
May 4, 2017
Thanks for help, i just discovered that at the bottom of save are numbers for values that can be changed.
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Letting the HTML file decompress should be faster than using save edit online. this is the code you replace the lzstring text with in index.html to decompress save files, future saves should be readable in notepad++


Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
darkofoc, one thing that would help the game a lot: allow changes to a unit after assigning a team to the quest, preferably including directly from the quest list. Removing a team from the quest, performing a change you want, and then assigning the team back to the same quest gets tedious quickly. Add to this a chance of real life interrupting you and once you're back you don't remember what you wanted to do, so you find the quest again, assign the team you want to it, and check again what it was you actually wanted to do with that team.

This feature might not be a simple one, though. Allowing such changes from the unit list, however, should be simpler, and it would still help a lot, provided you could view assigned quest role details from the unit.

You could even allow changes to the team itself from the teams list, although I would limit them to team members with no role in the current quest.

And of course, such changes should not be allowed once the team is away. Simply use the same restrictions as in whether a team can be removed from the mission. That said, most missions are one week long, so it doesn't matter much anyway.


Aug 1, 2017
Trojan warning is back in dist/img/unit/imagemeta.js

Same as before, Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl

This was on the I just downloaded, I moved from, so it's crept back in at some point after xx.12 and xx.16


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Someguy01 Thanks for the headsup. Huh... that's completely odd. The content of that file is just:

(function () {
/* Change the number below to the number of image files in this folder. */

/* The following is list of direct subdirectories. */
UNITIMAGE_LOAD_FURTHER = ["gender_male", "gender_female", ]
I'll think about it. Edit: Nevermind, I think I found the second culprit. Hopefully this will fix it --- will push tomorrow on v1.0.0.

Hermenegild Right. Doing that is going to be extremely problematic though: for example, it could break the unit requirements on specific quests (say, some quest Q requires a slaver wearing a gag. Then you send a gagged A to Q, then you remove the gag. This problem actually occurred before with equipment sets, where you can equip a non-slutty equipment to a slaver, then make it slutty. It's already fixed few updates ago though.) I think I'll shelf that feedback until after 1.0.0, due to these kind of scary issues.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
Hermenegild Right. Doing that is going to be extremely problematic though: for example, it could break the unit requirements on specific quests. [...] I think I'll shelf that feedback until after 1.0.0, due to these kind of scary issues.
Make it simpler. Do not validate the requirements on the fly. Allow the player to do whatever he wants with units, their equipment, whatever. But... show the "[!]" warning sign at "END WEEK" link until all quest issues are fixed, and of course flag the quests as well. If the player does end the week with the warning sign still on, well... he asked for it: fail the quests.

And a related issue: if the "[!]" warning sign is active, please ask a user to confirm when he clicks the "END WEEK" link.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
Hermenegild I understand the intention, but it's really complicated. For example, using the solution you gave, then I'm not sure what to do for quests that have costs (e.g., those that consume items). One solution is to delay consuming the cost until end of week... which means that now I either have to remember what items are "on loan", or I risk allowing the player to go on two quests that requires a potion even though they only have one. Allowing them to just go on quest without checking requirement is another big pitfall altogether for the player.

All of these problems have solution. But I'm afraid these problems are the tip of the iceberg and there are much more hiding under the surface. (Given that 2 problems already come up within minutes.) Tackling this feature requires handling all the problems that result from it, and handling them in a proper way, which is just too much work I think.

TLDR;, I think the intention is good, but too complicated to implement and best shelved for later when a better solution appears.

Right on the end of week confirmation. It'll be there on v1.0.0, thanks as usual for the feedbacks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing with all female slaves and the Real Deal quest cannot be finished because the requirement is a sissy slave.

Also, how does one get herms? I have almost everything unlocked, level 82+ fort, I can bodyshape, but no option for herms?
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
BeholdTheWizzard The sissy thing is a bug, fixed, thanks. (It's bizarrely rare to occur too, since the advanced sissy is correctly coded to never appear, just the master one).

Herms are dropped at v1.0.0. The reason is because they add burden to writers (e.g., see how free cities need to basically take care of herm as a third gender in their sex menus). Before v1.0.0, herms were un obtainable. At the moment, you can (with great difficulty) make male slave with breasts, but you cannot make a slave have both pussy and dick at the same time.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
Hermenegild I understand the intention, but it's really complicated. For example, using the solution you gave, then I'm not sure what to do for quests that have costs (e.g., those that consume items). One solution is to delay consuming the cost until end of week... which means that now I either have to remember what items are "on loan", or I risk allowing the player to go on two quests that requires a potion even though they only have one. Allowing them to just go on quest without checking requirement is another big pitfall altogether for the player.
Ever heard of the KISS principle? :)

If I were you, I would perform quest readiness validation without marking equipment "on loan". Simply total all the requirements and only then compare the numbers with your resources. If the requirements cannot be met, light the "[!]" warning sign. Then you go through the quest list from the top and when you run out of a resource (money, equipment, whatever), mark this quest and all subsequent ones requiring the resource as failing. Repeat for every resource with shortage.

If you do it this way, there's no possibility to do two quests with a single potion. Simple and robust.

Plus, of course delay the actual consumption until week end.

But as I said before, I'm not you. It's your game and your decision. I can wait until 1.0.1 for that ;)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
And since I'm at it: an idea:

A quest to test a lycantrophy cure. You have to bring in a warewolf slave, and on success, the slave loses furry aspects (leaving only tail and ears)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
Herms are dropped at v1.0.0. The reason is because they add burden to writers (e.g., see how free cities need to basically take care of herm as a third gender in their sex menus). Before v1.0.0, herms were un obtainable. At the moment, you can (with great difficulty) make male slave with breasts, but you cannot make a slave have both pussy and dick at the same time.
That's VERY dissapointing...


Dec 11, 2018
darkofoc. I admire the dedication and speed of game development.

About the event editor.
I tried to do something like "Forced Encounters" in No Haven. And it seems to me that I need the ability to record flags attached to the character. Then use flags in the event triggering restrictions. To organize a chain of events tied to specific characters.

Or is there some other better method for creating such event chains?


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
weerchange Well, yes actually. In the engine, there is a system where you can add and remove tags to units, which basically function as flags. It's there in the engine, but I forgot to put them in the Content Creator. Let me do it now...

Edit: Let me also clarify: there are two ways to design chain quest in this game. First, if the unit is one of your units, you can attach them flags with the (upcoming) unit-flagging feature. Second, if the unit is an outsider, then it can be done via making a "persistent unit" (in No Haven term, think the Mistress of the Ensnared rose, but actually a unit that exists and is partially randomly generated) --- this cannot be done via content editor however, but it's very easy to do and so anyone who wants to do it can leave the corresponding rewards blank, and I will fill it manually in the game.

Edit2: weerchange tags is in the content creator now (v0.12.4.17)
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
darkofoc, here's an idea for another unit filter: "(Idle)". It would only show idle slavers/slaves, regardless of whether they're attached to a team. A "(Busy)" filter could be useful as well, although I'm not sure about it.

A common use case would be when optimizing teams for quests. You assign a team, look what has to be changed to make full use of the quest, unassign the team, switch to the slavers list (which was already set to "Idle") and there are those slavers waiting for you, you don't need to look for the team they were on.

The only drawback I can see is, some units would be included in more than one filter.

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Mar 9, 2018
justcuriousyouknow thanks for submitting the quest. However, there's several problem with your quest that makes it unsuitable at its current state to be in the game. For instance, it does not appear in any quest pool, meaning the quest will never get scouted. A quest should appear at some location, like the plains or city, etc. The flavor text / description I feel is also weird to read --- I understand it is copy pasted from one of the existing quests that converts a slave to slaver. While it works there, I feel it does not work for slaver -> slave.

If you need help on how to use the content creator, there's a detailed tutorial here: .

I feel that quests that converts a slaver to slave should have that conversion as a disaster outcome, not reward. For example, maybe the slaver got traumatized so badly that they hated being a slaver so much and chose to become a slave. Otherwise, it does not really makes sense that a slaver would be willingly be converted into a slave.
Right, I just did it that way because, at the time, I thought the events we create will automatically be added within the game for the player to try it out after making them. So, I didn't worry about the wording (I mainly focus on the other parts of it). I also didn't notice the quest pool part...I'll make sure to go over that. The reason I had it as a reward instead of a disaster outcome, is because I didn't want to go through the trouble of needing to traumatizing the slaver to make a slave. I just want to go ahead and make them a slave for my personal benefit (Though, that's just me). I just realized the hypnotizing skill! This event can make use of the skill! ...maybe I'll make two versions of the event then: one version that requires the hypnotizing skill to turn a slaver into slave, and another version to act as a disaster outcome.

Edit: Okay, I'm having trouble getting the "role" and "actor" , that I create, to be selected. It keeps saying " Rolename cannot be empty and must consist of lowercase letters and numbers only " and I followed the docs. If I try selecting an already present "role" or "actor" nothing happens. It isn't added...
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Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v1.0.0 is here!

Thanks everyone who took part in the journey and finally making it here. The completion would not be possible if for them --- Special thanks to Someguy01 Dirtyxmind docclox LordXenon_ Hermenegild

I await eagerly what kind of depraved content people add into the game.

And now on the 50-th day of the development, darkofoc can finally rest for a while...

Hermenegild busy/idle filter are in, they are a separate orthogonal filter than the rest.

justcuriousyouknow Ah, for actor/role names, you need to fill in the text box at the top of their pages. I've made them more obvious now.
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Jul 20, 2017
I downloaded the latest version of the game but dont have time to play right now. Nice work dev with all the speedy bug fixes and development, you must have solid programming experience.

I just wanted to say I looked through the game folders and saw the Paint map. I am not sure how its used or if its in the game, but I wanted to suggest a very nice website where its really easy to create fantasy maps for free.


Game Developer
Oct 7, 2020
v1.0.1 made compiling the game stupidly easy. For example, on windows, all you have to do is execute the "compile.bat" file.

Hopefully this will encourage more people to mod the game and contribute code too!

thehyena Thanks for the info. I'll check the tool out, it looks neat!

Edit: v1.0.1.4 finally fixed the refresh bug. Refresh the pages to your heart content now!

Edit2: v1.0.2.0 should have squashed most of the bugs that were there in release.
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