I've tried to mostly stay out of the dogpile because I agree the update was dogshit, but has anyone else noticed the absolutely Herculean effort on the download page to put lipstick on this pig?:
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That right there is what we call "deceptive marketing", kids. Just look at all that bright text in the preview version, and how many more green checks there are! Why would you ever download the old crappy version, what with its piddling features like "All content available" and "Music and Sound". Who plays games for their story and music? Not you, savvy consumer, you're in it for that smooth input and load times.
Side tangent, my last job pulled the same garbage during the union recruitment seminar. In the breakdown of union vs. non-union there were like three lines dedicated to salary and benefits (which were the same for both groups) followed by twenty or so lines with garbage like "Be able to make a difference by participating in union votes!" It was about as subtle as the metaphorical brick they were not-so-subtly threatening us with if we didn't join the union.