
Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.4.10 implements ad-hoc teams. Now you can choose each team to either be a normal team (act as before), or an ad-hoc team. If you have a free ad-hoc team, then you can assign manually units to go on a quest. Or, you can let the game auto-assign it for you too, with a settings whether to cannibalize other teams or not.

Normal teams are generally better for long-term, since the members in the team tend to build friendship/rivalries with each other, which increases their stats when they are together in a team. Ad-hoc are better for specific missions requiring specific traits.

v1.0.0 will have to wait a little, because I feel this feature is too important to ignore. The current plan is that v1.0.0 will be released in around 36 hours (was pushed back 1 day from 12 hours because of v0.12.4.10).

Speaking of which, I've crudely drawn the current region map.


BeholdTheWizzard You are absolutely right that the game needs a way to manually / auto-built ad hoc teams. It's implemented in the latest version.

Body modification is a very late-game option, and requires you to unlock an item and a building before you can do that. Updated the trait text to reflect it a little.


There's only one quest that specifically requires hypnotic skill right now. Other than that, it gives a large boost to one of the skills (I think slaving?). If you are looking for hypnotism features (e.g., hypnotizing slaver/slaves), there is none right now.


No pregnancy content in the game right now.
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Mar 18, 2018
It's weird to hare a game on this site pushing deadlines and updates in the window of hours/days, not months/years. Keep up the swell work my dude.
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Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
Thanks a lot for the crazy effort! One thing:
I think this is better done sooner than later: Multiple feedbacks have convinced me to convert the lodging rooms into upgrades. In the latest v0.12.4.4, Lodging room, Dungeon cell, Armory storage, and Locker room have all been rewritten into a purely upgrade-based mechanic now, similar to the mission control. No more duplicate of buildings. Upgrades take improvement space now to compensate.
The upgrades become too expansive to afford, now it's very difficult to expand your fort if you don't cheat on money. Maybe decrease the increment quite a bit?
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Yes you're right. Previously the fort was "soft-capped" at 60 improvements (meaning the price is reasonable up to fort level 60, then ramp up like crazy), which is not sufficient anymore. I am thinking to soft-cap it at 80 improvements, but I'm playtesting it first to get a better feeling. Do you have any suggestion what number of improvement is good before the price ramps up a lot?


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
If it's your intention then one only starts to get steady stream of income after start to train and sell your slaves, with a decent amount of slavers and teams. So:
Fort: Mission control now eat up 4 upgrades, so maybe first 25, then 25->40, 40->60, 60->80, 80->100? But I didn't get far into later game stuff, not sure how grindy it is to play those.
Lodging room: Should remain cheap for the first 10 upgrades, for 5 teams + duty staff.
Dungeon cell: Seems fine.
Armory storage: Seems fine.
Mission control + Locker room: is fine.
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Aug 1, 2017
My virus scanner just lost it's shit over a file from the most recent upload: dist/img/unit/_meta.js for the newest version which I just downloaded from Files.fm

Detecting Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl, which it never has on previous versions which contain that file. That's not an uncommon false-positive, but I figured I'd let you know it's happening if there's something about the structure of the file that's changed and is easily correctable, because even a false positive is going to make people avoid it "just in case."

It's something from after which scanned fine, so a change from xx.10 (which I never got to download) or xx.11, just guessing on a hunch it's something regarding the ad hoc teams code that looks fishy to it, because as far as I know that was the only major change in the code.
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Someguy01 Thanks for the heads up. It's caused by the new image refactoring. I've uploaded a v0.12.4.12, which I believe should resolve the issue, but since my antivirus is fine with it I can't test it out... Can you help check if it's still a problem?

Edit: If it's still a problem, I will revert the image changes. The drawback is that it'll be harder for players to use their own image sets, but I think it's a price I'm ok with if the alternative is triggering antivirus overload.
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Aug 1, 2017
Someguy01 Thanks for the heads up. It's caused by the new image refactoring. I've uploaded a v0.12.4.12, which I believe should resolve the issue, but since my antivirus is fine with it I can't test it out... Can you help check if it's still a problem?

Edit: If it's still a problem, I will revert the image changes. The drawback is that it'll be harder for players to use their own image sets, but I think it's a price I'm ok with if the alternative is triggering antivirus overload.
Passed thru the download scan just fine, looks like whatever it was you fixed it.

*edit* and passed thru after unzipping just fine too. You nailed the issue.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
darkofoc, there's a... glitch? Hard to say. But if you click on a duty, there's "(+)" link next to the name of the slaver performing it. When you click it, the person's stats come up, along with a "(+)" link next to a duty. When you click it, the duty details come up, with a "(+)" link next to the person holding it. When you click it... get the picture?

This may be relatively easy to fix, though: if one of the ancestors of a given... widget? object? is the same object, disable all the "(+)" links in it, they're still active on the ancestor.

On another note from the QoL front: when choosing the training to give to a slave, you could hide the unavailable training behind a link, or use a different (red?) border for them. It would make it much easier to spot the available trainings. Also, the trainings already achieved or impossible to achieve (i.e. excluded by other trainings, or by anything else like race, sex, whatever; not by something you can gain, though, like buildings) should be removed from the list entirely.
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Aug 1, 2017
On another note from the QoL front: when choosing the training to give to a slave, you could hide the unavailable training behind a link, or use a different (red?) border for them. It would make it much easier to spot the available trainings. Also, the trainings already achieved or impossible to achieve (i.e. excluded by other trainings, or by anything else like race, sex, whatever; not by something you can gain, though, like buildings) should be removed from the list entirely.

I actually like this idea.
If they can get the training, leave the colors as is.
If they already have the training, exclude it from the list entirely
If you can't do the training because either you lack the building or they aren't eligible due to sex lack of previous prerequisites, just grey the option out, but still let it be 'seen' in the list.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
As always, thanks for the feedbacks.

v0.12.4.13 puts some last minute QoL and bugfixes, and should be the last version before v1.0.0, which is scheduled to be released in under 24 hours.

Hermenegild The unit training greyed out is a good idea --- it's implemented now.

The duty "cycle" I think is harmless, so I'll probably just keep it there. Fixing it requires changing how the entire game UI is designed, so it's not really viable.

Someguy01 Thanks for the check, glad it's fixed. Probably flagged because the "_meta.js" name is suspicious, which is renamed now.


Aug 31, 2017
I just encountered an inconsistency:
Upgrade to lvl2 fort cost: 50g
Upgrade to lvl3 fort cost: 200g
Upgrade to lvl 4 fort cost: 120g
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v0.12.4.14 moved the gender preferences to the new game page, so it'll affect the starting slavers.

Welp, hopefully v0.12.4.14 is the last version before v1.0.0, which is scheduled for release in under 24 hours.

sappho Thanks, it's fixed.

Edit: uh oh, v0.12.4.15 cleanups the futa/null genders, since they're not being used and may confuse people. Last one, I swear!
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Mar 9, 2018
Hi, I read through the thread that the only way for there to be a slaver turned slave event to happen is for someone else to make it themselves. I decided to use the creation event tool and made one. I'm not that much of a tech wiz compiling the event into the game, and the subreddit is deserted right now. So, I was told to post the event here on the thread.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
Bug report: The "No job" filter for slaves does not skip over slaves being trained.

Also, on a similar note, is the "On duty" filter needed for slaves as well? Might be, it's quite possible I never got that far into the game, just asking.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Yes, there are slave duties late in the game.

Thanks but the "No job" thing is intentional --- otherwise, the trained slave won't appear at any of the filters but (remove filter), which I feel is a bit awkward.

justcuriousyouknow thanks for submitting the quest. However, there's several problem with your quest that makes it unsuitable at its current state to be in the game. For instance, it does not appear in any quest pool, meaning the quest will never get scouted. A quest should appear at some location, like the plains or city, etc. The flavor text / description I feel is also weird to read --- I understand it is copy pasted from one of the existing quests that converts a slave to slaver. While it works there, I feel it does not work for slaver -> slave.

If you need help on how to use the content creator, there's a detailed tutorial here: .

I feel that quests that converts a slaver to slave should have that conversion as a disaster outcome, not reward. For example, maybe the slaver got traumatized so badly that they hated being a slaver so much and chose to become a slave. Otherwise, it does not really makes sense that a slaver would be willingly be converted into a slave.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
Thanks but the "No job" thing is intentional --- otherwise, the trained slave won't appear at any of the filters but (remove filter), which I feel is a bit awkward.
True, the slave being visible only with no filters is a WTF moment, and those should be avoided. But, so is finding a "[BUSY]" slave in the "No job" list.

It could be listed on a filter of the team performing the training. Or it could be listed in a separate dynamic "Being trained" filter, which would not be visible at all if no slaves are currently being trained. Come to think of it, all filters could disappear if they match nothing; that would also take care of my "slave on duty" question above.
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Hermenegild Due to how filters are coded, removing "unavailable" filters are a bit shaky now. For example, if you use the Duty filter last, and then the unit on duty get removed and now nobody is on duty, it's unclear what should happen. I think keeping it as it is right now is probably good enough, but I do get your concern about a problem with searching for units.

To this end, v0.12.4.16 instead adds unit sorting.
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