Is it possible to change a girl's trait (advertiser/camgirl etc.) In-game instead of editing manually?
I made a small save game editor, where you can change it: do you edit those manually?
This is awesome.I made a small save game editor, where you can change it:
Iiiiinteresting. I'll look into it when I find time.This is awesome.
Just so you know Disgruntler, when you try to fire a Crown Jewel, it crashes the game (unable to hire anyone else).
I was testing and found out the hard way.![]()
I generally either add new save information onto the end of the save or within the girl objects so I expect forward compatitibility.Hi folks!
I made a quick and dirty Save Game Editor for Venus's Club. Works with current version
I get an error when I load a save "End of Stream was encountered before parsing was completed."I made a quick and dirty Save Game Editor for Venus's Club. Works with current version
I hope I didn't upset you in a way by publishing this editor... You do great work in continuing Tobe's work on that game with some nice and fresh ideas. Really enjoy the work!I generally either add new save information onto the end of the save or within the girl objects so I expect forward compatitibility.
The only thing I ask of you is, if you see a stat that doesn't seem to be referenced in game, that's either something for future work I'm considering or it's something Tobe put in that is unused that I might find a way to incorporate--please don't work with those. It won't break anything, but there's no guarantee that it'll become 'a thing' either.
It's your games though, you do you.
Is the save game from the newest Venus's Club version ( This error occurs if there should be more data in the save file, but isn't... E.g. an older save.I get an error when I load a save "End of Stream was encountered before parsing was completed."
Any ideas what I've done wrong?
Yes. It's a fresh restart from the weekend using the most recent update (I think). But for some reason, my main folder says the save game from the newest Venus's Club version (
Yeah 0.2 has some behind the scenes changes to the GirlClass object which would change the file structure. My 0.1 saves aren't compatible either.Yes. It's a fresh restart from the weekend using the most recent update (I think). But for some reason, my main folder says
I'm not really sure why the folder is named that way.
I'm re-downloading a fresh install and I'll let you know if it continues. Thanks for putting the app together and for taking time to answer my question.
Edit: Looks as though I was running a test build from August ( instead of the stable release from June (
Didn't even realize it.
At first I was confused at how this could be, because Connection is the slower drip currency. However, reading this, I think you mean that you're flush with Influence (mafia dudes) and dry with Connection (suit dudes)Disgruntler one thing I noticed on the .2 is that I often have trouble gaining enough Influence to buy the late-stage upgrades. It sometimes take 4-5 days to pick up the 10 influence I need for each upgrade in the Final Club.
It makes it so the only way to acquire performers is through the Lottery -- which is fine because I was picking up 100 or so Connection points each night.
My current meta gets me a fairly decent rate of Suit Dudes so I'll share my strat that I generally test with.In one save, I went a week without picking up any Influence but had close to 2000 Connection -- and it frustrated the hell out of me. lol
That's why I was looking into the app to see if I could boost it up a little quicker. Not sure if it's something with the build or the way I play the game but I thought I'd toss it out here.
My bad, I confused the two. Yep, plenty of Mafia, no suit dudes. Didn't think about the Snobchurn (nice term, BTW) but I did all the costume stuff to see if anything kicked.At first I was confused at how this could be, because Connection is the slower drip currency. However, reading this, I think you mean that you're flush with Influence (mafia dudes) and dry with Connection (suit dudes)
Look to see if "firstgirl":true,Is there anything in their JSON file that would cause this? It's happening in
Ah, Thank you! I'm blind, I tried comparing the JSON to another pack before asking and I never noticed that flag.Look to see if "firstgirl":true,
I think I set it that way for Maya <sorry>. Change the true to false on both girls and it should be back to random.
FYI: There is a pretty handy editor on the first post for fixing these things.
I made a small mod for Venus's Club It's just some small control adjustments, for easier navigation during the booth game. I like to use the Numpad, as there all keys are relatively close (and I always struggle finding the numbers in the row...). Also tried to make better use auf auto-zoom and auto-pause. And fixed the finisher hotkeys
- Add possibility to zoom with numpad
Numbers 1-6 work as usual, now numpad 1-6 also work.
But in a "reverse" order, to resemble the booth placement on screen,
i.e. 4 = first, 5 = second, 6 = thrid, 1 = fourth, 2 = fith, 3 = sixth
- Add key to rewind video
Rewind with period (.) or numpad 0
- Add new pause key / unzoom key
Pause/unpause with Numpad Period (.)
Unzoom with Numpad Plus (+)
- Fixed finsher hotkeys
The game had hotkeys for finishers, however, they were bugged. It could not trigger a finisher, but when a finisher was running, could change it...
The keys are like it was intendet in the game, placed like the buttons on screen:
R = body, T = tits, Y = facial,
F = swallow, G = creampie, H = anal,
V = 3some, B = 4+, (and C = extend)
[*]Reworked auto-zoom toggles
I tried to make it work that it is useful for me... The original toggles had some hidden mechanic, I didn't understand, and depended if the game was paused or not... so here it is:
"Auto Zoom on New Video" can change to another girl
"Auto Swap on New Video" will stay on the same girl
It works now as follows:
- None are checked: Never auto zoom
- Both are checked: Always auto zoom
- Only "Auto Zoom" is checked: Auto zoom when no video is zoomed
- Only "Auto Swap" is checked: Auto zoom on a new video on current girl, i.e. auto swap to finisher, but never else
- Reworked the Auto-Pause toggle
It should work now in a way that the game correctly pauses / unpauses when zooming and unzooming.
I.e. if the game was paused before zooming, stay paused when unzooming.
If the game was running before, go back to running.
My balance concern: OFMs/Karens currently work -because- they're taken off the field so you have to use them (or put them backstage) to get their bonus the rest of the time. If Karen no longer has to work to get the bonus, what's stopping one from just having her sit there passively giving the bonus as girls 7-8?I made a second patch, that will additionally remove the energy-constraints of "On-Floor Managers" (aka Karens). With this, the requirement of 100 energy and reduced energry regeneration are removed.
Yeah, send me the source code and I'll take a boo at it!Extract and copy/replace the Assembly-CSharp.dll in {VCFolder}\Venus's Club Happy Hour_Data\Managed
You might want to make a backup of the original file.
Disgruntler If you want, I can PM you the code changes I've made. The hotkeys are quite obvious, but auto-zoom / auto-pause and finisher fix might be worthwhile to have for the official game. Just write me!
v1.1 now remembers auto zoom flags
I know it breaks your intended mechanics. But as I posted before in my Save Game Editor, they just break my game flow...My balance concern: OFMs/Karens currently work -because- they're taken off the field so you have to use them (or put them backstage) to get their bonus the rest of the time. If Karen no longer has to work to get the bonus, what's stopping one from just having her sit there passively giving the bonus as girls 7-8?
Sent you a messageYeah, send me the source code and I'll take a boo at it!
I know it breaks your intended mechanics. But as I posted before in my Save Game Editor, they just break my game flow...
That's why I posted a version with and without this mechanic
I am getting the same error and my game is It is on a newly started game, should the game run into it more or what for the editor to work? I have the editor in its own file, does it have to integrated into the game files itself (replacing some of the data within)?Is the save game from the newest Venus's Club version ( This error occurs if there should be more data in the save file, but isn't... E.g. an older save.