Ren'Py - Completed - Summer with Mia [S1 v1.5.2 Steam] [Inceton]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ohh man i dont even know where to start :D First of all thank you for making and uploading this perfect game !!
    Before i rate this game i have to say this dev is God of Incest games thats for sure.
    +Extreamly good writing
    +Great story
    +Very nice renders and models ( Mom is a die for kinda pretty)
    +Chars in the game have personalities they not like air head bimbos in most other rushed incest games.
    +Humour is there made me actually laugh ( Dinner handjob scene with the family was insanely funny to watch )
    +Pretty good content and yet i didn't skipped a single text.
    Cons :
    -Animation quallity is not so good. ( And it was much better at the beginning i think dev didn't want to waste more time on them)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I just finished this game and it was okay at first, then, I thought the first chapter was going in a nice direction and I was in for a good ride.

    Boy, I was wrong. The more I played, the less the story made sense and less interactions you have. It was almost painful to finish the third chapter, it was what killed the game for me.

    What I could say, the first chapter was good and the second one was okay, but the third one was really bad in almost all aspects. It sad because the game was slightly above average at first and it was in the direction to become something good.

    I would still recommend to play the first chapter to see if it's for you, if you are in and you have a really good time, go for it and play more, but if you think it's going to be better after the first one, don't lost your time on it.

    That sadly don't make me want to play the sequel, but I hope it's better than "Summer with Mia".
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The story about Mia and her friends has a very tearful ending and really broke me at the end. The story really should be read and not just skipped. Luckily there is a second part with "Returning to Mia" to bring the story to a happy ending.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Summer with Mia
    S1 v1.5.2 Steam - May 9th, 2024


    I haven't played Summer with Mia in years so I decided to give it another playthrough. From what I could remember from my last playthrough was that it was great but was my memory of it better than it actually was? That's what I wanted to find out.

    Are you sitting comfortably? Let's begin.

    Story – 2.5/5

    You play as young man who lives with Mia & a married couple, Laura & Tom. In this VN it let's you get to choose what relationship you have with the previously named people rather than needing a Lewd Patch file. You meet other people along the way such as Mia's best friend Emma & main character's best friend Sam who happen to live next door. The concise synopsis is about the main character & Mia's taboo relationship along with other relationships mostly with Laura & Emma.

    Now the story is one big mess & it's not consistent at all & so much continuity is lost between acts. It almost felt like each act was written by several different people who had no idea what was happened prior or know what was happen. An excellent example is Mia walking in on the MC having sex with Laura in Act 2 & she knew the MC was into Laura because she caught him spying on her & jerking off to her even help him get off. With all these prior events why would Mia freak out about it in the last act when she overheard Tom or why would the MC care if Emma tells Mia about his sexual relationship with Laura? When she already knew they had sex & she knows what the MC's dick does to people as it has the same addiction properties as crack. Even when Mia & Emma run into the MC & she even comments on the bra he was holding that it was Laura's size & Mia who even said herself that she isn't too bright but she should have been able to deduce that it was for Laura just like she was able to deduce that the water park blackmailer was Sam. There's too many parts just like this to make the story good & parts that go against logic especially when it comes to psychopathic succubus like Emma, like why get Laura to leave with MC so Mia can have sex with Tom at the club when it would have been easier to get rid of Laura & Tom like they did before & Mia gets to have sex with the MC who is her preference anyways? Also I didn't like a lot of the MC's ridiculous schemes as they felt too silly & obvious (excluding Nathan blindfolding Mia at the party so the MC could try to fuck her, that was actually pretty good) as it felt so cheap in comparison to Mia's receipt/payback which was always the highlight. Also the MC was already in university at the start the start of the story so why would he be looking for colleges to go to when he already goes to one? I don't know why Laura would be so concerned about the MC having satyriasis but not Mia having nymphomania just like her when she even caught Mia having sex with a “stranger”? I would have thought Laura would be more understanding.

    I could continue on what I don't like about the story but I'd rather talk about what I did like.

    I love Emma as a character. She's such an amazing catalyst for the story & unlike so many other negative influences in other VNs, she is actually one & of the best, might actually be evil. Desire demon, semen demon, succubus - cock vampire are all great titles for Emma & I love it. Besides some silly bullshit, I think she's best written character. Even though Emma is pretty much the main antagonist & as hot as Mia & Laura are & are actually good people, I couldn't help but love Emma. I just can't help but like evil sexy & slutty femme fatale type characters. I really like Laura as a character too as she felt kind of new & not a tired cliche that we've all seen a thousand times before as there's a good excuse for her to go down her path. Most of all I love the Mia, Laura & Emma dynamic as it was very entertaining with the drama it brought but I just wish there was more to Laura & Emma's hatred for one another as there could have easily have been expanded upon especially at the levels of nymphomania Laura was at as they're not so different in that regard.

    Writing – 2/5

    It was pretty good but again, it was inconsistent. There were far too many spelling, grammar & punctuation errors. Also sometimes they had the wrong person speaking/thinking at times. It definitely needed a proofreader. As I stated in the Story segment of this rating, this VN let's the reader choose what relationship you have with Mia, Laura & Tom rather than needing a Lewd Patch file but it creates a myriad of writing issues as it seems if you write anything besides Mom or Dad for Laura & Tom it doesn't make sense & that's an issue I had. To me, Laura looked like a married older sister to me as she reminded me of Veronica from Man of the House but nobody calls Laura by her name, just “Sister” or the relationship role the player gave her. This will effect certain things in the story like Laura worrying about the MC being a sex addict just like her but if you have Tom as anything but “Dad” it doesn't work either as the MC will talk about having his genes so when I had him set to “In-Law” a lot of the story doesn't make sense & much like Laura, nobody really calls him Tom besides the narration but by the relationship role like “In-Law”. It creates a mess.

    Gameplay – 4/5

    At first it started off that the reader controlled where the MC went around the house & search Mia's room but it would later go into a traditional VN, honestly I prefer it that way.

    Artwork – 5/5

    I love how the characters look especially Mia, Emma & Laura as they're all so beautiful. The animations of the sex scenes are great too. Most of all, I love the various clothing Mia, Emma & Laura wore but I feel like there was a missed opportunity with Mia & Laura – as their nymphomania grew it would have been neat for Mia & Laura to wear far more revealing clothes casually & Laura being far more accepting of Mia dressing like that as it would good reference of the beginning but that's just me. I do think Laura & Tom look far too young to be Mia's & the MC's parents.


    • Emma & Laura are fantastic characters
    • Mia, Emma & Laura's dynamic is great
    • The female characters & the clothes they wear are amazing
    • Great sex animations
    • Some of the story were great

    • The story is far too inconsistent & the continuity of each act is atrocious
    • Some elements of the story just dumb & silly
    • Writing has far too many spelling, grammar & punctuation errors
    • Being able to choose what relationships of characters was a mistake

    Final Thoughts

    This VN is a mess & not in a good way. Proofreading & keeping track of the actions & events of each act thoroughly would have benefited this VN a lot as it's far too inconsistent which is a shame because Summer with Mia has incredibly high potential to have been great as the quality of the assets & animation is amazing. Summer with Mia does have some great story elements especially when it comes to Emma & Laura but the bad outweighs good. I'm sad to say, Summer with Mia was not better than I remembered.

    I'll be rating Returning to Mia next & I hope that the author doesn't have the same issues.

  5. 2.00 star(s)


    You had choices in act 1 and 2. Act 3 took all that away and forced the story it forced on ya. I enjoyed it very much until the stripper scene with her dad and then the game makes your decisions for you. I was so disappointed. Like I was digging the direction I was going in. Act 3 turns into a romance and not one I cared for. It became very vanilla and boring. This was almost good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing VN, finally completed the 2nd half, so came back here to the beginning.

    As a VN it has it all, good writing, twists, hot lewd scenes and good animations. yes the renders etc can look abit dated now. but still an incredible ride.... has the lewds and the feels.

    as much as the MC is an idiot, it works and stays consistent throughout.

    Would highly recommend you support the Devs, either via steam or patreon. i know have.
    just don't forget it has part 2 and complete. rare these days.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game a solid 4 stars. I had played this one already in the past but I thought about replaying it before starting the sequel, this time I didn't forget about writing a review.
    The main plot isn't anything groundbreaking, a pretty standardize plot in fact, but it's ok.
    The characters still look pretty good even if at this point the game is a bit dated.
    I'm not 100% sold on the choices, there are some choices that basically make no difference, I would've liked it more if they only left choices that had a decent impact on the outcome.
    The game is far from being perfect and some choices are definitely questionable but overall I still enjoyed it quite a bit so I'd still recommend it.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    What is the point in having the game ask if NTR should be turned off if you're still going to include it.

    Like I felt a bit put off already by Emma and other guys but then you force Mia and the dad together even after supposedly allowing me to turn NTR off
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    The part at the beginning of the game about establishing a relationship with the characters was horrible. I couldn't make any sense of it. I don't understand why they bothered to make players spend their time writing these ridiculous relationships when it's clearly an incest story with our mother, father and sister. I was also expecting dialog choices, but so far it hasn't made me choose anything. The story is very linear. The visuals are also very dated now. On the other hand, there is no sound in the game. I don't know if it's a bug or not. While there is a google translate voice that unnecessarily voices the dialogues, there is no music that would make the scenes less boring. There are three women in the game and they are exact copies of each other. Only their hair and clothes are different. The main character has a comically large penis. It's so exaggerated that it looks like the game developer has no idea about the average penis in the real world. A 50 centimeter penis does not exist and I hope the developer has learned this and has given up such fantastic dreams. The game should not have been prolonged with such long scenes with empty dialog when the story has no depth and is just an excuse for sex scenes. The prologue was unbelievably awful. I'm sure most people deleted the game and gave up at this point. The main character doesn't behave like a 20-year-old adult and gets erections and is attracted to everything like a child who has just discovered sexuality. It is impossible not to get bored with the story of this play. In short, the game didn't live up to my expectations and looks well below average.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    You are a teenager who just finished his last day of high school. Your parents are going out of town for the week and you will be home alone with your smoking hot older sister. You never realized how hot she was, but now that you have, your only goal is to find a way to fuck her!

    There are three main ladies in this game: your sister, your mother, and your best-friend's sister. They are all very sexy, but aren't perfect characters personality wise. They are likeable, but make flawed decisions occasionally. And there is where this game is held back. It's not that they're flawed, it's HOW they are flawed. The ladies can often make rash choices that come off as mean spirited or harmful towards the MC or each other. Conflict is okay but this game sometimes goes a little too dark and mean. The biggest character flaws are of course associated with NTR.

    This game has a chunky amount of NTR content for all the women in the game. It comes with an NTR-off toggle, but even with the no NTR selected there are still plentiful NTR scenes AFTER you've begun to romance the characters. Seeing a woman have sex with a boyfriend or someone else is FINE, but if you are already in a relationship with them and they cheat on you with another man, that's when things become messy and, in my opinion, undesirable.

    In addition, the NTR content that is removed is very obvious. It is a patchwork job to edit out the NTR scenes with your sister (she appears to be the only character affected by the NTR-off button), making the scenes feel choppy and incomplete.

    This game would easily have been much higher in rating if the NTR sections were truly optional and some of the characters got along better and weren't so cruel at times. Still, a solid game!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    this is not a game, just a kinetic novel with a bad plot. Graphics are good but female characters have all the same face and body. There are no paths and just a few useless choices. The developer doen't worked a lot.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    So, I'm sharing my thoughts after playing both games in this series, and I have to say, I prefer the setting in this one. It's less complicated and more focused in scope, but it ends rather abruptly. What unfolds here might not matter much unless you're particularly invested in Mia. I'd describe the game as decent if you're looking for a quick fap, but it doesn't quite measure up to the top games here, neither in graphics nor story. So, go ahead and give it a shot if you want, but be warned – the second part is even longer, and if Mia's not your thing, I wouldn't recommend it either.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Very conflicted with this game. Nature of the story and plot dictates that there is corruption elements, revenge and some NTR aspects, but while it tried to deliver those aspects in the beginning of the game, later on it fallen through and was just very basic story that did not make any sense.

    Renders, CG and animations are good quality, there is a lot to be seen, but at the same time there is massive timelines between scenes and some of the scenes are really disappointing or just over-used.

    Overall enjoyed the game, but at the same time there was nothing that would stick around in my mind with this game, there was no "wow" factor at all and the game is very easy to forget. It is good to give it a try, but do not expect something unique and rewarding.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is so tough to accurately review because Mia isn't actually an AVN. It's not a porn game at all actually, it's something else entirely.

    I grabbed this on a whim when it launched on Steam a couple years back. Man of the House was actually the first AVN I ever played, again bought on a whim. I'd never jacked it to anything that wasn't a "real person" (lmao) before and at my ripe old age of mid-30s I wanted to try something else. I'm about as vanilla as it gets irl because that's enough for me...I mean I don't even like ass stuff. Guess I'm too old for zoomers and their fascination with chewing down turd cutters on the first date, but hey at least I remember 9/11 happening on live TV. In any case, I thoroughly hated Mia and left a real shitter of a review on Steam, edited a few times as Inceton released more and more early access games all while failing to communicate in any way on that platform.

    Well next week I'm undergoing a major surgery and I thought I'd go back full circle, see if I hated it again. You know, they're using that da Vinci machine and there's a very small--however real--chance that my dick won't function properly again.


    Anyway I really hated this shit after about four hours of playing, right around the club scene with the ol' Then it hit me. I wasn't actually playing an AVN, I was playing a psychological horror game. Mia has nothing to do with porn: it is, in fact, an ingenious trap disguised with enough fake tiddies and incest to lure you into it without realizing what you've done.

    It's so utterly depressing. Everyone hates each other. Everyone is mad about something, and the MC knows what's all happening behind the drama. Rather than being a timid bitch like most MCs, he just keeps making more and more mistakes but in a somewhat plausible sense rather than being a spineless coward. The way scenes are strung together actually lulled me into believing what's going on. Then all at once I understood this game was dragging my psyche into places I wouldn't normally allow it to travel.

    Disgust. Heartbreak. People not saying what they're thinking. Failing marriages. Sociopaths. Everyone with an equal amount of guilt trying to offload their shame by lashing out. A mature, believable ending that cliffhangs just the right amount.

    Summer with Mia is a devious little cunt of a game. It brilliantly caught me in its web of mental torture that it took me almost two whole playthroughs to comprehend where I'd gone. Now that I'm done with it, I can't believe how stupid I was to miss all this the first time. What a fantastic experience unlike any other.

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    Also, I don't fucking like anal. It's not some "grand prize" that you have to work your partner over for, you're literally putting your cock inside someone's shitter. You are getting poop where you pee. It's disgusting. It's one of the least sexy things you can do together, and if you disagree you are simply incorrect.

    Goodbye and press F for my boner.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    "Sluts. Sluts everywhere!" (Insert Toy Story meme pic here.)

    Story doesn't make much sense. It's just blackmail-based porn plot. There's also some drugging and rape, but these sluts don't seem to mind much. "Arrgh! He raped me in my sleep. I'll get back at him by fucking him in a weird way next time. That'll show him! Although I kinda liked it since he has such a huge cock." Yep, it's that kind of game. Just turn your brain off for a while and you might enjoy it. I certainly fapped just fine to that.

    There's not much NTR to be found. Which is weird for a game of this nature. Just a sharing scene or two, a couple blowjobs and getting molested with a dildo by a gynecologist. That's about it. With how much of a slut everyone is in this game, I hoped for like a gangbang or something, but there's none of that. It's only mentioned in one scene that the main LI had a gangbang in the past, but there's no actual content for that. Dear game devs, if your game is about cock-hungry whores who'll fuck anything that moves, put lots of NTR in it. If it's a romance game, don't. It's not rocket science.

    However, apparently the game's writer had a change of heart right at the end and it became a love story. With the first 95% of the game being a pure fuckfest, it felt completely out of place. I'm not sure who in their right mind would fall in love with a blonde cum-dumpster bimbo who likes to get gangbanged and fucked in all holes simultaneously, or will have sex on stage in front of a live audience if you pay her well enough, but it is what it is.

    Renders are mostly good, except some dark scenes where night lighting is done wrong (instead of just the surroundings being dark but the characters being visible, everything is just dark.) Sex scenes are mostly hot if it wasn't for the MC's disturbing dick (it's as big as his leg.) It's quite a turn-off. Animation is hit and miss. Some animations are like 10FPS or so, while others are 30. And there's looping issues where the video has a stutter on every loop. Sometimes it's also flashing as the lighting seems to change between the end of the animation and the beginning.

    I've seen other people here criticize the game because of how much of an asshole the MC is (drugging, rape, etc.) but frankly, this game wasn't about the characters or the plot for me. That stuff feels like dumb porn plot to me, nothing more.

    This would be a 4 star game if it didn't switch from a fuckfest with sluts to a love story at the end with a somewhat downer ending. I didn't mind the ending as much as other people here did, since I prefer the MILF anyway (she's also a complete slut, but hey, redhead MILF beats 20 year old blonde bimbo any day,) but it still felt out of place for this kind of game. It feels like watching a Brazzers movie that's about complete and utter sluts getting fucked, but then at the end it suddenly becomes Romeo and Juliet. It just left me confused at what the fuck I just played though.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Summer with Mia ends up in a so-so place for different reasons. First of all, the story is very bad and it soon becomes a fuck fest that makes little sense, the MC is a douchebag willing to risk his mother's mental health to fuck her for example; and yet, the writing in it isn't bad and the end of the story (in this part at least) makes quite a lot of sense, surprisingly. Together with this, the game is mostly a kinetic novel, the only choices that matter are those that allow you to skip seeing certain content if you're not interested in it. Second main problem is the camera, most of the time it is POV (which I don't like) but then it sometimes shows moments and scenes from the eyes of other people and not the MC (who is not in the scene) and that breaks the immersion POV storytelling is supposed to be based on. But on the good side, you also have to count that it does have quite a nice amount of content.

    Render quality and animations are very high in both cases; though the mostly-POV and the fact that even when it's not POV the game hides the MC's face means that a lot of scenes play out similar since the camera has no freedom to show many angles. Music helps a bit but there's not much more sound outside that. And I only found minor bugs from missing images and such from time to time.

    So, all in all, it's not a bad game, but it could have been much much better.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Summer with Mia is a VN about a creepy perv who goes about molesting and abusing his family.

    The game really needs a rape tag. I'm assuming it managed to skate on that one since technically the girls end up liking it and okay with it, but a lot of the scenes have the MC going at the females under false pretenses or heavily under the influence of drugs/alcohol. Or unconscious. It's all creepy all the way down.

    The story is pretty forgettable and juvenile. It basically follows the MC on his path to get with his <insert relation here>. He'll jump through stupid hoops and plot like an idiot and somehow it all works out for him in the end. It's all basically an excuse to lead to the sex scenes.

    The characters are pretty lacking in personality, motivation, backstory, pretty much everything. They're all simply their role. You have <insert relation here young female>, <insert relation here older female>, best friend and best friend's sister. It's pretty hard to get into any incest taboo when there's almost no relationship between the brother and the sister other than creepy perving.

    The images look good. There's some good outfits and good models. It's a good utilization of the software. Depending on what you're into, the scenes might work for you.

    Overall, I can't recommend it. Even if you're a big fan of incest, this game doesn't do it very well.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite good game which fixes predecessors major downside aka instability, basically game is same as Living with Mia except sidequests have been removed (most are on extra scenes).

    Game has very nice graphics (not top end but doesn't need) and plenty of sex content and non-sex content and story works (even it being silly).

    Depending if skips to sex scenes or not this has couple hours of playtime.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I quite enjoyed this game. It's not perfect, but there are more pro's than con's. I especially liked the mother, she is so hot.
    That said there was a few things I didn't like.
    - No sex sound effects, there's basically little to no effort put into audio in this game at all, which is disappointing as it always makes sex scenes, though well animated, kind of stale to me.
    - The story focuses too much on Mia, and it doesn't always feel consistent with the story to me. I mean it's all about MC, right, and his incest relationship... but he is also sleeping with his mom, so why isn't it Mia & Mom? The story feels more like a horny college dude who wants to rail all the bombshell women around him - what I wanted - but then you kind of get railroaded into this emotional scenes, guilt, etc. and I just found it kind of a buzz-kill and tone-inconsistent at times. This is not so bad in this game but gets worse in the sequel that I'm playing now.
    - I think dev was too lazy to get multiple penis models for the men, so they pretty much all have horse-sized dicks, which is fine as an exception for MC but immersion breaking when his nerd friend &other guys also have it. That and women say "not bad" to other men's size when it's clearly monstrous.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Bill Temple

    Reviewing the Final [Completed] release.
    If you're looking for a good story to entertain you or awaken your dead heart, keep looking. If you're looking for lame porn setups and plots that you could see on amateur PH, you're in luck.

    The renders look pretty good. In 2022 there's a lot better out there, but they still look good even against most modern competition. They look a little plastic, but at least they avoid the silly, overexaggerated expressions you see often in Daz renders. Some of the animations aren't great, but there are some pretty impressive animations, too. The biggest problem visually is MC's dick is too big at easily more than 14 inches. The next biggest visual flaws are mounted on Mia's and her Landlady's chest: each with a pair of LA pornstar tits. It's not just the size, but they have the rigidity of a pair of overfilled 500cc saline implants. Don't get me wrong. I like big tits, and in 3DCG porn games artists have the opportunity to depict big, perky, yet still natural(ish) looking breasts. Here, they went with the surgically enhanced aesthetic.

    I like a good story with my porno games. This one does have a story, but I wouldn't call it a good story. The execution of the writing and grammar are quite good. I'd even believe the writer was a native English speaker despite the comments in the renpy files being in Croatian. Despite readable sentences that concisely and accurately convey the things the writer wants to communicate, the story he decides to tell sucks. Objectively, the MC is pretty despicable, unless you want to debate the ethics of pharmaceutical assisted sex or tricking a guy into tying up his girlfriend to make it easier for you to assault her. There aren't really any choices to be less of an ass. He's the Designated Hero, so even though he's a creepy perv with a fucked up understanding of consent, his sister forgives him all of his transgressions (except one discovered at the very end). Her corruption progression is inorganic and unbelievable at almost all times. Character development is pretty inconsistent, and character growth also happens unexpectedly, which can be okay when done right, but this isn't. While Mia is never portrayed as sexually inexperienced or naive, she isn't shown as being terribly promiscuous early on. However, in the third act, she laughs off revelations that she's taken three dicks simultaneously before all the story began, which I think we can all agree is both a fairly libertine act and worldview. Act 3 tries to rescue the unemotional, inauthentic, gratuitous plot for the first two acts, but it comes too late to give any real feels unless you, the player, for some reason fell in love with the pixels on your screen, not because the characters had any real connections (other than P into V/A/M) before. The drama never has any real tension because it was never built up to properly. There are a few choices in the "game" but they only impact a few lines sprinkled throughout the novel, never actually any branching paths. It's a kinetic novel.

    The sequel's description claims to offer choices and perhaps more of the emotional depth and complexity that showed up in the third act of this game. It might be better than this game, but that's not too difficult to do.