Ren'Py - The Bite: Revenant [v0.9331] []

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The Bite: Revenant.

    A breath of amazingly fresh and welcome air, as it's trying something different and exciting compared to a lot of the same cookie cutter VN stories we tend to get around here.

    Story - I really enjoy vampire themes, and I wasn't disappointed here at all. Though I found the start a little boring, it was most likely intentional to show what a mundane life the MC was living prior to becoming a blood sucker. I feel like I was definitely far more invested once the vampire stuff kicked in, with the politics and what not, oh and once Zoey came along.
    (She's amazing.)

    Characters - It's a bit early to say too much about the characters and there are quite a few of them, but I really like Zoey so far and appreciate that the dev is taking her route nice and slow and letting that relationship build. The other girls you come across are okay but feel like the standard wam bam thank you mam types you get in a lot of VN's. This is all the more reason why Zoey's character sticks out to me.

    Renders - The renders are pretty nice, though I think the renders in the developers other project Robbin Hoods looked a bit better, I definitely overall prefer every other aspect of this to Robbin Hoods, though.

    Overall, I really enjoyed what there is on offer here so far and really hope the dev sticks this project out unlike Robbin Hoods, because it's very well made.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders,well-thought-out and written story. Unique. Nothing I do not like thus far! I felt interested in the MC survival and adaptation to his new life. I feel like you have a choice to hold on to your humanity or let it go and fully embrace your new life. Thus far I have hung on to my humanity,but humans are slowly looking like nothing more than cattle.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It is very promising project so far.
    We really need more games about vampires with good plot, well written characters and some lore about universe.

    I have some questions only about a lot of
    characteristics. It is going to be very hard to use them all and not to break the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a fucking FANTASTIC start for being so early in its development. Excellent writing with few grammar/spelling errors. Top tier CG models, sparing use of animations(meh quality tho) and an excelling setting with lore behind it.(which you can explore or ignore)

    Given more time in the oven this could rival Rebirth or even exceed it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to a game. Really enjoyed the depth in how the mc was turned and the fact that there is still so much to be uncovered. I'm interested to see the options going forward because it seems like you may have some true choices to make and stats to gain which I'm assuming will effect how things go,
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. Finally some vamp story.

    Also with lore and good renders. Not just a fuckgame.
    Takes the time to develop the plot, introduce characters with their quirks, locations and some interactions that you keep waiting to have and people to meet. Your abilities being one of those things that keep you intrigued.

    Really looking forward to more content - plot got me intrigued!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    We don't have a lot of vampire games out there. The ones I played here aren't good enough and often look like parody. “The Bite” is exactly what I was looking for, a serious environment, mature relationships and no excuses for not having closer interactions.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been awhile since I've seen a decent vampire game on here, and the story here manages to avoid most of the typical vampire clichés, while being very intriguing. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds, and some of the mysteries uncovered.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    So far story and writing are good, arts is excellent, MC and LIs (or LI?) are reasonable and relatable.

    The game is very far from being finished (so the rating is provisional).
    So far did not have the impression that there is much relevant choice. I would hope that in the long run there are different paths (humanity vs power or whatever) and the player is forced to make meaningful choices (instead of the MC turning out to be the universal über-vampire who is just perfect in everything)..
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is only at 0.2 so far but the game has a very good start there is a decent story with follow able narrative there's love interests theres danger its super powers its everything we need from a vampire VN the graphics are great the dev does a great job using shadowing and low light to set moods and good transitions between scenes i cant wait to see what comes next
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    After the v0.2 release the story got a whole lot more interesting and I can't wait to see whats gonna happen next and how you can develop the MC and what he can do in the future.
    Renders and girls look really good and very nice animations. So if your into the supernatural, then this game is for you! and looks like there could be a lot of action in the future, so it got everything I like! :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing story line so far. I am completely hooked. strong vampire the masquerade feel which i was a huge fan of as well so, yeah lol. 10 out of 10 for me!!! Renders look good as well and how you get to name the MC is brilliant! Can't wait for more!!!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I am revising my review based on update .51.

    1st- The models/renders are very good. There is always room for improvement, but frankly these are some excellent renders,
    2nd- The story initially looked to be a copy of it's obvious inspiration of VtM Bloodlines, but I was very pleasantly surprised at the direction the author took with the story AT THAT POINT.
    3rd- The MC is fairly likable, which is rare in an AVN, and doubly so in one where the MC is a blood sucking monster!
    4th- The primary supporting cast member is extremely gorgeous and as a cagey independent Outcast seems to be well portrayed.
    5th- The attempts to stay independent are compromised, as they should be, in any good Vampire story. The beginning of this was pretty spot on.
    6th- Starting in .51, the MC's responses were fairly non sensical to the situation. He had been cautioned, and yet makes statements, which as a player we get no choice in, and are thus railroaded Kinetic Novel style.
    7th- The power of the newly turned MC seems to be haphazardly applied. When stressed in one scene the MC is able to make a significant difference in the story. In a greater stressed scene, which by previously established logic should have released the MC's power again, there was no such option. It was Death or be a submissive bitch.

    I am pretty much an authority on the inspirational material for this game. I edit and make inputs on another more successful game in this genre. I really feel that the developer would benefit from some outside input or critique of proposed story, as this could have become a really good one. I am ending my following of this game without becoming a patron of it on Patreon, which I do for all games that I play and enjoy. *or I buy them on Steam. This game will receive no support from me as long as it continues in the path it has just taken.

    I wish the developer the very best of luck.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent writing and realism along with solid renders and surprisingly fluid animations.

    Pacing is not too quick and dev definitely captures the feel of anxiety and intrigue that comes from first being a mundane civilian transformed into a vampire.

    Haven't seen many vampire VNs outside of Rebirth so this is a very pleasant surprise and something I'll definitely keep tabs on
    Likes: Weyrd
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A VN with huge potential

    An engaging supernatural plot with interesting characters that you definitely will enjoy
    The dev did a great job with the writing and dialogues also it's well organized
    Liked the way how it was narrated and how it ended with the cliffhanger
    Great renders with new models
    All in all for a first release it's a great set up for an upcoming thrilling engaging story with good amount of content
    Definitely lookin forward to what comes next

    Goodluck dev keep up the good work
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The Bite has a wide range of interesting characters. Starting with the protagonist. A man who feels the weight of being an adult and awkwardly tries to find his way. Interesting written with focus on story over sex. Models look beautiful and realistic. It's still an early version, but very promising. Definitely a must try!
    Likes: Weyrd
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    (copy-pasting from post in thread)

    Very VERY good first impressions.

    The writing is good, and it certainly manages to catch that Vampire: The Masquerade feel I think it's going for.

    None of the models are out of place and they are all of , the only thing that made me think twice was the blade the 'Arbiter' had, but it quickly clicked why she was carrying it around.

    A good amount of content, if light on the sex but that is to be expected from more story driven games like this.

    I'm going to be looking forward to the next release with great anticipation, great job dev.