
Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Good to know this. Was going to play this again, but if it's not finished-finished, I'll just wait till it is.
It won't be finished when 1.1 comes out either. Unless the plan has changed relatively recently there's going to be similar content patches up to at least 1.4 that will take similar amounts of time. All of the planned content for the game from now on is going to be expanding side content and polishing that shouldn't really impact any of the main story.

The game has the completed tag for a reason, and you'll be able to put a ton of hours into it without seeing all the content it has. Besides under the hood stuff there are, so far, four things being added this month for the 1.1 release. First is pre-festival of greed content with Arwin. Second is alternate clothes options for Earth Aura that are basically just up to the player's preference. Third is additional difficulty modifiers, called NG-, that will mostly be of interest to people who are interested in challenging themselves or trying to maximize their NG+ score. Finally, there's been work done to make the game easier to mod.


Aug 19, 2018
It won't be finished when 1.1 comes out either. Unless the plan has changed relatively recently there's going to be similar content patches up to at least 1.4 that will take similar amounts of time. All of the planned content for the game from now on is going to be expanding side content and polishing that shouldn't really impact any of the main story.

The game has the completed tag for a reason, and you'll be able to put a ton of hours into it without seeing all the content it has. Besides under the hood stuff there are, so far, four things being added this month for the 1.1 release. First is pre-festival of greed content with Arwin. Second is alternate clothes options for Earth Aura that are basically just up to the player's preference. Third is additional difficulty modifiers, called NG-, that will mostly be of interest to people who are interested in challenging themselves or trying to maximize their NG+ score. Finally, there's been work done to make the game easier to mod.
So up to 2.0 (final?) there will be similar type of content added. Side events, clothes etc?

I also wanted to wait some more but guess I will just try it before the next update. I will strangle my ocd somehow lol.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
So up to 2.0 (final?) there will be similar type of content added. Side events, clothes etc?

I also wanted to wait some more but guess I will just try it before the next update. I will strangle my ocd somehow lol.
I'm pretty sure getting to 1.4 was expected to take about two years with a shift to only working on this game's development every other month. Note that a goal of development after 1.0 is to not have "to be implemented"/"in development" roadblocks anymore, so everything worked on for 1.1 will be feature complete for that release. There's a public post on the patreon, but it does spoil bits of the plot.

For relatively non-spoiler things there are a couple things I remember off the top of my head. Eventually, there's a goal for Aura's reactions in scenes to be more consistent with her level of corruption. An example used was heavily corrupted Aura doing the alchemist's discount scene is currently very jarring. Some of the ending cutscenes will reflect her corruption/lewd stats more than they currently do. There's also a plan to add some variety to the repeatable content. The game has a single artist being commissioned for art, so low priority stuff like clothes will probably depend on how much work is needed for required CGs and such.

The four releases will each have lewd content added that will lead to bad endings being added for already started chains of lewd events. I already mentioned that 1.1 is Arwin, 1.2 and 1.3 are two of her potential Royan cheating partners Roland then Hermann. 1.4 will be about further corrupting Aura's companions.
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Nov 22, 2021
It won't be finished when 1.1 comes out either. Unless the plan has changed relatively recently there's going to be similar content patches up to at least 1.4 that will take similar amounts of time. All of the planned content for the game from now on is going to be expanding side content and polishing that shouldn't really impact any of the main story.

The game has the completed tag for a reason, and you'll be able to put a ton of hours into it without seeing all the content it has. Besides under the hood stuff there are, so far, four things being added this month for the 1.1 release. First is pre-festival of greed content with Arwin. Second is alternate clothes options for Earth Aura that are basically just up to the player's preference. Third is additional difficulty modifiers, called NG-, that will mostly be of interest to people who are interested in challenging themselves or trying to maximize their NG+ score. Finally, there's been work done to make the game easier to mod.

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I played this one early in development and have been waiting to come back to it. I get disinterested with playing unfinished games over and over and want to just play the 'finished' project. If he's fleshing things out and adding more stuff, even if it's just cosmetic, to me the game isn't actually finished. So I'll wait, as I said before, and if it takes years and I'm still interested, then I'll come back.
Oct 4, 2020
I think the idea with NG+ is that you use it as a sort of stepping stone towards whatever your goal is. So sure, if you have the best possible score already, it might not be doing much, but you don't even have to beat the game to start over with NG+ bonuses, let alone beat it with the best possible score. If you get stuck, you can start over with a boost, and maybe that helps you get further. And if you have already mastered the game, well, you can go for a faster completion or something.


Aug 18, 2017
Interesting news for 1.1:

Hidden Alicia - I am very pleasently surprised I was able to implement this this week. I thought I would at most be able to present a technical proof of concept or be forced to abandon this concept, but I found a nice architecture that allowed me to engineer this mode quite nicely. What this mode is about: You will not be able control Alicia as usual and you won't see her actions in Aura's mind. Instead she will apply mental changes automatically and except for a random sound effect that occurs when she successfully applies a mental change, you will have no clue as to what's going on.
This mode is aimed both at role-players who want a higher level immersion as Aura, and to experience the game in more of a mystery-mode and to those who have problems with the two-player nature of the game and would rather be able to just focus on the Aura-side.

I have tried my best to implement an Alicia strategy that avoids getting locked, but I still need to figure out a good solution for the case where Alicia cannot progress due to some lewd stat being too low (e.g. 20 Lewdness for the Temperance Orb). Since the player cannot see the mental world, they don't know which stat they might be lacking for. For the checks that require Lewd Knowledge, Exhibitionism or Cheating, Alicia will use the Lewd Token Machine in order to generate those stats if necessary

I was able to perform a full playthrough in this mode but I only recently finished its implementation, so bugs will most likely ensure. In particular since I developed the feature as I went deeper into Aura's mind, so there is a good chance that I might have broken something from the earlier / middle parts I didn't retest.


Active Member
May 1, 2017
Although others have said its finished, sounds like some really nice features are still being added to the game. I think I'm just gonna wait till the game is completely COMPLETED for good, before playing it again.
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Jun 25, 2017
Just to be clear, the dev currently plans to develop another game alongside the updates for SKA, and because of that the planned content for SKA for now should only finish releasing in about two years at least. As we mostly know exactly what the updates will bring (you can check it on the open post on patreon "Long-Term Development Roadmap Post-1.0"), you could have strategic saves to check the new content as they release on Steam/here every 6 months (or less if someone keep posting the patreon updates here), as they're mainly bad end branches.


New Member
Mar 2, 2023
i want to change my device so i will put my save here for a while if you want to use it, go ahead. it's not 100% but you can use it as a new game+


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Few days ago I was this close to dropping the game,I think the feedback could be useful so here are the sources of my frustration.

Enemies hidden behind environment – I’m not a fan when loot is hidden this way but argument can be made that finding it can be exciting and you don’t need to find all the loot to progress the game. But ask yourself what is gonna happen when player gets ambushed by enemy he didn’t see ? Yup a load, that's fun eh ?

Extra fast enemies – if you don’t want given enemy to be ambushed, fix their location in such way that they can’t be or make them unable to be ambushed in some other way. This is nothing but invitation for save scumming.

Hidden passages – not the cracks you need to blow up but the holes in the ground that you need to walk into to discover them. It is one thing when you expect there is a passage and you look for it it is another when you casualty walk around and then suddenly screen changes. I had three of those situations that I walked into a passage and that begs a question how many have I missed. Now ask yourself what type of gameplay this promotes? Face checking like a lunatic every cranny that is obscured by environment.

Why do you think enemies got levels in RPGs? (those that don’t either employ “you can finish game at lv1” approach or have some other way of communicating/controlling difficulty). In this game there is no way of telling how hard is the enemy other than saving and face checking it. There is bestiary but it is inaccurate and you need to fight the enemy first to have info while its not accessible in combat and you can’t run away from fights.

All and all I feel like the game got many outdated design choices from times where one game would have to last you for months. That is no longer the case, I don’t need/want to be playing same game/ piece of game until I get things right, that is not fun. Also do not mistake it with me wanting to game to be easy, I enjoy challenge. Read on the difference between challenging and punishing games, SKA is more of the latter.
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Feb 23, 2018
Few days ago I was this close to dropping the game,I think the feedback could be useful so here are the sources of my frustration.

Enemies hidden behind environment – I’m not a fan when loot is hidden this way but argument can be made that finding it can be exciting and you don’t need to find all the loot to progress the game. But ask yourself what is gonna happen when player gets ambushed by enemy he didn’t see ? Yup a load, that's fun eh ?

Extra fast enemies – if you don’t want given enemy to be ambushed, fix their location in such way that they can’t be or make them unable to be ambushed in some other way. This is nothing but invitation for save scumming.

Hidden passages – not the cracks you need to blow up but the holes in the ground that you need to walk into to discover them. It is one thing when you expect there is a passage and you look for it it is another when you casualty walk around and then suddenly screen changes. I had three of those situations that I walked into a passage and that begs a question how many have I missed. Now ask yourself what type of gameplay this promotes? Face checking like a lunatic every cranny that is obscured by environment.

Why do you think enemies got levels in RPGs? (those that don’t either employ “you can finish game at lv1” approach or have some other way of communicating/controlling difficulty). In this game there is no way of telling how hard is the enemy other than saving and face checking it. There is bestiary but it is inaccurate and you need to fight the enemy first to have info while its not accessible in combat and you can’t run away from fights.

All and all I feel like the game got many outdated design choices from times where one game would have to last you for months. That is no longer the case, I don’t need/want to be playing same game/ piece of game until I get things right, that is not fun. Also do not mistake it with me wanting to game to be easy, I enjoy challenge. Read on the difference between challenging and punishing games, SKA is more of the latter.
pretty sure most of that is intentional to get you to go to the next day or force you to use collar.


Jan 3, 2018
pretty sure most of that is intentional to get you to go to the next day or force you to use collar.
It could still ease up on the difficulty of some fights. The underwater area is just painfully hard. It doesn't need to be a lot easier, just a little bit. It's kinda silly that it's insanely harder than the area that immediately follows.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
It could still ease up on the difficulty of some fights. The underwater area is just painfully hard. It doesn't need to be a lot easier, just a little bit. It's kinda silly that it's insanely harder than the area that immediately follows.
How exactly is it harder for you?

Because most areas or dungeons have a gimmick to them, particular element that is super effective or some other way of making things easier.

Like how you need Water Skin to not take constant damage in lava areas, how you need high MDef to not get the Arms of Wrath curse at Draknor...


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
It could still ease up on the difficulty of some fights. The underwater area is just painfully hard. It doesn't need to be a lot easier, just a little bit. It's kinda silly that it's insanely harder than the area that immediately follows.
The underwater area, assuming you mean the lake, is sort of an outlier insofar as it's an entirely optional area balanced around visiting it near the final third or so of the game that a determined player can brute force their way into. Most other areas don't unlock until you can sort of reasonably handle them if you're careful. Having access to the air bubble is practically mandatory and storm is pretty useful for many of the enemies in that zone. I feel like the previous zone you needed to clear should have given you some idea that you were getting in over your head. The enemies there are also a big step up in difficulty.

Yellowie The Goldie

Active Member
May 8, 2022
It could still ease up on the difficulty of some fights. The underwater area is just painfully hard. It doesn't need to be a lot easier, just a little bit. It's kinda silly that it's insanely harder than the area that immediately follows.
The lake is actually one of the harder mid-game areas to clear. Especially given that it is actually pretty large as a dungeon. But the rewards for clearing it are also quite enticing too. Quite a few bosses and even a "superboss" or whatever you call them.

In essence, don't go in there unprepared, make sure to have Fire II to burn bushes and keep your slime on "Wind" form so that you could actually breathe there. Unless you're playing on "Story" difficulty, this will take you AT LEAST several in-game days to fully clear. Make sure to always backattack if you can, otherwise you'll have a hard time.

Bonus points if you also have learned "Slash II", it will come in handy with those nasty fish.
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May 26, 2017
For anyone who wants it, I had the PDF saved for the most recent walkthrough that was wiped.
(All credit belongs to the original creator of the guide, I'm just uploading a copy lol) View attachment STA Guide.pdf

Edit: Guide is for Max Lewdness - version 0.43.x)
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
For anyone who wants it, I had the PDF saved for the most recent walkthrough that was wiped.
(All credit belongs to the original creator of the guide, I'm just uploading a copy lol) View attachment 4672365
It's probably worth mentioning which guide it is (pure vs max lewdness) in your post. The version it was written for might also be appreciated. I'm pretty sure that the harvesting costs for small nodes was doubled after the guides were last updated, so that could be a big change in the very early game.


New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Few days ago I was this close to dropping the game,I think the feedback could be useful so here are the sources of my frustration.

Enemies hidden behind environment – I’m not a fan when loot is hidden this way but argument can be made that finding it can be exciting and you don’t need to find all the loot to progress the game. But ask yourself what is gonna happen when player gets ambushed by enemy he didn’t see ? Yup a load, that's fun eh ?

Extra fast enemies – if you don’t want given enemy to be ambushed, fix their location in such way that they can’t be or make them unable to be ambushed in some other way. This is nothing but invitation for save scumming.

Hidden passages – not the cracks you need to blow up but the holes in the ground that you need to walk into to discover them. It is one thing when you expect there is a passage and you look for it it is another when you casualty walk around and then suddenly screen changes. I had three of those situations that I walked into a passage and that begs a question how many have I missed. Now ask yourself what type of gameplay this promotes? Face checking like a lunatic every cranny that is obscured by environment.

Why do you think enemies got levels in RPGs? (those that don’t either employ “you can finish game at lv1” approach or have some other way of communicating/controlling difficulty). In this game there is no way of telling how hard is the enemy other than saving and face checking it. There is bestiary but it is inaccurate and you need to fight the enemy first to have info while its not accessible in combat and you can’t run away from fights.

All and all I feel like the game got many outdated design choices from times where one game would have to last you for months. That is no longer the case, I don’t need/want to be playing same game/ piece of game until I get things right, that is not fun. Also do not mistake it with me wanting to game to be easy, I enjoy challenge. Read on the difference between challenging and punishing games, SKA is more of the latter.
If you refer to semi-hidden enemies at the start, I don't see the big problem. Yeah, you need to look closer sometimes, but you can spot them, so it's not a mess of forced ambushes you only can circumvent by save-scumming like you describe. In many playthroughs I didn't encounter a single enemy you literally can't see. Every fast enemy can be ambushed by spotting them beforehand and circumventing them, or through flash bombs (will elaborate on that later). Alternatively there are also slow enemies which can be circumvented by kiting, etc. Yes, it's possible to be caught of guard and you have to reload if it kills you, but it happened only a few times to me. Where save-scumming for me came into play is stuff like collecting gold for the Avian, but you can also kill it through other means if you want to.

Same goes for hidden passages - There are a few that are difficult to spot but for the majority of the game, the maps are also intuitively designed in terms of what can be looted and what can't be. And where to maybe look twice.

The point about difficulties not being communicated beforehand is fair, I would say a rule of thumb is that the order you receive quests can be a rough guideline. With the exception of optional dungeons like underwater and mount firestorm, those are basically ongoing challenges you just need to check in from time to time how things are looking there. SKA is not a game where you can just stat check against your opponent in order to weigh properly if you can beat them, many enemies can be beaten with proper strategies even with the stats not being that high. Like for example how Lightning Sword completely changes the difficulty against most mobs in Draknor Fortress. I think it makes more sense that x mob is always the same, so at least you know their weakness and how easy it was to beat them with x approach.

Elaboration on the bestiary statement would also be interesting, because it is literally not inaccurate? I wish it would contain a bit more information on skills specifically (though you can look them up on the wiki), but the information you get is correct.

And you can run away from fights using flash bombs. It's not something you should be doing for every single fight, but you can splurge gold on a decent bunch and use them when you feel its necessary - In fact, flash bombs allow you to back attack enemies you can't back attack otherwise so it opens up more avenues in that regard (and also why the game becomes imbalanced if you could abuse such a feature)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
If you refer to semi-hidden enemies at the start, I don't see the big problem. Yeah, you need to look closer sometimes, but you can spot them, so it's not a mess of forced ambushes you only can circumvent by save-scumming like you describe. In many playthroughs I didn't encounter a single enemy you literally can't see. Every fast enemy can be ambushed by spotting them beforehand and circumventing them, or through flash bombs (will elaborate on that later). Alternatively there are also slow enemies which can be circumvented by kiting, etc. Yes, it's possible to be caught of guard and you have to reload if it kills you, but it happened only a few times to me. Where save-scumming for me came into play is stuff like collecting gold for the Avian, but you can also kill it through other means if you want to.

Same goes for hidden passages - There are a few that are difficult to spot but for the majority of the game, the maps are also intuitively designed in terms of what can be looted and what can't be. And where to maybe look twice.
The part that got me were treants in east forest of runes. There visible path goes south and east - there is like 4-5 of them hidden, you lure out the first two sprint by the third you are happy because you left them behind almost at the big one... and then you run into another one... I just wanted to blow up the boss with SK:mad:... I know now that there is a passage that you are supposed to take except you need to face check it to find it while running from one of the treants.
Another example of this "punish the player" mentality are hidden curse traps- upsi doopsi you didn't see the circle that we hid on your path behind a tree, have a stat reduction! /fucking didn't run into it first time but I had to visit that place few times so sure enough I did eventually, thanks for auto-save and Yey for more loading/

The point about difficulties not being communicated beforehand is fair, I would say a rule of thumb is that the order you receive quests can be a rough guideline. With the exception of optional dungeons like underwater and mount firestorm, those are basically ongoing challenges you just need to check in from time to time how things are looking there. SKA is not a game where you can just stat check against your opponent in order to weigh properly if you can beat them, many enemies can be beaten with proper strategies even with the stats not being that high. Like for example how Lightning Sword completely changes the difficulty against most mobs in Draknor Fortress. I think it makes more sense that x mob is always the same, so at least you know their weakness and how easy it was to beat them with x approach.
It is not a first game that has weaknesses and resistances, none is expecting lv 10 dog and lv 10 giant to be on same difficulty. Neverless if you are lv 10 you should be able to deafeat lv 10 giant if you employ correct stragy. And if you had trouble with lv 10 when you see lv 20 one you know you should probably go somewhere else.

Elaboration on the bestiary statement would also be interesting, because it is literally not inaccurate? I wish it would contain a bit more information on skills specifically (though you can look them up on the wiki), but the information you get is correct.
I checked Giant crab, that thing certainly have more hp than listed 240HP and there was some other I forgot. Edit: The other one was Hobgoblin and LOL I see they both got tenacity. I didn't know what it is when I was checking them so I ignored it. But that just doubles up on the issue of not being able to see what the skills do. Especially with bosses as they got unique skills, so what that they tell me the boss skill name if I don't know what is the skill doing ? Those skills are not on wiki or at least the boss pages don't have active links to them.

And you can run away from fights using flash bombs. It's not something you should be doing for every single fight, but you can splurge gold on a decent bunch and use them when you feel its necessary - In fact, flash bombs allow you to back attack enemies you can't back attack otherwise so it opens up more avenues in that regard (and also why the game becomes imbalanced if you could abuse such a feature)
I honestly didn't even remember they exist when writing it, I recalled later. But I'm so starved for gold that the idea I would be spending it to check enemy stats is preposterous. Also doesn't it require pyromantium ? thats very limited more like a luxury item to use when it counts.
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