Where in the game does it say they are in the ending phase of the marriage. It doesnt. They both realise that the sex in the relationship has become boring and they agree to explore options to spice up their sex life...
I don't think it takes a genius to figure out their relationship is about to end if you read these dialogues
Recently (after 5 years of marriage) something has changed ALSO for Anne...
I never dispute that Tony's ultimate goal is to share Anne with others. But they have to work up to that. Baby steps like it says on the opening page description.
I'm not disputing with you...
where is written in the game "Baby Steps"?
Your journey starts with you taking baby steps to convince her along the way to reach your final goal of sharing her.
you take too literally a presentation of the game written years ago that maybe wasn't written by the author and all presenations are obviously made to do not spoiler the storyline....you are
disputing against the written dialogues in the game
you don't get tired of repeating the same meaningless phrases over and over again
Also where does it say how long they were together before they got married. It just says that they met in college and soon after were married.
I make Tacos dialogue speak to answer you this
Anne then met Tony in her second year through Nicole and they soon began dating
Soon after college they were married....
This means they met second year through and usually college is 5 years long so 4 years or 3 if they was fast to graduate and when the game begins they have been married for 5 years... so 4 college years +5 = 9 years of romantic relationship or 8 in the case of fast graduation
Whose fault is it that they don't have sex?
When Tony suggests having sex Anne always says she is tired.
it's the fault of whoever made the wrong choice.. you made it, it's your fault and she get mad if you do wrong choices against your own plan to share her (baby steps is not written in the game) but forsure is the
first real step to prove her that you are rock solid in regaining the sex that is being lost in the relationship!
remember... their relationship is going to end....as is written in the game
before leaving for the weekend they had great sex many times after the challenges suggested in the emails by the site Adventurous Couple
Tony only gets to have (pity) sex with his wife if he lets her have sex with strangers. He gets a 5 min bj and a day later gets a 5 min quickie.
Exactly perhaps these are the "BABY STEPS" that are discussed in the OP presentation they starting to do quickie like as they doing when they was young students at the school
they cum very fast because now they are too much aroused when fuck

Sorry I'm kidding
the game doesn't tell every day but i have at least 4 scenes where Anne gets tired after fucking tony
But they fucked in the game
I'm preparing a folder for you with TONY&ANNE sex scenes

I've got 3 sex scenes before the weekend
She is TIRED AFTER HAVING SEX WITH TONY... so the sex was very hard!
Again she is tired after sex because they are fucking very like never in the latest year
they are starting to fuck like as the college years
It remains to be seen if choices will mater or not.
for now the choices matter ...yes they matter and matter

she is tired before to have sex (bc their relationship is going to end) ONLY if the MC makes choices to block the plan to share her with strangers
Exactly to show her to strangers but not for her to fuck those strangers just yet. They have to take it slowly using BABY STEPS
The "BABY STEPS" are FOCUSED on regain the sex attraction that was no more he same as it was years and years ago.
Again with the obsession of weather players have a relationship or not. I do and in my opinion my wife is on par with Anne except my wife has long red hair. But as Anne is fake then there is no comparison.
Your wife with red hair?
I agree Anne can't compare to your wife...just like you can't compare to Tony.
at day 21 Anne always tells everything to Tony.. unless there are reasons that will arise in the future...
but for now we are on day 21 of the game written by Mircom3D and at the moment Anne is loyal... but if Tony disappoints her she gets angry....and I think you are angry about what?... Maybe because you have pissed off with your choice?
How do you know that they will have to deal with uncle Robert, He isn't even in the game yet. Remains to be seen if he will be in the game
This is easy!
Do you remember this scene in the previous version of the game?
Evidently they wanted to kill Tony and rape Anne
BBBUUUUTTTTT Suddenly my bro is always ready... because all the Alleys in this city belong to UNCLE ROBERT
there is a great scene with choices in the dead game where they have to thank Uncle Robert!
as you can see I think I answered with facts (and some funny jokes to avoid boredom) to all your doubts... I think you should stop fighting against me... you always make a terrible impression with this useless attempts to discredit the facts that I have described...
I've already answered some of your repetitive questions in the end of this too long post
Why you do not just link me some of your old posts?
I think you are repeating and repeating the same nonsense to me and I really don't know why!
today is Sunday so I got the time to replay you
Edit:I forget to add the save for the scene of Anne's attempted rape foiled by uncle Robert that works in CH14
Edit again;
to say_ no rape in this game as the dev said
in his recent post here