the art and the story. If you use the recollection room, you will miss out.

    I do have a minor issue - it never goes full NTR, even during the hardcore H parts, it's mind control or 'I still like MC' which was a little dull, but the game more than makes up for it with everything else.

    10/10 NTR game
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a weird one, to be honest the true ending is decent but it's bogged down by a pretty bland opening and terrible middle.

    The beginning as a whole is not great, most of your time will be spent walking from point to point to trigger the next story section. There's no real reason to fight anything besides the required battles since there's no levels or gear. The first two to three hours will be spent doing this, there's an attempt to build up the relationship between the two protaganists but it's pretty shallow.

    The middle section of the game comes after a pretty laughable attempt to make a final battle out of a nonexistant combat system and the quality of the experience only goes down from there. It goes from literally no sex to three back to back scenes where she's pretty obviously getting fucked but the main character remains oblivious, not that you get to see anything at this stage besides numbers go up. After the story reveal it then becomes a scene hunter with the flimsiest justification I've ever seen. This might've been forgiveable if you didn't now have three stats to grind if you want to see any kind of story resolution, at least you can mostly just hold CTRL.

    The true ending has some good moments but feels really scatterbrained, it never lets any of those points really breath before throwing itself into the next plot contrivance. It also completely kills it as a porn game, I really can't see how you would go back to the middle section after playing through the ending and literally all of the sex scenes bar one are in the middle.

    TLDR: Some interesting ideas but really poorly blended together.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    "Sanctuary of Promises and Contracts" is an incredibly emotional journey, a long game taking you all the way from the heights of innocent, pure love to the depths of despair - and then back again, as you don't give up on the girl you love.

    That last part is especially important and seems to be an aspect that some other reviewers don't take into account. While the game has a narrative-driven first part and a sex-loaded second part, both parts are equally important. The first one establishes the bond between the MC and the heroine (and the player), while the second part is a test of love as the MC and the player are forced to experience her sexual corruption.

    If you give up on the girl you love, then she'll remain corrupted. But if you keep going, if you keep by her side throughout even the most emotionally traumatizing moments: That love will bloom again, it will become stronger than ever.

    The game's True End remedies the flaws that some other reviewers mentioned. It's essential to experience the True End if one wants the MC and the heroine to get a happy ending.

    Her body may have been defiled but her heart isn't lost. It's up to the MC and player to believe in her.


    Aside from the story, the game offers varying gameplay that ranges from typical RPG experience to erotic combat (that is one of the villain's features, being able to grope or even fuck her during combat) and strolling around solo selling her body at a sort of casino-area hosting all sorts of kinks.

    There are several NTR paths that all have their own ending, after which the game resets to just before the ending. This is important, because in order to reach the True End, the player needs to witness every "bad ending" / every NTR ending first.

    Only after walking the path of misery will the road to happiness be unlocked.


    In addition to the unique art style, the game also features a captivating theme song with lyrics and some of the nicest "cutscene CGs" that I have personally seen in an NTR game. These cutscenes further deepen the bond to the heroine, and thus will also deepen the impact of the game's second NTR half.

    But again: Fret not if you want to win her heart back. She never lost it to begin with, but it's up to you to embrace her again.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    While I agree that the first part sets up a wonderful love story and the second part can be quite formulaic and jarring compared, I do think that the last part up to the true end redeems it.

    I really loved the depth of the characters in the end.

    The reasons for her 'corruption' are reasonable within the frame of the story and the events are well explained in the 10 or so memories you have access to at the start of Part 2.

    I think it's a well told love story that avoids the usually NTR traps if you disregard the 'slut phase' which was indeed weaker than the rest of the game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    A very good first part of the game with a good development of the relationship between the MC and Umi, but then the game is spoiled with a bad second part where Umi is directly presented as already corrupted, that although you get an idea of how it ended up like that, the problem is not having been able to see the process of corruption, it is as if the game was missing a part of the story between the end of the first part, and before the beginning of the second part.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    It feels like they rushed it so bad and the quality of the game plummets after the first act. Not worth playing if you value your time. It's NOT slow build up. I love slow build up. It's slow build up and a lack of payoff. The writing falls off a cliff,along with Umi's identity and personhood. She's no longer a girl you love and marrried. In 15 minutes, she becomes a shell of a human with cum inside of her bursting at the seams.

    Full Review

    This game is such a weird one. On one hand, the first 2-3 hours is amazing. Great build up. Art and music is fantastic. The writing is pretty good. I'm in love with Umi (the main red hair girl). She's spunky. She's got a GREAT body. Short hair, tomboy but womanly figure. All round great story telling; a fantastic, lovely, romantic start

    The second half, and really it's the 15 minute transition from PART A to PART B that's the problem. Where to begin...

    The corruption happens when Banka, the idiot village chief's son returns. You notice something is off with Umi because she fucking cums everytime you walk together with Banka. You know something is off, but you can't act upon it. A week or so passes by in the game, and Umi has HUNDREDS of these ??? stats in Umi's Secrets. It's pretty clear she's getting fucked.

    At the climax, you realize the baddie you defeated is still alive and it culminates into this REALLY good scene where he fucks her infront of you, first person style with animation. Then the curtain rises and everything falls to shit.

    At this point when you regain control again, Umi is a cum rag. She's been fucked by Banka and the Chancellor around 120x. They came inside of her, dumped tons of cum into her, and she's basically ruined. The lovely girl you fell in love with and married is broken. It's some classic "corruption spell" that the Chancellor casts on her.

    Yet the game still continues painfully. Without the MC here to react to Umi, she just fucks everything in site. There's no more progression. You can unlock some scenes (that 15 minute transition from MALE MC where you had some mediocre mystery NTR of Umi cumming from walking and you leaving Banka with her for some stupid shit reason.) Mind you this is your WIFE who is sick / ill, and you left it off to some fugly degen who you know hates your guts.

    Anyway, my point is once you start controlling Umi, when the NTR starts, the game is already finished. Umi is a finished product. The remaining scenes are literally just the author's boring fetish, like handjob, armpit play, cat play, dog play, pig play, etc. I mean bro. The girl is GONE. The NTR is GONE. There's no NTR if she girl is not worth saving.