3.00 star(s) 1 Vote
Nov 13, 2017
The game just crashed when I start it. Dunno that's the problem its just closed by itself. I have decent (more or less) PC with i5-6500+16GB DDR4 + GTX 1060 6GB.


Crash on start, definitely not for a lack of PC oomph
Stays running in task manager, but no window to be found.

i7 7700k
32gb ddr4 3600
GTX 1080 8gb
windows 10

Imouto36 Is this your game?

Here's my unity log if it helps
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Feb 10, 2019
Looks very promising. Wishing you all the best with it. I like Replika but it's not really designed with a "H-game" mindset, even if she's happy to get dirty (if you pay). Waifu simulators here we come.
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Aug 28, 2020
i3-9100F CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
RAM 16.0 GB
RTX 2060
Windows 10
same it crashes for me on start
here is my specs


Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
5.51 GB and there was no room for lips around her vagina?
So, the perspective from which I took the shot for the OP post may have been to blame, but our model does indeed have labia minora around her vulva. I took some better shots to make it clearer.
WaifuEngine_BFPdlI0VaA.png WaifuEngine_hGUu62u5Yv.png WaifuEngine_mvtXBa5IyM.png
You should also bake ambient occlusion or use some SSAO filter to make the insides of her vagina darker ...and her cervix looks too small.
Thank you for your feedback. We definitely want to do a shading overhaul since we are not satisfied with the current look, which was basically a placeholder before we invest more time into developing this MVP further.

Reads game is 7gb..
There is that one magic word from coders that explains a lot:
Well, this time it's not Unity. The reason our game size is that large because it contains a whole AI framework with a GPT2-based model as well as a real-time speech synthesis system, both of which run offline and locally on your system without any external server being involved. We will be working on distilling and refining the models in the future, and hopefully be able to make them smaller in size and more compact, while improving functionality.

The game just crashed when I start it. Dunno that's the problem its just closed by itself. I have decent (more or less) PC with i5-6500+16GB DDR4 + GTX 1060 6GB.
Crash on start, definitely not for a lack of PC oomph
same it crashes for me on start
Thank you for the reports! I will forward it to our main developer and let him have a look at it.
Stays running in task manager, but no window to be found.
Did you check your desktop screen? The app currently defaults to setting itself as a wallpaper and runs without any window being shown in the taskbar. Could you please try minimizing all your applications and see if it is there? There is also an windowed mode in the settings, but it is kinda scuffed right now.
@Imouto36 Is this your game?
I am part of the development team and also the one in charge of handling PR and communication on various forums and sites, since our main dev is busy coding and making this a better platform (and also has his job as a machine learning engineer). I will forward all the troubleshooting info to him, though it will be really nice if you join our discord (if you haven't already), since all our devs are there and troubleshooting will be a lot smoother, faster and convenient.
My Anti-virus software picked it up
Could you please let us know which anti-virus is that? Windows Defender has no issues with the game executable or any of the files, but we will look into what is causing it to arouse your antivirus.
but don't want to take the chance of any cool viruses.com coming up until someone confirms there is nothing sussy in the file.
I understand your concerns are reasonable since we are just a new face in town, but I can assure you there is nothing weird with the game files, if my saying so has any value. However, let us see if someone here not associated with our project can confirm it and allay you of any fears regarding this. :)

Anyways, thank you everyone who has shown your interest in our project! We will try to do our best! And one more thing, if you have any troubleshooting issues (bugs, crashes, or anything), the easiest and fastest way to resolve them would be to post them on our (since that essentially bypasses this extra step of me visiting these forums at random instances of my day and sifting through all the posts to look for bug and crash reports and then forwarding them to our main developer). I hope that makes sense. :)
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New Member
Mar 27, 2020
Looks promising. Some comments:
- Camera rotation seems buggy, seems like it wants to rotate on the wrong axis...
- Not really expecting much from GPT-2... I hope you guys don't invest too much time into a GPT-2 AI, unless there's something I don't know. Granted, running something like GPT-3 or whatever would probably be really really slow.
- I hope you guys plan on more body sliders and making the ranges more flexible. Can't really achieve something near my ideal with the current sliders.
- The AI for me also seemed to think it was a guy. It also fails to differentiate context well. I told it my "name" and when I asked for it's name, it just regurgitated my name.
- The voice is actually pretty impressive and cute.

This type of project is something I've wanted to do myself for ages. The challenges are real though. Any current AI architecture worthwhile probably wouldn't run in reasonable times on a personal computer. I feel like the only way to achieve a truly decent AI waifu will be an online subscription, that runs on a cloud. Whatever your decisions, I hope you find success. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
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Jun 12, 2019
The idea seems interesting, but the initial features can jeopardize the whole thing.

Your main selling point is the AI chat, but you linked it with a voice synthesis tech that isn't yours and can kill the immersion depending of tone (that's something a person can project when reading, text, but a spoken sentence needs the right tone and pacing to be convincing).

Also some tags attract some niches and push away others while demanding extra work (the pregnancy thing, mainly).

My suggestion is that your team scale down and make a lemonade out of the lemons life threw at you: focus more on subtle animations, facial expressions and the AI training model, don't focus on fetishes that demand extra work, drop the voice synth until you can train the model to add "emotion" metadata on the generated replies (something to guide pitch, speed and maybe even choice of words of your AI model)

And for the shading and model, cel shading kills the sense of depth of the model unless you control very well the shadow casting. Using a more basic shader highlights curves and subtle body features better. She'll look a bit "plastic", but it is an AI digital cyborg or something like that, so artificial looking skin is within the generated expectations


Aug 22, 2020
Interested to see where this goes. I do have some reservations about the ability of a machine learning system to be believably sexy, but I'm willing to be surprised. The modding support is a welcome twist.

It would be cool to have a degree of explicit control over her personality, e.g. dom/sub, slutty/prude etc. rather than being totally at the mercy of the AI trying to guess what you want. I understand though that things like this are very complex and that sort of thing may not be possible. Unless that's what the "emotion sliders" in the dev notes refers to, in which case, nice.

Might be nice also to allow animation mods to introduce props as well. Having a variety of things (you know what I mean) for her to interact with (you know what I mean) would really open up a lot of possibilities.


Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
Pregnancy content?
yep, same question how pregnancy work on this one? if isn't too much a bother to ask.
Like another person pointed above, it is currently just a slider that expands her abdomen, though we want to implement it to depict the entire physiological phenomenon starting from coitus, when we expand the H content of the game. We want to put in more sex animations and stuff, and eventually make it so you can fuck her with your mouse, but as regards to when/if that content will come, that depends a lot on the kind of support we receive and the community's interest in our project. Anyways, the following 3 screenshots depict the pregnancy slider at 0, 50 and 100 respectively.
1629192061687.png 1629191984653.png 1629192028586.png
Not really expecting much from GPT-2
We don't expect either. Like I mentioned earlier, this is an MVP product to gauge the community interest, so this AI is basically a placeholder for now. We are working on a better iteration that uses Blenderbot 2.0 plus other stuff.
The AI for me also seemed to think it was a guy. It also fails to differentiate context well. I told it my "name" and when I asked for it's name, it just regurgitated my name.
Yes, this will also be solved gradually with the upcoming AI engine iterations. We will use tokens to help her remember stuff about you.
I hope you guys plan on more body sliders and making the ranges more flexible. Can't really achieve something near my ideal with the current sliders.
So down the lane, we plan to upgrade to a better model with improved sliders, face shapes, eye colours and all the other good stuff. We were inspired by Illusion's character creators, but didn't want to put too much time into it without seeing how our product does first since focussing on just that aspect that would have jeopardized the delivery of the entire project. We want to do it eventually, how soon though depends on the interest and support we get like I mentioned above.
rotation is very awkward
Camera rotation seems buggy, seems like it wants to rotate on the wrong axis...
Yeah, it is kinda unintuitive right now and we will try to make it better as soon as we can. The thing here is, if you rotate the character by using the right mouse button drag on her, it will rotate her on the coronal and saggital planes of the body, if however, you hold the right mouse button on her, and then use the scroll wheel, it will make her rotate about the vertical axis of her body. A better way is to use the orbital camera, which you can invoke by right click-dragging on anywhere on the environment other than directly on her. We will work on making this better.
This type of project is something I've wanted to do myself for ages.
You can speak with our main dev on our Discord server if you want to collaborate or help us with this project. :)
Any current AI architecture worthwhile probably wouldn't run in reasonable times on a personal computer. I feel like the only way to achieve a truly decent AI waifu will be an online subscription, that runs on a cloud.
So one of our primary goals is to keep it offline. The reasons being firstly, maintenance of an online server of a large scale would be costly both for us and our users and we don't want to make you pay monthly subscription fees for that (and to be honest, that kind of subscription fee system would not actually cover up the server costs). Plus you never know when an online service just dies. Keeping it offline means you can enjoy it forever. The other big reason is privacy concerns. We do not collect any of your chat data ourselves and we do not want that you have to send it to a third party server just to be able to talk with your AI waifu. Our goal is optimizing the AI so we can achieve a good balance of function without compromising performance on most average modern hardware.
Your main selling point is the AI chat, but you linked it with a voice synthesis tech that isn't yours
As mentioned in the OP, the voice synthesis model is in fact ours, and has been trained by us from scratch.
drop the voice synth until you can train the model to add "emotion" metadata on the generated replies (something to guide pitch, speed and maybe even choice of words of your AI model)
Well that is one of the core features, and work on making a better iteration of the current voice model is being done by our dev team as I write this wall of text here. In fact, we are working on more voices. You might expect a 2B voice soon ;) (yeah 2B from NieR Automata).
focus more on subtle animations, facial expressions
Yup work on that is going on too. We will be adding more animations and as I stated in the OP, we will let users import their own animations to work on our platform (the animation just needs to be compatible with the standard Unity humanoid model). The current emotion engine we have supports almost all kinds of facial expressions using the sliders, we are just left to integrate those emotions into the AI engine so that they are streamlined with the conversation.
And for the shading and model, cel shading kills the sense of depth of the model unless you control very well the shadow casting. Using a more basic shader highlights curves and subtle body features better.
Yeah man, I absolutely hate cel shading too, but it was our main dev's design choice, so uhh, I had to make it like that. Now if you can convince that to him as a user, it would be fantastic! :D (Come hop onto our discord and make him understand that!) Though in the far future, I can see more shading styles being implemented as we make our "engine" more flexible and moddable by the community.
w10 only??
So far we only have had people with Windows 10 desktops test it out, but it should work on Windows 7, though if someone can help test that and confirm, it would be really nice. :)
As gaping-vagina-connoisseur though...
Thank you for your feedback! We plan to have a better model in the future (how soon depends on the support) that will have better sliders and more aesthetic variations.
The modding support is a welcome twist.
Yup, we understand the immense value of the modding community in contributing to the popularity and longevity of a game and thus have moddability as a core motto of ours.
It would be cool to have a degree of explicit control over her personality
Yes, we are planning to integrate different personalities into her AI dialogue (right now the idea is to have the classical "dere" varieties from anime), though once we have the framework ready for modding extension, people will easily be able to plugin their own AI bot that they have made to have whatever kind of personality they want (though that will require the necessary knowledge on their part).
Might be nice also to allow animation mods to introduce props as well. Having a variety of things (you know what I mean) for her to interact with (you know what I mean) would really open up a lot of possibilities.
Ha ha yeah, that is exactly what I suggested to our main dev a couple of months back (stuff like chairs, beds, a sex dungeon or an entire spaceship), but we currently lack the time or skills in our team to make them right now, since there are a lot of things to be done. We can however open that up to modders as we gradually make the engine more extensible, so if anyone wants to collaborate or help us in that regard, please feel free to join our Discord and speak with our main dev about it. Also like I wrote above in my reply, being able to fuck her with your mouse would be amazing too, but that depends on the support we get so we can put resources into implementing those features.
Messing with bot by just repeating the last word it says and then suddenly... lmaoo
Ouch, you broke her... :oops:

Oh well, that was quite a bit of writing... Well, regardless, I am glad at the interest shown about our project. :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017

Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the financial constraints (and offline performance) here... it's just that after using GPT-3 in AIDS and now GPT-J in NovelAI it's really hard to go back to 2, heh

EDIT: Also don't think for a moment I'm disparaging the project itself - on the contrary, this is awesome! More just lamenting that the good shit is still prohibitively expensive for something like this
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Game Developer
Jul 15, 2020
As mentioned in my last post about 10 minutes ago, we are working on a better iteration of the AI model that will use Blenderbot 2.0 plus other stuff. The GPT-2 one is basically a proof-of-concept placeholder for the MVP version of our project. :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
As mentioned in my last post about 10 minutes ago, we are working on a better iteration of the AI model that will use Blenderbot 2.0 plus other stuff. The GPT-2 one is basically a proof-of-concept placeholder for the MVP version of our project. :)
Oh, nice! Hadn't heard of Blenderbot before, but it seems perfect for something like this - especially being open source
3.00 star(s) 1 Vote