Am I the only one who fuckin hates roomate David with a passion? Mr no neck steroid junkie, hope he fuckin ods from steroid injection and I’m the only one around that can save him and I’ll just walk away.
Yeah I’m a cold hearted motherfucker in this game and that fuckin piece of shit steals Melissa and then rubs it in our face bangin her all over the house. Even if you do a photoshoot for girl of the week this bitch still doesn’t give you any ass, or I’m a dumb fuck and don’t know how to pick the right choices with her.
And even getting backstage passes for Amanda she just says thanks and then goes home with the bbc, what the fuck?
also apparently I’m not good at taking pictures cause they always tell me I could do better even though I mostly pick the headshots and not the ass and tits shots cause I thought that’s what Adele would want.
So hers my kill list
drug dealing bouncer
herm of you played season 1 you cucked him 1st
actually twice you fucked his girlfriends mother and his girlfriend so...
also you can fuck the coke stoked whore later on
and if you get her into porn you can totally wreck her!
So why the hate dude?
David is mahh boyhhh
and i also intend to create a strong group of friends
HoneyGames allows it
with Luana ex- on and off boyfriend milf motherfucker
and clothes store girl husband and ofc the nerd...
we all need a nerd to make us look even better and plus he is rich so he can pay for shit!
still trying to decide who will be the 5th,
the big dude that we pay and give a baseball bat to fuck people up!
yoshi could be useful if he could be trusted...
perhaps the other photographer can get us some blackmail on some bitches but...
i'm sort of the kind of dude that enjoys getting his own blackmail material
Greg could also be a good choice especially after the divorce!
but it will be Mike the baywatch porn producer for sure!
with side characters on the side ofc,
mainly the movie producer the 3 jocks
and either the paparazzo or our colleague at the magazine!
Anyway my plan on the game is to build a strong core group with the people i mentioned
and then a wide social network that can help me making life easier!
perhaps even making peace with big brother if he can ever forgive me for fucking his wife...
blood should be stronger than a pussy after all...
oh right just remembered... the psychologist could be a great buddy!
friends make everything better... its all i am saying!